WEIRD Online Businesses That ACTUALLY Make Money

in 2005 a guy named alex 2 built this website right here now the entire website is simply what you see it's 1 000 pixels long by 1 000 pixels high and that's all it is the only other thing he put on the website was an option to buy each of these pixels now for those of you that are math experts we have a million pixels and he was selling each pixel for one dollar he was able to get a little bit of traction for his website with a little bit of pr and companies started to buy up chunks of these pixels to put their advertisements on the site it was only a few months later that he was able to make one million dollars selling each of these individual pixels for one single dollar now that kind of got me wondering what are some other ways that people are making money in strange fashions today and i'm probably gonna focus online because that's kind of the nature of this channel one thing i should add i'm not endorsing any of these methods okay i'm not teaching you or showing you or telling you that you should use these this is more for entertainment than for education and now that i've got everyone wondering why i'm holding this banana we'll move on to the first one and that's something called a mukbang now i'm surprised i've never heard of this because it's a pretty big trend online apparently it actually originated in korea but what a mukbang is eating food online but it's not just eating ooh i was tough it's not just eating food online it's actually eating large quantities of food online while addressing an audience so this could be considered a mukbang for me anything more than one bite of a banana is a large quantity of banana so mukbang it is now i thought maybe this is just a small trend or you know a few people are succeeding at this but this is actually a major thing not just in korea right now it's actually huge in the us as well you can see right here we've got a ton of videos this one's got 96 000 views this one's got seven hundred thousand ninety seven thousand five million one million and uh the biggest one i've seen is this one right here 34 million views on a asmr mukbang black bean fire noodle and chicken nugget no talking eating sounds video eating sounds eating sounds video sounds video i'm scared to click but that says it's a 12 minute video of someone eating a lot of food without talking and we get to hear the eating sounds but like i said this isn't just in asia you can see right here there's a really big channel a couple of big channels in the us as well this is a channel called lornicato that's built all around eating lots of food for people to watch now i started to look around and try to figure out how these guys are actually making money the biggest ways a lot of these guys get a ton of views so apparently a lot of people want to watch this and there's a lot of views to be had in this world but a lot of them are also selling merch and the last way they're making money is actually exclusive patreon channels where people get access access to exclusive content i'll be honest i'm not sure what kind of exclusive content you could give in this world maybe you get videos of them eating even more food or strange foods i don't know but that's that's the primary way these guys are making money some of them are making millions and millions of dollars a year just eating lots and lots of food oh nice job where do i apply now as you can imagine this is not the healthiest way to make a lot of money and in fact this channel we're focusing on right here used to look like this and after a few years of doing this channel he now looks like this and doing some research he's done all kinds of interviews where he confesses that he's had a lot of health issues both physical and emotional health issues that came from having this kind of lifestyle so i definitely am not recommending this as a side hustle for somebody and honestly that's kind of sad because i can relate to this youtube is the world and social media in general is a world where it rewards extremism and doing crazy things to make money take my money and some of these guys have fallen a prey to that uh that pressure to frankly do things that are not good for you in order to get those views me on the other hand i'm eating a banana oh good we can move on to number two number two is actually a game called second life and it turns out that i've actually heard about this years and years ago and many of us have through the tv show the office where dwight confesses that he has been playing second life and been living essentially his same first life in second life with one caveat he can fly in this episode dwight is going through some turbulent times in his personal life and so he creates an account on second life and starts living a very similar life in this virtual world that is pretty much exactly what it sounds like second life is all the things you have in real life but digitally in a non-real world so you live a life in a metaverse or a digital universe but it's very very similar to the one we have here you can go to school you can build businesses you can do all the things that you do now shopping all that stuff that you you enjoy and kind of just do as part of your regular life you do in this regular digital world now the cool thing here is people are actually just like we built businesses in this world they're building businesses in that world and they're selling things in digital stores and building up businesses there they're buying and selling land and creating real estate empires inside this digital world where money can be pretty easily exchanged back and forth between this second life digital world and us dollars in the real world and on that note i did a bunch of searches and there is story after story of people making full-time incomes from just living in this digital world uh specifically and especially on the real estate side and if that interests you we're gonna link here to another video that shows you kind of more details about these ways that people are making money here i'm probably never gonna make a video about it and so we're gonna link to someone else's video i do hate sending you away for my channel but like i said probably not going to be a video we make anytime soon and one more thing on that note i'm not a financial advisor i don't give investment advice but i do firmly believe that digital worlds metaverses virtual reality universes are going to be huge in the next five to ten years and there will literally be billions of people spending significant amounts of time in these worlds now as most of us know where people spend their time is also where people spend their money and there will be a lot of money in these digital worlds just something to think about the next one i want to talk about is one of my favorite ones primarily because of the song that is associated with them and it's called i want to draw cats for you dot com this is started a few years ago by a guy named steve you can see

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