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🗓 10 Productivity Tips For Content Creators Entrepreneurs & Etsy Shop Owners (How To Work Smarter!)

so one of my subscribers asked me if I can make a time management productivity kind of video on how I manage my time as a content creator and if I schedule certain days to film etc etc and at first I actually thought wait I actually don't really have a schedule for filming my content and editing my content and so I kind of responded no I don't think I'll make a video like that but actually when I thought about it a bit more I actually decided to make this video because as a content creator I am able to put out at least one video a week couple YouTube shorts I also do my Instagram and then I also do other things other than like creating videos on YouTube like I have my Etsy store and then I also freelance Tick Tock videos for a company so I must be doing something right if I'm able to get all of this done and also right now I'm traveling so it kind of makes it a little bit harder so I do have a lot of methods for time management but I'll share those those methods later right now what I really want to share with you are three important things for you to keep in mind when you're thinking about how to manage your time so the first thing is know the reason why you are doing things in the first place so that is related to your vision or your why a lot of you who watch my channel are entrepreneurs or you want to be an entrepreneur or you want to start some kind of a business YouTube or Etsy and so before you spend time to work on those things every single day think about why you are starting that kind of business in the first place is it because you want to make an impact is it because you want to make money like what is your motivation for working on that business because the thing is a lot of times you might not feel motivated to work on your business or you might just feel lazy or you might procrastinate and think oh I'll just do it tomorrow or you might think there's just so much to do but I I'm so overwhelmed so I just can't do anything today but if you know your reason and if you really really believe that your business will make a huge difference in your life then you will be motivated to work on it and to be productive with your time so I highly recommend doing something that you are actually passionate about but I also do understand that if you are just starting a business because you need side income like that's totally fine too because maybe you aren't super duper passionate about the business you are starting but maybe you have the skills to start that business and you know that with the cash flow you can use that cash flow to do some significant things in your life like maybe you have a goal to reduce your mortgage or something the next important thing which is kind of controversial like I can feel there could be debates about this if you aren't in a good mood don't work that's what I personally believe in the past I would just try to push through things and just get things done and it's okay if I'm in a bad mood I'm just gonna do the task anyways because I'm a hard worker I'm just going to do it I'm an action taker so I would do it in the past but now I think like if I'm not in a good mood I actually won't work or I'm going to get myself into a good mood first which might take an hour to a couple hours and then I'll start my work the thing is especially if you have a business where you are doing something creative or you need to make a lot of decisions when you aren't in a good mood you aren't really in the right energy to work so you might not have the best ideas you might not have a clear mind to make decisions and you might have a scarcity mindset when you are making decisions or you might be doing things to please people or working on productive tasks that seem productive but aren't really productive like reading newsletters for education for example this didn't really apply to when I was working in my old nine to five job because no matter what mood I'm in well first of all I'm getting paid for my hours so I better do the work right like in my eight hours of the day but no matter what mood I was in let's say I'm like in a bad mood or I'm sad or I'm upset I would still do the work because in my old job I didn't really have to be creative it was very it was like stuff that I could just do like not like repetitive tasks but it was tasks where there was a certain procedure I just followed the procedure and once I do that then I'm done the task so I just do that and I don't use my creativity I don't have to make super big decisions in my old job so what I'm saying right now with if you aren't in a good mood don't work I think that applies more to entrepreneurs who have a creative business also I think that if you are working in a nine-to-five job and maybe your mind is so preoccupied by something or maybe if you need like a mental health break like that's totally fine and I think maybe you should take a day off or take a couple hours off if you really can't focus I guess I'm referring to those times where you could do the work but then you're not really in a good mood but you could do the work anyways maybe you're just kind of tired maybe feeling unmotivated or maybe you woke up and then you saw that your friend I was like made a lot of money and then you like felt really bad about yourself like it's those times where I'm not like something horrible happened in your life and you really can't do the work but it's when those it's during those times where you could do the work but you just kind of don't feel like it in those times like I would do things to get myself in a better mood like I would exercise or meditate or Journal about why I'm not in a good mood why I don't feel like working and work through that and then I would start my work the next thing is for full-time entrepreneurs so be okay with doing less than eight hours a day of deep and significant work so I recently was talking to somebody who wants to get his book published so he's emailing and contacting a lot of agents and he says he works four hours a day in the morning and then in the afternoon he feels like he needs to continue working or else he'll feel guilty and what I told him so I shared the concept of deep work that I learned from Cal Newport who has a book called Deep work and Cal Newport said that you can't do more than four hours of deep work a day okay you might not know what deep work is so there's a difference between deep work and shallow work so I'll give you some examples deep work for me is writing YouTube scripts filming YouTube designing Etsy listings designing the listing photos for Etsy writing email newsletters writing video outlines for my video editor stuff like that that requires my brain a lot making decisions and being creative shallow work on the other hand is like me replying to emails Instagram messages YouTube comments me posting on social media not actually making the post but literally clicking post or looking for hashtags checking my YouTube stats and creating Ets

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