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Canva Tutorial For Beginners 2024 (How To Start Using Canva Step By Step)

if you're in the world of Designing online whether it be creating social media posts or selling digital products or anything in between you've likely heard of canva canva is absolutely in my opinion the most beginner friendly and user inuitive design tool out there there are a lot of options out there when it comes to software to use for graphic design but none come close to canva in terms of budget friendliness and ease of use so in this video I'm giving a full canva tutorial for beginners for those who may not be super familiar with using it yet we're going to be walking through how to start a project how to use the editor what kind of content canva has in their library and how to access it how to edit elements text and more so if you're somewhat new to canva and just need the basics and a stepbystep walkthr then this video is for you okay so we're here on canva and when you want to start a new project you'll come here to the top right where it says create a design and you can either type in what you're looking for or choose from one of canvas suggested types of canvases so this is just talking about what orientation and what size the canvas or the workspace is going to be so you're basically choosing your project size here so these suggestions are everything from Instagram post to Facebook post flyer planner presentation there are so many different ones that canva has as presets and you can see what size it's referencing if you look to the right where it says the size so for an Instagram story we're looking at a canvas that's 1080 by 1920 pixels whereas something like a flyer is going to be 8 1/2 by 11 in so you can just select one of these or if you're thinking of something specific you can type it in so let's say I'm looking to make a Pinterest pen I could start typing Pinterest and it'll populate all of the different Pinterest preset so then I can choose the one I'd like I can also come down here to custom size if I don't see the preset I'm looking for I can input a custom width and height in pixels inches millimeters or centim or I can also come here to import a file so let's say I have a photo that I want to bring into canva to edit and create a design with I can import files here so for this tutorial let's just choose CH Instagram post and start with that before we go any further I want to let you know about my brand new digital products with canva course it's going to be opening up for enrollment very soon it's my full comprehensive course that walks you step by step through creating digital products using canva and selling them online so if you've been interested in the idea of selling digital products online to make passive income but feel like you've needed a deeper dive and a more comprehensive walkthrough and group of tutorials for creating different digital products then this course might be just what you need to take that next step at the time of this filming it's not quite launched yet but we do have a weit list going so definitely click on the link in the description box below to hop on that weight list that way you'll be the first to know when the doors do open for enrollment and you may get an extra perk or two from being on that weight list but like I said if you've needed just an extra hand to hold to walk through this whole process of learning how to create digital products using canva and selling them online then hop on that list and keep an eye on your inbox for more details to come okay so here we are inside of the canva editor this this is what it looks like here's my workspace so because I chose Instagram post it gave me a square size that is the right size for an Instagram post and I've got all of my design menu tools here on the left so I can choose the elements tab to find things like graphic illustrations icons photographs I can choose the text tab if I'd like to add a text box I can choose the draw tab if I want a freehand draw so let's just go through some of these because there's so many great options so here under elements we can access all of the content that's with within canvas Content Library so that's one reason I love canvas because it's not only an editor but it also has a built-in library of tons of different images fonts Graphics everything that I would need to create a stunning graphic design so here under elements I can search for something I'm looking for so let's say I want a flower I might type in flower and then it'll populate results for me in all of these different categories so I've got graphics photos videos shapes so let's just click on graphics and here it's giving me all of the different results for flower Graphics so Graphics are pretty much any element that is not text or photos these are things like icons stickers graphic illustrations drawings then I could click over to photos if I wanted an actual photograph of flowers and so on now if I come back to where it says all I can see the different categories here under the elements tab like shapes Graphics stickers photos videos so let's look at shapes if I click see all this is going to give me the entire shapes section so I've got lines and shapes here and if I choose one to put on my design it'll bring it over into my workspace and then I can click and drag to enlarge this or to make it smaller I can click and drag to move it around which is another reason I love canvas so much is for the ease of this drag and drop editor then once I have an element in my design I can see all of my options for editing that element up here in the top menu so here when I have this element or this shape selected I can come to the color to change out the color of the shape I can change the Border weight so if I want a border around my shape I can do that I can also make my shape more transparent so if I come to this transparency slider I can bring the transparency down to make it more see-through so let's say I had this photo in the background and this element or shape on top then I could make it as transparent as I want so here it's a solid color but I might want to make it a little transparent to be able to see through to the background photo now as I'm moving this element around I'll see some different lines appear on the workspace so I can see when the element is completely centered because this solid pink line going from top to bottom will appear that tells me it's centered and the same if I continue moving it down I'll see one going left to right and that means this is completely in the middle now if I have another element on the page in a different area then I can be sure that I'm lining them up if I'm moving this one and I want it to line up on the side because the dotted pink line will appear down for instance the right side here this is telling me that these two elements are lined up along that line you can see it if we move this one this way we can see that dott line appear as soon as we've anchored them to the same spot so those little lines that appear as you're mov

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