Finally leaving Nigeria! Last days In Lagos + Pack With Me + Getting My Hair Braided | Travel VLOG

[Music] but what I didn't know is that a stage would be my cage [Music] wanna see my words when no one else does [Music] repeat [Music] hello is this camera even properly please please watch it hey guys what is up welcome back to another vlog ha welcome back to another Vlog okay so I should have started this Vlog about two days ago three days ago but for the past two days I've not been in the best state of mind I actually was apparently the hair I bought is not of the best quality at least to me but I'm currently in a back and forth situation with a big seller and to be honest I don't think there's anything she can do about it because I bought them as bundles and now I've worked them so it's not in the original state even if she was going to do anything but I don't know how this is going to turn out I just wanna hope that it turns out because to be honest I don't like the air like look at this air now this is not even a bone straight this is just a super double drone it's bouncy okay but that hair I don't know maybe it's just me I've never owned it when six inches air before I think the most I have is like 22. I think my blood is 26 but because that one shared a lot soon I don't know and it's not a bunch to it I tend to like call it and yeah I can't taste but the bone straight the 26 inches I tend to see and people they are usually very silky right but this is not giving me the silkiness I don't know maybe 200 000 is a small amount of money to get a bone straight of that length but I mean I should at least you get value for it but anyways that's why I decided to get into today's video right so right now um I'm stepping out I'm heading out I'm traveling okay okay okay okay rewind I'm gonna be traveling to Lagos this weekend not this this is the weekend I'm supposed to travel this weekend but like I said I was not in a good state of mind and I'm supposed to film videos before I travel but apparently I couldn't film the videos so I'm gonna be traveling by Monday or Tuesday by the grace of God may God be our lives I won't be traveling by Monday or Tuesday today Saturday but because I'm traveling after traveling to Lagos you know the airport is in Lagos yeah therefore it is indigo so that's why I have to go to Lagos so I'll go to my parents place my mom's house first for I think for four or five days because I have to do some things individuals I have an event coming on and I need to get to The Stylist I need to buy something at balugu Market I just need to do run so many errands in Lagos which is why I have to go there early but the main thing is I'm traveling next weekend next week is it next weekend is I don't know I don't know my schedule for now but I'm going to try to post this Vlog quite trouble so let me know where you think I'm going to and I'm traveling with my baby okay I know it's gonna be really really stressful but fingers crossed fingers crossed hopefully I'm able to like navigate the old thing so that's just the case right now I want to get to the mall and get the food co I just want to go out today right because um my cousin has been with us for a while now and she has never been to ibadan I'm not a going out person so I just want us to kind of like step out and the only place I knew is the mall actually and because I also want to get an outfit for my baby it's currently winter where we are going to and uh I don't know even me I'm allergic to cold I'm allergic to rain so I need to buy myself like a two-piece sweatshirt but that would be because I already saw some stores online Tito sent me some pages that I can shop from but I still want to win my options but I want to go prepare to get my baby I think really thick outfits that they can wear because we don't have winter in Nigeria so we didn't buy clothes like that it only has about you and surprisingly I tried them out yesterday now basically I have to get new outfits for him hopefully I'll get in bed um what else what else yeah and I have to buy some stuff by I think majorly toiletries and we also want to eat we're tired of eating of food I don't know we just want to eat something so yeah let's just to run down I don't want this video to be too long so I'm bringing this bad boy out yo my bad boy you know what this bad boy is how is it not focused when it's bad boys out it's about to believe ah for the first time in a long time I'm going to be vlogging with my camera again immediately for like the travel Vlogs yeah I'm prepared to be sick of me hopefully I have the strength and energy to Vlog considering that I'm doing with my baby but yeah I'll be responsible odd me accounting only accountable ask for the Vlogs but I'm gonna try so yeah I'm waiting for my sister to get ready and Happy Children's Day guys I love you I'm sure you what I'm wearing I'm wearing this Jean my stomach is still pretty big guys I'm wearing this Jean it's a crazy Jean and I'm wearing this top I got to stop from Shane but let me tell you the trick to buying from she in is not by Sheen but it's to buy others they are brands that they haven't seen for example there's Daisy there's kosho there are different brands and that's why I basically shop from them because that way you get a better quality but yeah you got a g I'm gonna see you Lila [Music] with some coffee and croissants went to my favorite hello guys apparently we played ourselves the mall is parked I forgot what today is children's day or whatever it is they call it I actually thought today is 29th the public holiday but we couldn't stay at the mall because the crowd was crazy in fact where we had to the queue for the cars that needed to enter the mall was crazy so we just we decided to come to this a small I've been seeing it for a while now but we've actually never checked it out so we are here I don't know we just want to check through and whatever comes out of it I want you to stay don't see why you can't I promise I'll wait as long as I can yeah [Music] fall in love made room for you oh who finally got room for two I want you to stay don't see why you can't I promise away as long as I can yeah foreign hey guys what's up ah I'm so freaking tired I just finished streaming videos now since morning not since months is like afternoon I filmed 20 Instagram views and I was able to film two YouTube videos I was supposed to film like three four YouTube videos but nah I I really cannot stretch myself any further anyways when we go back home on Saturday I couldn't round up the Vlog because I was just so very tired everyone just it and went to bed yesterday I took my time to kind of like script out some of my content and today I filmed now we were not able to get everything we thought we were going to get in fact we didn't get most of the things I was gonna get um like a sweatshirt for a mirror but I couldn't find any the one I saw it was too big and it was so expensive the lady was telling me 25 000 era and I was like 25k for baby when you get work it was not even his size if it wa

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