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6 Online Platforms For Remote Jobs Hiring Now From Anywhere

I have six platforms that you can use to find full-time or part-time remote jobs and you can start earning money online today and the best part is that you can do these jobs from anywhere in the world and the first one is going to blow your mind because it was started by somebody just like you because they were frustrated for not being able to find online jobs that they can do from anywhere in the world so stay tuned so not long ago on Reddit somebody it's simply a user actually called or debug posted this article where he said he was tired of seeing jobs that were marketed as work from anywhere but they were not in fact work from anywhere jobs so he created on his own this website where he's curating truly remote work from anywhere jobs from many many many resources and he is offering them to you as well let me show you so if you go to is where he posts everything and you see that he says it's the world's only location independent job site made for digital Nomads obviously you don't need to be a digital Nomad to benefit from this selection you can work from your home you can work from somewhere some of the time and then back to your home it doesn't really matter and the best part of this website is that not only do you see very very recent job posts but also for many of them you will be able to see how much they're willing to pay so you see this job will pay between 70 to 125 000. this one is up to a hundred and thirty thousand for the head of developer relations if you qualify to become the chief risk and compliance officer then you can ask for up to a hundred and twenty thousand same for head of fraud operations you'll see that many of these jobs are technology related but not only you see there is one here that is looking for an online English teacher for a marketing copywriter for an SEO Outreach specialist who knows polish or an HR administrative assistant so you will be able to find slightly diverse jobs not vary I'll be honest with you and I think what you can do when you go to search for jobs you will see the kind of job types that you will be able to find and obviously many of them are technology related so engineer developer back end product manager quality assurance UI ux front-end so many of these are indeed technology related but you can search for marketing for example and you'll see the ones that are recently posted and if you qualify for some then go ahead and apply so let's take a look at one of them let's say you would be interested in marketing copywriter what you need to do is go ahead and review the job description figure out if you actually apply for it if you do qualify then click on the apply button and this will take you to another page where you can actually apply for the position what I would recommend to wordy bug is when he's looking to further improve the website because it's a very recent one literally started a couple of months ago is to create better filters here because you're not really able to figure out which ones are appropriate for your level of expertise maybe you're a beginner you don't have much experience and it's not worth clicking through every single job to figure out if you qualify or not but I think the exciting thing about this one is that you can get those opportunities that are newly posted directly sent to your inbox and I think the next one is going to be even more exciting because you can do that but by category the second platform that I want to share with you today is called truly remote let's take a look alright so is the website where you want to go what is really really interesting about this one like I said is that if you go all the way to the bottom you will be able to sign up for weekly job alerts and you can tell them what kind of job category you're interested in and then just put in your email and subscribe so let's take a look at what kind of options and opportunities you have here first of all you are able to search by job title and Company which I think is really cool now is that enough definitely not they can certainly do better and offer you an opportunity to filter by level of experience for example but this is good enough let's say so you can go here and search for I don't know let's say marketing and then it'll show you all the marketing related jobs that are recently posted if you don't want to type here you can go and select something in the filters underneath so you can go for development design product marketing business operations Finance sales HR customer service others and all so let's see what they have for customer service for example they have some customer success and Technical Support roles product Advocate content moderator customer success manager manager customer success growth Accounts customer success English gaming support so you definitely are able to find more diverse jobs here and one thing that I really really like about this website is that they have very cool future looking and future-proof jobs so you'll find many metaverse or let's say cryptocurrency type roles you also have jobs from Spotify which I think is really cool character concept artists for metaverse games and events manager product advocate for metabase but you also have more traditional jobs like FP a manager and technical support and head of marketing and talent sourcer again what you need to do if you feel like you qualify for one of the jobs is just click on it it'll take you to another website where you can directly apply if you feel like the requirements are something that you can easily check off and the next website is also just as cool and even more so because there anyone who wants to post a job needs to pay quite a hefty amount in order to post that job so you definitely are certain that those jobs are legit let's take a look so this next platform that I want to show you is called we work remotely and on wework remotely as I said you need to pay 299 dollars if you want to post a job and all of these ones are really really curated ones so when you come to wework remotely you will see that people are required to pay this amount and that it's a website that works with Google Amazon base camp and many many other well-known platforms and companies and when you come here you will see obviously at the beginning a list of featured ones where the person or the company who's posted it probably paid even more to have it shown at the top but then you will be able to see absolutely every single other job that they have available many of them again are technology related so they're looking for front-end engineers and JavaScript Engineers specialized in react iOS developers lead front and engineer native iOS engineer and so on and so forth so here in terms of filtering again it's not very Advanced you are only able to go and search simply by scrolling if you go and click on the search button here you will be able to tell them if you want a full-time or a part-time job if yo

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