Make Money Online

15 Side Hustle Ideas For 2024 💸 Businesses My Friends & I Have Tried And Made It Work

in the past four years I've tried nine different kinds of businesses and like side gigs side hustles and two of these side hustles actually brought me to quit my job in 2019 so I've been doing my own thing full time for about three and a half years now if you're thinking of starting a business this year then keep watching because I'm gonna share the nine things I've tried in the past four years and six other business ideas that my friends are doing and they are making money with it the hustles that I share in this video are going to be a combination of passive income streams and also non-passive income streams so we'll start off with the ones that I've tried first so the first one I tried was making a physical product and selling it so the first thing I ever did was when I started my calligraphy business I sold greeting cards I do have another more in-depth video about how I did that so if you're interested in selling greeting cards you can watch that one but at the beginning when I was thinking about starting a side business selling greeting cards was actually the idea that seemed like the easiest thing for me to start because I just kind of wanted to do something so I started off with greeting cards I have some other friends who are selling other kinds of physical products so some examples are bubble tea holders crochet products beauty products clothing and for those ones it's a little bit more difficult to start because you actually have to find Like A supplier or like a manufacturer for those things for me when I started selling green cards I literally went to a print shop and just like printed greeting cards so it really depends like the the kind of physical product you want to sell if it's like a handmade thing obviously it's easier to just start because you just do it in your own house but if your passion isn't something else and you need to look for a supplier or a manufacturer then it is a little bit more difficult to start but but you can totally still do it in the future I do think I want to sell some kind of like a journal so I'll probably have to find like a manufacturer to make the journals or something like that the next thing I tried when I was still working in my nine to five job was teaching calligraphy workshops so if you have a skill and other people are interested in learning it you can totally host your own workshops I do have a video about hosting in-person workshops this one specifically for calligraphy workshops but I do think it'll be helpful if you want to host some kind of creative Workshop maybe a photography Workshop or a how to plant things Workshop to start off you can rent a room or just find a cafe that's willing to host you and you don't really need to find like a very formal place to teach you can basically find your own place the next side hustle idea is freelancing a skill you know so that could be photography video editing writing articles for me I did on-site calligraphy and I also offer wedding calligraphy services and this is a great way to start a business if you already have a skill that you know and you don't have to go out and learn something oh yeah another thing is like teaching languages that's another thing so the next one I tried was actually last year and I only did this for a month but I tried delivering food with ubereats and oh my God it it was such an experience it was really cool to try it out but I honestly don't like it because I don't like driving and I suck at parking but there are so many of these gig economy kind of side hustles that you can try like food delivery taxi services grocery delivery and taskrabbit after I quit my job in 2019 I really wanted to take my calligraphy business from a in-person kind of business to a more online business and that's when I started business coaching so I was specifically helping calligraphers with starting a business so if you've already done something that you know how to do you can coach other people you can teach other people how to do the same thing if you're not really sure if you want to do this or how you can do this you can start by offering like a couple of people free beta coaching packages so I did this at the beginning when I was I had like low self-confidence I didn't know if I could coach people I didn't know if my advice would be helpful so I found three people who wanted to start a calligraphy or an art business and I coached them for free for like a month or two you and then like they actually got results and then I started offering like pay packages from there you can do one-on-one coaching you can do group coaching and then the other thing that a lot of coaches like to do or a lot of people who teach things is once you build an audience you can package your knowledge into a course so that's also what I did and I have a course called the calligraphy instructor Academy which is a course about how to host a calligraphy Workshop it's like very very Niche if you can get a system running or if you have like a big enough audience you could just like make passive income from selling the course for me my calligraphy instructor Academy course it's super super Niche and I don't really sell it passively I wish it's sold by itself I think it's good that I tried I know how to create a course and I think maybe in the future I'll make another kind of course that isn't super duper Niche two years ago I started a YouTube channel and honestly it has been taking so long to get it off the ground like I was I made so many videos and it wasn't until last month that one of my videos like got bigger um the whole time I was doing YouTube I feel like I was just shrugging trudging Trucking along and the growth has been like really slow and steady so I would say if you want to make money YouTube is not the fastest way but I think if you have that passion to like share things with people and you're willing to put in a lot of time and a lot of energy and I'm not saying it's going to take you to like two years it took me like two years to get to a point where I'm like happy but you just don't know how long it's going to take you to get monetized and to build an audience and of course you can do you know don't have to be monetized to make money off YouTube you can have a YouTube channel and sell your course or sell your other services your coaching Consulting but it's really like a labor of love I think you really need to want to do YouTube in order to be consistent and like sustain this because it is a lot of energy the next business I started was an Etsy shop and this I have actually been super duper happy about it's about two and a half months in and I'm making like consistent sales check out these videos if you want to learn more about my Etsy shop but Etsy shops are a great way especially if you sell digital downloads it's more of like a passive income stream you can definitely start like an Etsy shop and sell physical products but starting an Etsy store is really great because

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