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I’m Retiring At 35 – Here’s How

so the traditional life model teaches us that we need to work really hard and sacrifice while we're young so that by the time we turn 65 we can build up this nest egg and retire comfortably all this money but nothing to spend it on and honestly that's a good model for a lot of people they work hard at a regular job they get a pension they get a 401k and by the time they're 65 they're ready to make that big step but if you're anything like me there's something pushing you to push back that date from 65 to 55 45 or even 35. so this video is going to go over my current plan at the age of 31 to retire at the age of 35. two caveats i've been working on this since i'm 27 and the second thing is i am not a financial expert in any way shape or form now there's two primary ways that i plan on doing this the first one is through building an online business that generates a lot of income on the side basically it allows me to stop trading time for money which is going to be essential for me to be able to retire 30 years earlier the second thing i'm going to do is take the profits from this online business and hopefully invest them in smart investments that makes sense for the retirement plan that i'm trying to build here so let's talk about the online business and then we'll move on to what we're doing with the money so i always encourage people to start businesses but the business model that i use i think is particularly effective for someone that's trying to break away from the rat race and potentially get that retirement date up and that's using an online business that kind of focuses on passive income and focuses on bringing in revenue while i'm not actively working so the way i do that is through places like youtube what you're watching right now you can see here on this youtube channel i've made about 3 600 in the last uh 28 days or the last month so 3 600 a month in this youtube channel and that's just from ads now the really cool thing about this is that most of the money most of this money right here is not coming from the last few videos i put out most of that money is coming from videos like this one right here or even this one right here where i made the video years ago and it's still getting a significant number of views so youtube is this awesome platform where you can create a literal digital real estate empire and you can be making money from from work you did years ago and it also grows exponentially because i'm already making right i'm making about 3 600 a month off all of my old videos and that means that each new video i build continues to add to that amount that i make each month so next month it'll probably be 3 800 or 4 000 and it continues to go up from there as i continue to add videos to this real estate empire right here you can see right here at the bottom of the screen i've put out according to youtube at least about 130 videos so that's 130 videos in my digital real estate empire and the goal is to get that to up to about 300 videos bringing in closer to 10 000 every single month by the time i'm 35. now let me show you the reason that i'm choosing this route for my online business you can see on here on this screen this is another channel that i run that that i honestly haven't put out much content in the past two or three years i put in maybe three to four videos in the last few years but you can see here that in terms of my my revenue here i'm still bringing in about 990 dollars every month you can see this month in particular was pretty good but i'm averaging about 600 to a thousand dollars every single month off this old channel this means that hopefully when i retire at 35 i've already got three or four different channels that are all running effectively and uh can continue to bring in money for three to five years after that retirement date let's talk about investing so i'm going to go over the three different investments that i'm making right now and and how i'm getting involved in them and kind of show you who i'm working with on these the first one is real estate and the company i use for all my real estate is called dfy real estate they're based in utah and they have been incredible to deal with so they've we've purchased three properties through them and are planning on purchasing three more and what dfy real estate does is they find good real estate investments for you they do all the rehab they get the property management set up they get the loan set up they do everything so that you can basically just sign a paper at the end and put down a down payment and they're almost always profitable homes so you can see here one of the ones that we bought in indianapolis we told uh done for you real estate that we were ready to go they sent us you know within a few weeks this it's uh called a pro forma and it basically gave us numbers and broke down numbers and said we assume that this based on all these numbers will be how much you make every single month each year off of this investment you can see here about 430 350 370 400 and they've come pretty close to this on every single estimate they've given us so far now this is awesome because there's no work involved in finding the property or finding the deal they do all that there's no work involved in running numbers or rehab they do all that and then you can see here i've got property management built in so there's no work along the way finding tenants and managing tenants they do all of that so essentially what's happening here is i am being paid four hundred dollars every single month just to build up an asset that will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in 20 to 30 years now the caveat is i did have to put down a down payment for each of these houses this is very traditional real estate investing but if you've got some money to put down on something like this it has been incredible to deal with and and we continue to grow our rental portfolio almost on autopilot just every time we have enough money we put the money into these houses the second way is the stock market is traditional 401ks and things like that now i'm doing it in a unique way because traditional entrepreneurs like me struggle because we often don't have company matches and all these different things that regular employees get and so we don't have as many options but what i have is what's called a solo 401k and what that means is i've created my own company that does have a 401k for me this means instead of the 5000 or 6000 traditional limit that you get with an ira i can actually create a 401k and match it with my own company and you can see here the limits come closer to 57 58 000 which means if i can make 57 to 50 thousand dollars i can put all of that into an ira and better yet it's a roth ira where i know i can be safe from taxes in the future now the caveat with this one is obviously i can't pull out the money anytime soon so this is kind of a backup plan now the goal with this yeah this is a retirement calculator i'

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