Money Makng App That Pays in 2023? – My Grapedata App Review

hey guys welcome back to my channel and thank you so much for tuning in in today's video of money making apps review I'll be sharing with you a new money making app that has got great potential this app has already paid me but it's not what you think so in sure to stick with me until the end of this video as I'll be taking you through this money making app as well as show you what I've earned and the potential that the ease of earning with this money making app if you are new here welcome to the channel my name is Queen magomani I share information on how to make money online and money making apps are some of my favorite ways of making money online I'm not going to waste any more time I want us to have a look at this money making app that has already paid me some money so you get to know what to expect the name of a money making app is grape data according to their platform they are available worldwide you can download this money making app for both Android and iOS it is a market research platform some of the example market research projects that I've seen have paid people over 500 pounds in this platform so there is great potential of making money however I have to let you know that how many surveys there are in the platform depends on your geolocation a lot of clients may want to do research in certain countries much more than in other countries the amount of companies who want to do Market Research in your country for people with your profile determine how much you can get to make with this platform now it's important that when you participate here you give honest facts honest truths truth and you stay consistent with your answers because they check every survey before processing their payment just to make sure that you've been paying attention answering the right questions and so on so these are the things that I want to put on the table before I show you the platform now let's have a look at this platform on the actual website before we go into the app great data is this platform that I'm looking at here on my screen you'll see that they say make data driven decisions using geolocated surveys using a combination of AI and Hyper personalized targeting a lot of the information that's on their home page is mainly meant for their customers all these different organizations and companies who want to conduct market research and pay you and I for participating and answering their questions to get started you need to come to their website and click on contributors here you can find out more information as I responded but yeah guys before we check it on the app I want us to check some reviews because I thought the reviews were also very interesting for this money making app when you go into trustpilot you immediately see that they have a 4.2 star rating they are a verified company and they've had 337 reviews uh you know for their platform and as you scroll down you also see the review percentages 69 of people or users have given this platform five stars and the rest of the percentages were split amongst the other levels as well I did go ahead and read comments as well as the reviews that people have left overall I would say 95 of the people who rated here have rated this platform on a positive aspect they're showing also that they are earning it only depends on the project how long it's supposed to run and how much the project offers which you will know beforehand you can check out some reviews on Google Play here it has been downloaded on the Google Play Store over a hundred thousand times it has a 3.5 star rating on the Apple Store as well you'll see that they have a 3.9 star rating with 85 ratings you know of people who have written or left comments about this platform let me show you guys how to sign up you can choose to download the app and sign up on your phone or you can go to the web and sign up from there so now I'm on their website simply click the register button over here to start the sign up process and go to this error drop down arrow you see a flag here and select your country so you will need to scroll down until you can see your country of residence or wherever you stay and select your country you first need to enter your phone number which will be verified by the company you know when through the sign up process you also need to enter your name your last name create a password and then you show them where you found them from so if you are or you are discovering this platform from YouTube if you're watching from my channel now you simply say YouTube over here select YouTube over here agree to their privacy policy and start the sign up process there will be some requirements further on where you need to fill in your profile and anything else they will let you know guys it's not a difficult sign up process so this is how you sign up I want to talk about the payment proofs that I received from the platform before I show you or and explain to you what they were for and exactly what I think about this money making app you'll see here that on the 14th of February 2023 I did receive a PayPal confirmation of a payment from grape data or grape here which is their platform or the money making app we're talking about and of course it is of 30 cents US Dollars yes guys I did talk about a hundred US dollars for US Dollars I'll explain to you what this money is for and so on so you can make your decision and I received again on the 16th of February 2023 another payment from this money making app of 30 cents in US Dollars on the same day I received another payment of 30 cents in US dollar so the difference here will be the time that you know they process the payment as you can see here maybe at the same time but you know the payments came minutes apart I did receive another one today which is the day that I'm filming this video of 30 cents so how did I end this money I'm now on my phone to show you the app and how I earned those 30 cents in US dollars so you'll see this is how the app looks like and if there were available projects that I can fill for money they will be shown here where they're sorry there aren't any projects matching your profile also go to discover to see if there are available projects that you can participate in in order to earn money the most important thing is to keep your profile updated by clicking here update your profile in your favor on this tab where you see projects this is where you're going to see pretty much how I earned this amount of money you'll see that I did a project on my personal lifestyle I also did a project on my professional and career Interest online habits and so on so this one is still processing the payment so this is what they've paid me 4. the good thing here is when you ask answer your profile you get paid those cents you know just for answering your profile they did pay into my PayPal now I haven't done a project in this money making app but the fact that they invested in those small surveys which took about

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