Make Money Online

7 Easy Ways To Make Money With Pinterest (2024)

with over 450 million monthly users Pinterest remains one of the best ways to generate money for free on the internet right now so in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you seven incredible ways that you can make an extra $2 to $5,000 every single month for the power of Pinterest none of the methods that I'll be mentioning in today's videos require you to have any kind of experience or even an existing audience you don't even need any money up front so all of these methods are zero risk but before we start you know the drill let me quickly introduce myself for those of you who are new here hi I'm Gia and and I'm here to help you run up a bag online so you can live the laptop lifestyle you deserve if that sounds good go ahead and drop me a laptop Emoji down in the comments and let's get right into the video so for the first method this is actually something that I speak about a lot on my channel and that is affiliate marketing I've been doing affiliate marketing for just under 3 years now and have made six figures with it already so it's a 100% legit and proven business model that I can personally vouch for myself now for those of you who don't know affiliate marketing is basically where you get paid to promote other people's products so basically you can get your custom affiliate links from any affiliate Marketplace or affiliate program that links to a specific product now when you promote that product every time someone makes a purchase through that link you earn a percentage of that sale to implement affiliate links into your Pinterest what you would do because Pinterest is a photo and video based platform is you would upload content that points people to your affiliate list what I personally recommend is that you choose a niche or niche as some like to say and this is basically the theme of your Pinterest I've personally grown multiple Pinterest accounts and the one that makes me the most amount of money is actually in the luxury furniture and interior Niche and all I do is post pins like these and I'll tag my affiliate links to the actual pin so when people come along and let's say they really like a rug that I've posted There's the link available to them and they'll go ahead and make that purchase to be able to see success with affiliate marketing using Pinterest I definitely recommend that you post at least 3 to five pins a day and a good thing is is that you can just go ahead and create a Content schedule whatever types of pins you decide to post is completely up to you but you can easily use kit or canva to create the graphic I do have a more in-depth video on how to do this exact method so I'm going to go ahead and Link it on the screen right now definitely add that to your watch later and let's move into the second method which is print on Dem Mark now just to show you an example this right here is the dashboard of one of my red bubble stores which is a print on demand store most of the traffic is coming directly from Pinterest for those of you who aren't too familiar with this business model print on demand is basically where you create designs that can be placed on t-shirts mugs totes and basically anything else that you could possibly imagine now when someone buys these designs they get printed by your chosen print on Dem mon company straight onto the product and then from there it gets shipped directly to your customers by that same company this is perfect because you don't actually have to spend money to make money you don't have to hold any inventory and on top of that you don't even need to be an amazing artist because you can use free graphic design platforms like canva or k to create these custom designs or you could even use AI again to see success with this I definitely recommend that you create a niche store so this could be pets or more specifically black cat it could be anime it could be absolutely anything you want the main M thing is to look at whatever the competitors are doing so you can literally look up your Niche on the bestseller section on red bubble and recreate those designs easily on canva or kit like I said then what you would do is create mockups which you can do on canva or kit itself or even Place this is going to put your design onto real life images so it looks more appealing and professional and from here you can post these mockups to your Pinterest with the direct link back to your red bubble then all that's left to do is wait for the celles to roll in my best advice is that you post as many designs as possible when I first started out I posted around 50 designs so I spent literally an entire day setting up my store and it was definitely worth it in the end obviously it makes sense to post as many designs as possible because you give yourself more opportunities of being seen and the more eyes you get to your products the more likely you are to get sales now keep in mind that red bubble actually already has its own organic traffic but Pinterest definitely helps because think about it you could easily end up with pins that reach hundreds of thousands of new people and that means you're going to get a whole ton of sales swiftly moving into method number three which is creating a one product Drop Shipping now Drop Shipping is a very scalable business model where you can basically sell products that are manufactured and shipped by A supplier of your choice this means that just like the previous method you won't ever have to touch a single one of the products that you sell just to show you an example this is an old store that I design and on here my main product was Jade rollers now Jade rollers as I'm pretty sure a lot of you can remember were really popping like back in 2021 2022 and to promote these Jade rollers what I did was head over to my suppliers product page I reused the videos of the girls using the Jade rollers on my Pinterest and these pins blew up and helped me make hundreds of sales back in 2022 now don't bother with Jade rollers if you are planning on doing this because I'm not going to lie the trend died completely so for you to see success with this method now you'll definitely want to identify a trending product or just any product that has a lot of wow factor you can do this by searching the recent results on Tik Tok for Tik Tok made me buy it or Amazon finds and once you found a product you can go ahead and add it to a Shopify store which you can quickly design using a free template on shop profile and from here you can post the pictures and videos of the original product from the vendor's page or even infographic pins that obviously link right back to your product page moving into method number four which is Amazon KDP now Amazon KDP stands for Kindle Direct publishing and this business allows you to publish and sell any kind of book and earn royalties like these of every sale so you can design things like Diaries journals workbooks and make around 5 to $15 or more per sale depending on how you

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