Make Money Online

5 Easy Side-hustles You Can Do From Your Phone ($30+ Per Day)

did you know that your mobile phone is actually one of the most powerful tools for earning an income online you can literally create different kinds of passive income streams active income streams or any kind of income stream using adjust your phone in today's video we're going to be exploring five ways that you can earn money by using your mobile phone if you are new here welcome to the channel my name is Queen magomani I share information on how to make money online and that's what you can expect to learn more of in this channel so do consider joining this family by subscribing also give this video a thumbs up if you find it valuable we're not going to waste any more time let's get right into this video at number one you need to explore or learn trading Forex this is one of the most efficient and profitable ways of making money using just your mobile phone although in the beginning it does require you to do some research to find the right platform for you the good thing is a lot of trading platforms have got applications that you can install on your phone and start trading on your phone which means that you can make money no matter where you are because we pretty much carry our phones wherever we are I personally trade Forex on IQ option using just my phone and the good thing about this option is you don't have to break the bank in order to get started you can start for free by practicing on their demo account and when you're ready you can invest a minimum of 10 US dollars to get started with this business and make more profits with your investment the second option that you need to consider is to take online service or paid service trust me there are so many companies out there who are looking for your opinion opinion and they are willing to pay you for your opinion and that's why online surveys are a great option more especially if you are a complete beginner with no investment as long as you have your phone connected to the internet which I assume you have if you are watching this video you have the tool to get started with online service now there is great potential with online service as there are so many applications that you can use to take online surveys or paid service this is another option where you can make at least 30 dollars even more with experience by using just your phone the third option has got very good earning potential and there are more and more opportunities coming up and that you can create for yourself as well so and that is becoming an online tutor with so many platforms coming up for people all around the world looking for ways to learn new things you know it could be a different language it could be a different skill there's so many opportunity and potential for you to make money using just your phone online tutoring does not require a lot of things you simply need to have the knowledge for the subject and the topic that you want to tutor in but you can literally use your phone to connect to the internet and connect to your students or clients from all across the globe and of course you can create your own courses you know filming yourself with your phone you can also tutor here on YouTube filming with just your phone or creating content with your phone and teaching people the different skills that you have this is one of the most profitable ways of making money using your phone and number four we have becoming a thumbnail Creator yes guys this is one of the most sought after services or skills that you can have and the good thing is there are so many free platforms that can help you get started with this for an example you can come onto YouTube and find different tutorials on how to create a thumbnail you can then go onto platforms like canva and use the free Vision to create the different thumbnails for for your clients and of course there are many other apps and websites where you can generate thumbnails for your different clients depending on the requirements that they have and of course the skill that you have now the good thing about this is thumbnails now make up a lot of the content that we are using online for every video to have that visibility and to attract viewers it needs a thumbnail and that's why a lot of content creators are willing to actually pay thumbnail designers to create their thumbnails so they can stand out or so they can have their content stand out on different platforms not only on YouTube but on Instagram also on Facebook on websites and blogs and so on you can find such kinds of opportunities on platforms like Fiverr upwork and many other different freelance platforms you can also advertise yourself you know to different uh content creators by contacting them directly and offer you services to create their thumbnails at number five 5 you can become an app tester there are so many apps that are coming up onto the Google Play Store and App Store on a daily basis and before all of those apps are released to the market these companies or the companies that are developing them want to know that they are functional they serve the purpose that they are designing them for they want to find out if they are bags and how different people from different locations are experiencing these applications before they are released and that's why they are willing to pay you highly to test these applications testing ads on your phone is a no-brainer because if it's an application you need to see how it works on the different operating systems so there are so many opportunities online for testing apps and different websites that you can use to test apps and how much you earn depends on the opportunity that you get it depends on the platform the length of the work or the scope of the work but you can earn pretty much anything from five US Dollars all the way up to 300 US dollars or even more testing different ads and one of the websites that I love for this type of cider Soul or way of making money using your phone is this platform here called respondent it is a website for different Professionals in different Industries and testing apps is one of the tasks or jobs that you can do here but just to show you some of the amounts that you can earn here you can be matched as an Enterprise and software user to earn 750 US dollar as an hourly incentive business owners can earn 500 US Dollars uh executive 700 US Dollars Market has 500 150 US Dollars and when you open all of those different job categories you will see that there's quite a lot of things that you can do including testing different apps here so yeah guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you found value in it and if you did remember to give it a thumbs up I will see you in the next one until then have a great time

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