How to Build an Online Store From Your Phone! (STEP BY STEP) EASIEST Shopify Store Tutorial

hey future millionaires my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today I'm going to show you the simplified method of how you can start a fully functioning online store in less than 10 minutes straight from your phone it has never been easier to start an online store and with these new tools that nobody else is talking about on YouTube I am so excited to share with you guys the most simplified method that is also effective to building your online store so you can stop procrastinating and start your online business today and I madean right now so grab your phone and let's go no matter what you were selling online this tutorial will work for you whether you're selling physical products or digital products or starting a Drop Shipping Store print on demand inventory based e-commerce store or anything else with a product to sell online you are in the right place people definitely over complicate the process of starting an online store and the most important thing with anything in life is taking action and getting started the goal with this video is to get you through the most tedious parts of starting an online store so you can put more time into the things that really matter such as your marketing strategies and getting sales it's so important like I said to not over complicate the process of starting an online store which is why I created today's video my YouTube channel is your number one source for 100% free education and courses all I ask him return for the free education is just hit that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to create free courses and videos just like this now let's get right into today's tutorial people will try to charge you thousands of dollars to build an online store for you but as always I've been working on some projects for you guys lately to simplify the way you do online business and I personally got involved in creating this AI bought that builds your online store for you for free so the first thing that you're going to do is click the link at the top of my description box that says get your free online store or just go on your phone browser and type in buildy your store. a/– buus you can also follow along this tutorial from your computer too if you choose to I just wanted to show you how simple it is and that you can do it from your phone cuz I know some of you guys told me in the comments that you don't have a computer so I was like you know what I got you we're doing this from the phone today I will also pin this link to the top comment so you guys can find it easy now the beauty of this is that there's no work needed on your end the only thing you have to decide is what Niche you will choose for the AI to build your online store for you and within 2 minutes this system will fully build you an entire online store for free so let me show you how this works so once you're on the website just click on build my free store enter your name in here enter your email and right here you're going to pick your niche you can choose fashion and apparel pets Electronics Home and Garden Sports and Fitness or I'm not sure which will just give you a random one if you don't see your Niche here just pick the niche that's most similar to what you are doing so for this video I'm just going to pick a random one and we're going to pick the Home and Garden Niche then just hit build my free store now once the store is created it's going to give you this email and password this is your store login so make sure you save or take a screenshot of this because after you exit the page this will be gone so now just click on the link here or you can just go to Shopify and log in with these details you can just switch back and forth copy the email paste it here go back copy the password and paste it here now let's check out the website that the AI made for us it is so crazy to me that this AI bot creates this for us this fast now you can fully customize this store however you want you will notice that there are products selected for you already obviously if you're already selling your own products you are just going to go through these products just go to the sidebar here and then just click on products click products again and then it's going to bring you to the list of products that they imported for you so obviously you're going to just switch this up and you can import your own products done in here so you're going to just go through you can easily delete them by just clicking on the item scrolling down clicking delete but what I love about this AI system system is it it gets the hard work done for you so for example say you already have an online store you're just going to go in and you can customize this fully just by using your phone browser so instead of you having to start this completely from scratch you're really just taking it and then you're going to customize it a little bit to your liking but the bulk of the work is done for you and that's always the hups I feel like that you guys face is you're like oh my goodness I do not want to build a whole store from scratch like so I felt like this was such a good thing that could help you guys to take action and start your online stores even faster always think of AI as your coworker but you are the one that has to then take the work that the AI did to make it perfect now these products were imported for you through autods if you're not Drop Shipping then you would just disconnect the app and not use it and just delete the products like I said and you can just put in whatever products you want here to add a product you would just click add product on this upper right hand side here and then you would just type in the title of your product a description and upload the photo of your product it's very easy and straightforward once you start actually playing around with this and like getting used to the system it's very simple and user friendly now there are a few more things that we need to do and do not forget about in order to make this store yours and get it ready to go so you can start getting sales and making money you do only have 24 hours to do this after the store is created for you in order to keep the store so this is very important so just just go to settings and select plans you can just choose the basic plan here so just click select basic it is only a dollar to actually get started and then you would be built monthly after the free trial is over so just click select basic you're going to put in all your card information here then just scroll down and click continue then you're going to just click on subscribe then just finalize this part now you have to go to settings click users and permissions select transfer ownership add in your new email address here so like you can use your personal email address if you don't have a business email address that's fine so then you're going to just add in the password that

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