Make Money Online

Top 3 Websites To Make Money Online For Your Feedback (Worldwide)

did you know that there are lots of companies worldwide that are willing to pay you for your feedback they are coming up with new things on a daily basis and they just want to know how users will receive their products so they pay people to use softwares and applications before they are released to the market there are different platforms or websites where you can make money by giving your feedback on different products and services and applications and so today I'm going to show you my top three websites where you can make money online by giving feedback no matter where you are in the world and as always guys I always give feedback to you guys on platforms or websites that have already worked for me so two of these websites have already paid me and I will show you my results as well as tell you a little bit about them but if you're interested in making money from home worldwide using your phone laptop or computer stick with me because these websites do allow you to earn money using any device that you can connect to the internet do consider joining our family by subscribing also give this video a thumbs up if you find it valuable without wasting any more time let's get right into the video let's get started with website number one and it's called try meta it is available worldwide so anyone can sign up as long as you have access to PayPal you are able to receive money into your PayPal account and maybe spend it from your PayPal or cash it out from your PayPal when you are on the home page you'll see there's quite a lot of information a lot of this information is mainly for their customers these are companies that will recruit you to give them feedback so if you're looking for the opportunity to get paid you need to come to their home page and select get paid to test over here you will land on this page where you're going to fill out or sign up get paid to use websites and apps and give your honest feedback and end ten dollars or more per test yeah you only have to fill in your full name PayPal email address create a password you confirm your password you tick this remember me button here you agree to the attempts of service over here and they're going to pay you every weekday we send payments out every weekday morning through PayPal it's very important that I also let you know that these platforms do rate you whether they say it or not so it's very important that you pay attention to the work that you are doing making sure that you're giving honest feedback you are paying attention to the briefs and you deliver very good work the second platform that we're going to look at is one that I'm more excited about I do really think that there are so many opportunities coming up and I'm really excited about what it has to offer currently it's available worldwide they do pay you via Paypal they also pay you via different gift cards and other methods that you can find within their platform another good thing is they're going to pay you highly for the feedback that you are giving now the platform that I'm talking about is called user interviews it is this platform that I'm looking at here on my screen as you can see they say we connect researchers and participants and that's basically what they do now my experience with this platform has been really great I've done several tests which were unmoderated and have done a test which was moderated in case you don't know unmoderated tests are more like service where you have to just fill out information without anyone monitoring you and they are tests where you do one-on-ones with the researcher they do have other group discussions where you can make money by being in a group online or on location in order for you to start making money with user interviews you need to sign up to the platform that is very easy you simply need to go to the home page and select participants and select sign up to participate over here you land on this page where you'll see a sign up form you simply have to fill in your email address your phone number you authorize the user interviews to use automated or non-automated means of contact you just need to agree here and also select this recaptcha information so I'm not going to take you through the center process because I'm already signed up to the platform but I will tell you that it is an easy process that won't take you long after signing up you will send you a confirmation email from that email you'll have to create your profile so this profile is what's going to help the platform determine which types of studies they're going to recommend to you now I'm going to give you a tip on how you can maximize your earnings with this platform and get more tasks even the ones that don't really match your profile because sometimes you find that they offer a study which you can participate in because you have information or you have feedback to offer but because your profile doesn't allow them to send you that study they don't send it in order for you to maximize your earnings and get more studies you need to ensure that you are always logged out of your profile when you are applying to studies and then click on participants over here select browse online studies to see all the different studies that they have over here they are currently running a study where they are looking for people who use chat GPT and they're looking for feedback on a one-on-one interview over here they are paying 30 dollars for a 30 minute study in this one even though I'm signed up to the platform they didn't send this study to me because it doesn't match my profile but this is something that I do on a daily basis I use chat GPT I'm able to see this study because I'm searching logged out of the platform so that is just a tip that's been helping me maximize my earnings with this platform finding studies that I qualify for that are not sent to my profile but with this platform I just wanted to show you that they pay highly for studies as you can see here they have a study that runs for an hour 30 minutes and they're willing to pay you 175 US Dollars all these studies pay highly for different types of feedback so yeah guys user interviews is another platform that I recommend for making good money by giving your feedback on different games different apps and softwares different platforms and maybe even a services for some of the researchers as you can see here on the 10th of June 2023 I received 48 USD education can see over here and it's from user interview and I've shown payment proofs in the past for some of the unmoderated tasks that I did within the platform now we're going to go into the last one but before we do let me take this opportunity to thank you for watching this video this far I also want to thank you for 30 000 subscribers in 2023 alone so I entered this year having reached a hundred thousand subscribers and I know I've been slacking in this year because so much has been going on behind the scenes but I was able to reach 30 000

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