Make Money Online

10 Ways You Can Make Money Online In 2024 (How To Start Now)

hey buddy and business family my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today I'm going to be giving you guys 10 suggestions of different ways you can make money starting this year not only am I gonna just be naming these off but I'm also going to share with you exactly how you can get started doing these I Am Your Number One Source on YouTube for 100 free courses and people do charge thousands of dollars for the information that I provide to you guys 100 free all I ask in return is that you hit that subscribe button and like this video for the YouTube algorithm so I can continue to get my story and knowledge heard by as many people as possible I personally have never bought a course and I've never paid a mentor YouTube is your number one source for anything you might need most of these side hustles today you can start with zero dollars all you will really need for a lot of these side hustles is just your phone and a computer I know how it is to try to start new things and to start new side hustles as a full-time worker or a full-time student student so trust me I was there and that's also something that I always keep in mind when I'm creating these videos is what can people start doing to make money when they're on a tight schedule and don't have that much time to commit into it so no matter how busy you might be in life these side hustles can't accommodate your busy schedules as well because the main goal with these side hustles is for one of these to blow up and you can then do that full time instead of working at your nine to five job so you can then live a more flexible life and go on your own schedule everybody's in different situations in their own lives which is why one side hustle for one person might be different for being a good side hustle for somebody else that's why I tried to give you guys a bunch of different ideas and most of them I've even done myself so I know that they work the whether you are looking for a side hustle to replace your nine to five job or you're just trying to make some extra side money this video is for you so the first idea on my list for you today is going to be ugc I've talked about ugc on my YouTube chill and I even have a free ugc course so we knew exactly how to get started so what is ugc ugc stands for user generating content brands are oftentimes looking for videos that they can use to advertise their products with and a lot of times Brands don't know how to make Tech talks or Instagram reels that's where you come in as long as you have a phone you can start the side hustle and you don't have to show your face either here are some examples of ugc videos that companies will pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for when I make videos for my own products I just use my iPhone to film because the camera on these iPhones is literally amazing and I use the app called inshot it's also free to edit all of my content so as long as you have a phone and some basic editing knowledge this is definitely something that you could do and if you're interested in getting started with this side hustle you can watch my free course about ugc on my YouTube channel there are so many people that have replaced their nine to five income just by doing ugc which is why I had add it to this list today income stream idea number two is to open up a Drop Shipping Store now Drop Shipping unfortunately has kind of gotten a scammy reputation because of those people that are constantly trying to sell you courses on it but I am here to honestly tell you that Drop Shipping can still be done in 2023 and you can still make money with Drop Shipping I'm actually going to be starting a brand new Drop Shipping Store this year just to show you guys that it can still be done in 2023 so definitely hit that subscribe button if you haven't already to keep up on my journey so you can actually start Drop Shipping with zero dollars and I like Drop Shipping for this reason because there's no commitment to inventory if you are unfamiliar with what dropshipping is you are basically the middleman between the supplier and the buyer you create a storefront showcasing a product you create good marketing videos you post them on Tick Tock you bring in the sales and then you ship the suppliers product straight to the buyer so you don't have to have inventory in your house and you also don't have to buy any inventory up front and spend thousands of dollars doing that this is why I do recommend Drop Shipping for people that are brand new to e-commerce and that are just getting started Drop Shipping was one of the first side hustles that I ever did to make money from back when I was 17 years old I was living in my mom's house and I didn't have money for inventory so at this time in my life this business model really fit the lifestyle that I was currently in at the time with me making money with Drop Shipping it allowed to help me pay for my Dental Assisting School at the time and my car that I needed at the time so it definitely helped me at that time in my life if you want to learn more about Drop Shipping and how to actually get started step by step you can watch this free course on my YouTube Channel showing you exactly how to get started income idea number three is being a social media manager so with being a social media manager this can kind of mean a couple different things there's a couple different routes of going if you're wanting to start making money as a social media manager and again another idea that you can start with zero dollars one way to become a social media manager is by emailing local restaurants in your area or calling or even showing up to local restaurants in your area and showing what you can do on social media as a younger person we automatically are more Savvy with technology and social media even without taking some kind of course or going through some kind of learning experience and we should use that to our advantage I know for a fact there's so many business owners in your area that could get a social media refresh not just restaurants but hair stylists lawyers doctors offices there are so many businesses in your local area that could need help making some social media content you could study my YouTube videos and I show you guys all the ways you can make passive income with videos you could go to their establishment shoot a bunch of content for them and you might be just that person that they're looking for when you give them a call or send them an email you guys want a full free course on this comment down below and I can definitely make one for you guys and if you're watching in the future I'll link it somewhere here if I already made it who knows social media a lot better than you probably think you do but that's why I say mindset is so important and you have to be confident in your skills like you're probably like well I'm not a social media manager well you can become one and all again you really nee

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