Make Money Online

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing In 2024 (For Beginners)

and one of the interviews like blew up it got like nearly 300 000 views and people like we want this product we want this product I'm like I don't have a product to sell and my mentor's like we'll give you 50 and I'm like are you serious and all I did was I invited them to a workshop my manager did the selling and then I made 300 Grand I was like whoa [Music] here's a way that I accidentally made 300 Grand in 30 days with affiliate marketing now it was the year I think it was like 2017 or 18 and I was like struggling with so many different business models I was traveling around the world making money but it was always like up and down and up and down and never sustainable and the thing that was like most important to me was Freedom like I didn't care how I was going to make money online I just wanted the most amount of Freedom possible so I could focus on my health my creativity and my family that was like the most important to me so obviously I kept on getting into affiliate marketing into affiliate marketing but I didn't know how people were like secretly making millions with affiliate marketing uh and I was just constantly angry at myself because it was like why does it seem like affiliate marketing is way better for someone else and it's not for me right because I literally fell in love with the business model you're telling me I can sell a product someone else will deliver the product they'll do the selling for the product I only have to do marketing and they'll give me most of the money like something about that was drawn up to me because I just don't like managing people I don't like building teams I don't like complicated Business Systems I just like to keep it as simple as possible but again I had no idea exactly how to do it I was doing all the these business ideas I was traveling around the world I was like making money and losing money making money losing money it wasn't consistent and I was just always struggling and Confused not wondering why I couldn't build something for the long term and actually get the freedom that it is that I wanted and I remember just like living in Thailand like I remember living in a 200 a month apartment uh just saving as much money as possible to hit my fire number my Financial Freedom number and just you know saving money building a bunch of businesses and I realized I'm like okay let me go ahead and try to get an affiliate marketing and what actually changed my life was going to the gym and having bad form in an incline bench because there was this one big guy that came up to me was like hey mate your form is off and at any given moment in my past I would been angry at this person oh this person's stupid what's he doing calling me out my form but I was like you know what this guy's bigger than me he has a result of the one I'm going to listen to him and this one guy literally became one of my closest friends and for some reason this one guy at the gym in freaking Chiang Mai Thailand introduced me to the top affiliate marketers in the world making millions of dollars every single year so it's actually crazy when you go ahead and just trust in the universe and realize that you don't know who people know and you're only one connection away from completely changing your life right and he started introducing me to all his multi-millionaire affiliate marketer friends and I started learning exactly how they were going ahead and making money and essentially what I did is I just shadowed them for a year there's about five of them and for a couple months each I would just Shadow each one of them I would find out what their biggest pain points were many of the times it was like dating so one of them was like oh I like Asian girls cool I don't like Asian girls I'm gonna go ahead and just talk to all beautiful Asian girls and start just introducing them to you oh my god this is my mentor he changed my life right oh I I need help on my health cool let's go to the gym let's do squats I'm healthy I'm young I'll motivate you let's go ahead and you know get in a good shape and many times my Inn into these affiliate marketing millionaires was like my health and fitness and my ability to just talk to random strangers right that I got when I was younger because I didn't know how to talk to random strangers right I started getting closer and closer and closer and closer with them and when I started doing that I was like well I'm already asking them questions about affiliate marketing I might as well just interview them so I literally turned on a camera it was a really crappy camera at the time and then I just used my phone as like the microphone and I would like do a little mini podcast before like podcasts were like popular back in the day I was just like interview them and slowly but surely the audience just started growing and growing and growing and growing around affiliate marketing around what people actually once and liked right to the point where they were reaching out to my mentors and like we want to buy something to eat from you we want to buy something from you and my mentors were going up to me because they're making millions and they're like dude this is around the time when you should sell them something like what are you talking about well when you build an audience and they want something from you you should sell them something and I'm like well I don't have any products are you an idiot we do affiliate marketing for a reason you could be an affiliate for us I'm like what do you mean well we all have our courses what if you just recommended our courses to the people that essentially came from the interviews that we were doing I was like I never really thought about that and one of the interviews like blew up it got like nearly 300 000 views right and people like we want this product we want this product I'm like I don't have a product to sell and my mentor's like we'll give you 50 and I'm like are you serious and all I did was I invited them to a workshop My Mentor did the selling and then I made 300 Grand I was like whoa this is probably the fast way that I've ever made money online like I've tried so many different business models but with affiliate marketing I literally made 300 Grand in profit in less than 30 days now how can you backtrack that if you wanted to go and do this for yourself if you want to go and create something for yourself if you want to go and do this well maybe you don't want to build an audience what do you want maybe you'd want to go and share your face on camera how would you go and do this well we literally did this like for example with a bunch of our students like a bunch of our students accidentally started making so much money like with this method uh when I was like selling Health and Fitness Products right I made eight grand in 30 days but once we actually developed it people were doing zero to eight grand a day in like their first month and it was like it was ridiculous because it was like just

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