Make Money Online

Easiest Ai Side Hustle Ever – ($3580 Last Month) Working From Home!

today I'm going to be showing you the easiest side hustle ever and no it doesn't take a bunch of skills or a bunch of money to get started actually this is going to be done using AI which means all we really need is internet access a computer or a phone and we can actually start getting paid today but you're gonna need to watch this entire video to find out exactly how I'm going to lead you through each and every step so you can start today and maybe even get pasted let's get started ah now before we get into how to get paid and everything like that I want you to understand that not everyone understands AI you've been in this space probably watching all kinds of videos about how to make money with AI which means that you kind of understand what's going on you know that there's AI out there that will do a lot of tasks that most people do online anyway for free or a fraction of the price now because we know that this puts us in a category all of our own and if we're able to learn different things about Ai and how to use it so that we can help other people with it then we can make lots of money but the first inclination is going to be well Marcus AI is free therefore everyone's going to use it for free and nobody's going to get paid anymore and that's where most people would actually be wrong just because something is free doesn't mean people aren't willing to pay for the output that it creates more about this in just a minute now the first thing we need to do when setting up for this side hustle so we can get paid right away is to go ahead and set up payment we need a way to actually get paid and get that money to us because on the internet you can get paid but sometimes you can't actually withdraw it or you can't use it the way that you intended so what we're going to do is we're going to set this up in a very simple way there are three options we're going to go through number one is PayPal PayPal is available in just about every country it's very simple it's very easy all you have to do is come over here and click on sign up in a matter of minutes you'll have an account people can PayPal you money you can get that in the form of a check a bank account wire or even use that PayPal money with a PayPal debit card or if you're not going to use PayPal you can actually set up using stripe again PayPal stripe and the next one we're going to talk about are actually free to set up they don't cost anything you just go here you click on sign up you get an account and boom you're in business just like that using PayPal I've been paid over a million dollars and using stripe which I just started back in 2021 we've actually taken close to a quarter of a million dollars worth of payments using stripe and the last free service we're going to talk about is Fiverr this is one of the smaller ones however you are going to be branching out on the trust factor that Fiverr has so it might be a little bit easier to get sales on Fiverr just starting out but if you've seen videos about posting things on Fiverr that's not what this is about we are actually going to be getting people from off platform that means we're not going to be relying on showing up in Fiverr SEO and getting ranked on Fiverr and things like that eventually we can do that but I think what you're going to find is starting out it's actually a lot more difficult than it might seem in fact the method that we're going to use will actually boost you up in the rankings without even trying like I said earlier you got to watch this whole video there's going to be a lot of good stuff that could put money in your pocket the second thing we're going to want to do is figure out our specialty what is it that we're going to use AI for that's going to help other people and it's very important that we pick something that's high in demand over here on ahrefs we can see that social media content creator gets like 2 000 searches a month that means 2 000 businesses go out there and search for social media content creator and since we know this is something AI does like a champ well then we know we can use this to actually help people in an automated way that puts money in our pocket now don't get me wrong it's not like we're just gonna go out there find a keyword go to a chat GPT or other AI program and say manage this guy's social media or post some content for this company and just sit back and collect money no we actually have to do a little bit of leg work notice how I said a little yeah it's not going to take much work at all keep watching and I'll show you exactly what I mean we can see over here Instagram marketing is looked up quite a bit a lot of companies looking for Instagram marketing we could see lots of people over here looking to create Facebook pages for their business other people looking up whiteboard videos or explainer videos right like this almost 2 000 people a month searching for that and then of course you have all these people looking up local marketing businesses and yes this is something that I'm actively doing and have been doing for years in fact we just opened up a new part of our business called Orlando PR since I'm based here in Orlando where we're going to be helping local businesses using AI in the exact same method that I'm about to show you so yeah this stuff works and I'm actually using it and of course if we want to find other things that AI would be good at we can actually go through and use Fiverr or any other company like upwork or whatever it is to find out what they're actually ranking for 4 and some of the traffic they're paying for over here using ahrefs I can type in Fiverr and I can see the words that they're actually paying for on Google ads so we have like higher voice actors voice Talent commission artwork how to make a book making a book cover grant writing for non-profits logo design flyer designer build it Shopify store creation and on and on we go we can even come over here and look at some of the free keyword rankings they have like logo makers graphic design resume writing the sky is literally the limit we even have proofreading Services down here which we'll get into in just a little bit as one of the biggest side hustles I see coming up now once you pick your specialty let's say we're going to do local marketing this could be local marketing for SEO or maybe using Instagram or Facebook or video marketing we're going to go out there and take these local markets that want like a Facebook page or something because they know that that's going to help them get business and what we're going to do is we're going to automate a lot of the process because if someone doesn't know how to set up a Facebook page for their business chances are they're probably like a locksmith that doesn't use the internet very much because they're too busy out there fixing locks and things like that so this kind of thing would be perfect and that brings us to number three number three is to do the human legwork what yo

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