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How Much You Should Spend On Your Girlfriend (The Truth)

before I actually mention how much I spent on the girl that I would be dating you need to understand that spending money on women is not a bad thing but spending money on women that are not grateful and that disrespect you that is a bad thing [Music] how much do you spend on your girlfriend uh interesting question that I got asked just just recently how much do you spend on your girlfriend it's a very interesting question because it's something that you know no one really talks about how much you actually spend on your girlfriend you would see kind of like the guys that go ahead and spend on his girlfriend like we have this one guy who's telling me stories about his buddy and he was just like he bought his girl just a new Mercedes it didn't mean the girl respected him though right or this other guy he bought this girl a bunch of bags a bunch of bags and now he's like freaking crying because his girl is leaving him right so there's like this big pain point of oh how much do you actually spend on your girlfriend maybe I should spend the littlest amount possible because every single time I spend money on a woman I get disrespected well she is ungrateful for what is that I do for her and maybe instead of me actually giving to a woman maybe I should just be very stingy right maybe I should just not give any of my resources and I think that's one of the dumbest things that is literally one of the dumbest things now the reason why people are getting taken advantage of when it comes to protecting and providing a woman and still the a woman doesn't respect them is because they allow disrespect in the first place so before I actually mention how much I spent on the girl that I would be dating you need to understand that right spending money on women is not a bad thing but spending money on women that disrespect you is a bad thing I want you to separate those two things spending money on women is not a bad thing but spending money on women that are not grateful and that disrespect you that is a bad thing so before you can find out how much you could actually spend on your girl you gotta ask yourself well does my girl actually respect me and then when you ask yourself does my girl actually respect me you gotta ask yourself well am I a man worthy of respect and you start realizing actually okay huh it's not really uh spending money on my grow problems it's uh to actually respect myself problems and the problem most people especially men is they're like well every single time I spend money on my girl she's not grateful and she doesn't respect me so I'm gonna just stop and guess what you probably realize that it's not working at all either right it really stems on how much you actually go ahead and respect yourself so before I actually go ahead and realize that let me actually go ahead and tell you my story because I went through the exact same thing man I went through the exact same thing I remember when I was younger right and I had no money I had no money I was dating this girl and I was like you know this girl's gonna be like the most amazing girl in the world and I'm gonna love her and we're going to travel around the world together and we're going to create content together and we're going to be like such an amazing relationship and all I remember my biggest motivation was when we broke up because it didn't work out surprise surprise that I was gonna go ahead and travel around the world I would meet some influencer girl and we would fall in love and we would travel around the world and make a bunch of videos right so I ended up finding this girl we started dating and I had this mindset of I'm just going to give as much as possible I'm going to give as much as possible so everything that you want I was like I got you you want that bought you want that cool vacation let's go you want that ring let's go I'm just buying all these things right but for some reason as I was spending more money on the woman essentially what happened was she just didn't respect me as much isn't that weird right as I started spending more money on the woman as time went on our relationship got worse our relationship got worse right so obviously what would that do that that that let me go to the other side of the pendulum I was like okay well if she's not going to respect me when I'm giving and giving and giving and giving giving maybe let me try the opposite maybe let me start splitting the bill maybe let me start putting more financial responsibility on her so I was like let me let me try this right I was like huh okay me on my little pendulum oh this doesn't work giving and giving and giving and giving this work what if I just go the other extreme so she was rushing so you can see exactly how this worked right I was like okay we're gonna split bills didn't matter how much money I was making she wasn't grateful for when I was giving so let me just try the opposite let me go ahead and just let's just split the bill let's just split the bill and then I started putting more responsibility on her more responsibility than her and more financial responsibility on her and just what happened it didn't fix it it didn't fix it at all and I was confused I was like okay when I spend money on my girlfriend and when I don't spend money on my girlfriend I am still disrespected and then I started realizing what if it's not my girlfriend's fault what if it's my own fault but it's because I did not respect myself now what what does that actually mean to not respect yourself well there was a moment in time where she did a behavior that I did not like because the love making was so good and she was so beautiful I just ignored it I just ignored it I was like I don't want to bring this up she's going to cause drama and I don't have the time for drama and all these things so I'm just not gonna I'm not gonna say anything but that little piece of disrespect that starts building up into resentment that starts building up into the resentment where that resentment turns in anxiety and then before you know it I couldn't sleep before you know it I was just getting sick before you know it I started just getting emotional because of the fact that I just allowed that moment of disrespect to happen and Paul you know what I I became a woman essentially where essentially I started off very logical but for some reason I just felt like she couldn't hear me so I was now just getting emotional every single time she didn't understand me and no woman wants to be with the man that's like emotional all the time right no one does and I started realizing it was because I did not know how to respect my boundaries on what I was willing to put up with and what I didn't put up with and at the end of the day the reason why the woman didn't respect me was because there was a moment where she expressed disrespect or a moment where she expressed a small amount of lack of gratefulness I didn't call her out on it I didn't call her on it same way with a woma

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