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How To Sell Online Courses With No Audience (2024)

this is literally the best way to sell online courses and make millions of dollars in passive income even if you don't have any followers let me explain as a recent data suggests the global e-learning market is going to reach over $325 billion by 2025 some of the biggest influencers you know mostly made their Millions by selling online courses YouTuber Eric who's not even in the educational space made over $10 million selling his course called Creator now 22 years old imang gaji has been making tens of millions of dollars selling his SMA courses Ali abdal makes over $5 million a year selling online courses Andrew Tate has been selling courses for years and now makes over $500,000 a day but how do you make money online selling courses without being famous without any followers and with no social media audience well this girl launched her first online course 5 months ago and she already makes over $660,000 a month with zero social media followers this girl who also doesn't have any social media followers has been selling her online course and making over $220,000 a month for over a year and frankly I've made millions of dollars selling online courses and I've used this exact same five-step formula that I want to share in this tutorial now it doesn't matter whether you're a student coach entrepreneur artist or simply a digital Creator selling an online course can help you in many different ways but first of all it's the easiest form of passive income because you're creating a digital product there is no limit to how much you can sell and obviously there is no limit to how much you can make you create digital product once and you can sell it again and again for an unlimited amount of times courses I made 5 years ago are still to this day producing even a little bit of money to say that it is pure passive income and besides being one of the most profitable form of online business it also allows you to establish yourself as an authority in a particular industry it also helps you educate your community on a topic that you are also passionate about and people who are also in the same Mission are going to learn from you and just sharing your expertise and knowledge can can have a global impact on millions of people around the world so according to the new research report by global market insights the ill earning Market size is set to cross $1 trillion by 2028 and even though there are literally millions of different reasons why someone would sell a course some of the biggest concerns are like yeah but I don't have an audience or yeah but I don't even know what to talk about in my course or yeah but I don't even know how to actually sell the course and those are all the things that we will go through step by step in this tutorial so that by the end of it you can understand exactly why some complete beginners go from zero to making over $30,000 a month selling online courses while some struggle for years and potentially never even get their first sale okay so before we talk about how to actually get sales with no social media followers you need to First create your course the right way it doesn't matter whether your teaching in your course how to play a guitar or how to do dropshipping or anything else this exact same framework applies to everyone first of all you need to choose a course topic and finding ideas for your course shouldn't be that hard at all because you just got to look at what you are passionate about or something that you have expertise in it's also important that you somewhat choose a popular topic that's actually going to draw people into the product so that they actually invest in it and if you have no idea what we talk about in your course just ask yourself these questions do your friends Mom Dad family customers or colleagues ask you for something specific that you can help them with or ask yourself have you solved some problem in the past that was big and that really really took time to solve and you went from point A to point B or if you have a social media account or any social pres social media presence just post it out there and ask your audience over there even if it's just your friends ask them create a list of different topics and just ask them what they would want to learn from you for example I started making faceless videos back in 2012 and it took me almost 7even years to figure out how to actually make money off of those videos so now I've helped over 3,000 students cut the learning curve and learn some something that took me 7 years and something that frankly lost me tens of thousands of dollars they can now learn it in less than two hours from my course and they can get it done in less than 30 days something that took me seven years so I went from point A to point B and I just show them how to cut the learning curve so they they don't have to go out there and learn something from seven years so the same can apply for you just think about something that you did in the past it can be even on a smaller scale but something that helped you go from point A to point B and it took you a lot of time to figure out and now you just package it in one thing so that people have it all in one place so they they don't have to go and learn it the hard way after that you want to create a course outline a course outline includes the following so first of all we have the course name and description and for the course title you can just use some of the Frameworks that I wrote that are on the screen right now you can just pause the video and you can use some of these Frameworks after that you need learning objectives learning activities per module or just create lectures within each module and optional you can also add some supporting material or even your own support contact details frankly you can also use chat GPT to write a draft for your course outline so you can simply ask it let's say I'm making a course on how to create a website without HTML or any coding skills this course is aim for complete beginners who want to do it fast I will talk about XYZ based on this information create an outline for this course with seven different modules and lastly before you actually start selling the course you need to actually create it based on the outline and lesson plan that you previously wrote down you will need to actually create the content someone who's more experienced can easily just sit down and record everything at once just from simple notes or bullet points but someone may need a complete word byword script and that's fine just take two or three weeks to just deeply research the topic write down what you want to talk about and then record it just take your time remember this is something that you want to create once and it's going to sell for hopefully the next years or even almost a decade and for example no matter how advanced I consider myself after years and years of selling digital products online I still now sat down and spend three months just outlini

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