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Go From Broke And Stuck To Purposeful And Wealthy (This Changes Everything! 🤫)

so when you're doing something outside of the norm people who are too scared to do those things will be looking at you like I can't wait to see you fail so I can laugh and so I can validate myself for not doing those things and so you know what I did Hi friend how are you I hope you're doing so super well let me know in the comment section how you're doing and even if you're not doing well that's one of the reasons why I made this video I'm doing all the things that were on my vision board that I used to pray about that I used to dream about on those days when I was sad thinking there was something wrong with me because I wasn't like my co-workers I didn't really fit into the big four corporate accounting world and I thought I was the problem but I was just not walking in my purpose I was doing what I thought was realistic and I was miserable these are Frameworks that literally helped me transform my life so my prayer is that at least one woman experiences the same transformation that I experienced Step One is awareness you cannot do what you don't even know is possible you have to start listening to podcasts reading articles and watching channels like this one so that you can expand your knowledge of what is even possible that's literally what I did I was watching CNBC make it all the time time I watched this video about Graham Stefan and it kind of blew my mind I read a book called The Dip which basically talks about how if you don't see yourself wanting the life of the people at the top of what you're doing then you probably need to make a shift with the current path that I'm on I see people who are way ahead of me and I want that the freedoms that they have time Freedom Financial Freedom creative freedom these are things that I've always wanted in my life but I was too scared to admit that about myself I didn't even know that these things were possible but they are and the reason why I know that they are is because I saw people who were doing it I saw Patricia bright I saw Paula shokun B I saw Jenna Kutcher I saw my league there are people who are out here creating something out of nothing and that awareness was literally step one but after the fire was lit and I'm like okay I I've seen all these things happen for these people is it possible for me and do I want it to and that took me to step two step two is setting your intentions and within this intention stage there are three things that I did one I created a vision board I just cut out all the pieces of the life that I want to live so what you want to do is get a board put the things that you want in your life but there are actually some specific things that I did when creating my vision board that I don't know if you care about like I don't know if you want to create a vision board for next year but if you do let me know in the comments section so that we could walk through a vision board together like creating a vision board together I don't know if that's something that you're interested in but if you are let me know in the comment section um so the first thing I did was to create a vision board the second thing I did was to write out goals Beyond seeing your vision you want to be able to turn that Vision into actual goals that you can achieve and there is a method called smart goal setting that we can talk more about in a different video because it's content that can fill up a whole video but the point is you want to make sure that you're turning your vision into actual goals that you can break down into daily tasks so that you can create the life that you really want the third thing I did within the intention phase is that I went to God I know not everyone believes in God but I believe in God what a lot of people call manifesting I call Miracles I lay my desires before him because I want to make sure that they're in alignment with what he wants for me when you buy a new Gadget you have to look at the manual right made by the manufacturer to find out how the thing is supposed to work that's the same way I interact with God and you can adopt that too and all of the things your strengths your weaknesses they all form who you are and who you are was designed for a purpose so you have to go to the manufacturer to ask him what did you make take me for step three is the competence step now after being aware of what's possible setting your intentions you now want to become competent at the things that you want to do I started to look like okay what are the things they have that I don't and I realized oh ball is a Certified Financial education instructor let me go and study and become that too these people are good with storytelling because if you're gonna sit here in front of a camera and make videos you have to understand storytelling you have to understand how to create videos you have to understand how to edit those things are competencies that would allow you to do the things you're saying you want to do and so I had to build those competencies like I had to learn how to do these things so if you're someone who is aware of all the things that are possible and you've set your intentions and you're like okay I definitely know what I want to do I just don't know how to do it I don't have the skill set then I have a gift for you explore skillshare who've been kind enough to sponsor this video skillshare has thousands of amazing classes from storytelling to starting a side hustle to building a personal brand to even video editing it's all on skillshare this is the class that I took to learn how to tell stories it's just an amazing class and I love how it's broken down so well if you want to explore skillshare the first 1000 people to use my link below will have the opportunity to explore skillshare for free for one whole month so thanks skillshare for sponsoring this video it's one thing to be aware to set your intentions and to be competent it's another thing to start taking action on what you know how to do you can know how to do something so well but if you don't do it you're not going to get the benefits and there'll be people out here with half your talent half your skills getting to all the big bags getting to all the opportunities just because they've decided to take action you have to start taking action on your goals on your vision but I know one of the things that stopped me for a very long time let's just call it what it is the fear of rejection I used to think that I didn't want my name to be attached to something that could fail but when you create something from scratch like a blog or a Channel or a book or a business you're going against the norm the norm is to go to school get educated and get a job so when you're doing something outside of the norm people who are too scared to do those things will be looking at you like I can't wait to see you fail so I can laugh and so I can validate myself for not doing those things and so you get scared because you don't want those people to laugh at you well t

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