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This Youtube Channel Runs Using Only Fiverr Gigs (Part 2)

six months ago i was ordering a youtube thumbnail on fiverr and i had a random thought what if i could make an entire youtube channel using only fiverr gigs i'm talking about creating the channel coming up with content ideas creating the outlines voiceovers videos descriptions thumbnails seo everything so we ran an experiment with four videos creating a brand new youtube channel and then we released a video showing how he did you can watch that video right here if you've not watched it yet we let the channel sit for a few months but it actually continued to get views every single day and we decided it was time to see if we could really make this channel work a channel built solely using fiverr gigs i'm going to show you how to get this done we're going to dive in here we're going to see where that channel's at right now and then we're going to do an experiment and see if we can continue running this channel using solely fiber gigs first off you can see on the screen right here these are the four videos that we released that were built on fiverr and you can see here total views are pretty good for a brand new youtube channel especially one without any real personality you can see one video did especially good and is continuing to do good and that was the no degree no problem video you can see right here it got very steady views and it actually started to take off right about here and do even better and it's getting about 20 to 30 views every single day you can see it's brought in plenty of subscribers in the last 30 days as well and it's doing really really well for a fiber gig video which is just built on b-roll but the other videos are still getting views as well you can see right here every single day the video is getting some views same thing right here you can see views coming in every single day and of course this video same thing views coming in every day now each one of these videos was done using voiceovers and b-roll so it was just a voice talking that we ordered on fiverr and then an editor added a bunch of random b-roll to these voices as we talk so for this experiment part two we wanted to see if maybe a different type of video that fiverr could build would be a better fit for a channel like this so we decided we were going to try whiteboard videos now the reason we tried whiteboard videos is i actually had a channel about three or four years ago where i put one whiteboard video on the channel and it was the second highest performing video ever to hit that channel so it seemed like a good idea to me at that point so once again we decided to start with content ideas and we actually used the same guy we used before because he did such a good job he's got a lot of good reviews and he was able to give us a bunch of new video ideas that we could build videos around and for 10 bucks we used this gig right here for writing the actual scripts for our youtube videos we made sure that they understood that we were going to do whiteboard videos and honestly it was a really good deal typically writers that i find online are very very hard to get to understand and write good content but this writer did really well for us the first time so we hired from them one more time they wrote each script for 10 and each script was about 500 to 600 words now voiceovers is where it actually started to get really really tough if you just type in voiceover in the top of fiverr and then start to click on some of those top sellers right there you'll see that the the rates are almost unaffordable for what we're trying to do here 100 words for about 20 bucks which means that our five or even 600 word video is going to be about 120 just for the voice over and that's not even for the video editing or any of the other pieces of the video but there's something really good about voiceovers it's that you can actually see what the person is going to give you pretty much exactly beforehand so that meant that we could do some sellers that may not have as many orders or as many good reviews because we're able to see exactly what they're going to deliver ahead of time [Music] so we did some sorting in the seller level instead of choosing a top rated seller we allowed level one and two sellers to get involved we changed our budget right here to actually five dollars and then we applied that next we had to do a little more work and we had to actually start clicking on each of these after clicking on three or four we ran across a profile like this and you can see we were able to get 200 words for five dollars we were also able to listen to the exact voice that we were going to get ahead of time and be sure that we felt good about it let's have a listen shoes and messes you need weather weathertech our custom floor liners keep it all away from your vehicle's floor i can live with that in the end what we had to do is find a lot of people with decent reviews and we reached out to them individually and asked if they would be able to do our video for 100 and finally someone agreed to that after ordering three videos we learned on the fourth one that you can actually order some gigs that come with a video and the voiceover and we could have combined those costs into one but that's okay we were pretty happy with what we got and we were able to stay fairly close to the budget that we used in the original experiment and so the total cost for all four videos came out just under 500 or an average of about 120 per video after ordering all the videos we found a really cool fiber gig that actually lets you order five videos worth of descriptions and tags we didn't have to do any of that and the total cost was only five more dollars it took a few days for the first video to come in and as soon as we got it we uploaded the video and then went to bed we got in the next morning and the results were actually pretty good we had 15 views since we published but we don't have that many subscribers and honestly none of our subscribers really know who we are and you can see that since that moment this video continued to get quite a bit of views about 15 views every single day until it finally started to peter out in about mid april maybe something to do with those stimulus checks now this gave us enough confidence that we finally released all three of the other videos one by one day after day for the next four days i'm gonna hop on here and talk about what happened now you can see right here our original video the job interview secrets video did very very well it took off from the beginning getting about 15 views a day and it continued to get that 15 views until it started to slow down in april but that was by far our best video i think a lot of that was due to the thumbnail and the title that they created for that specific video you can see seven job interview questions and the perfect answers and it's a pretty good thumbnail it's very simple and eye-catching anyway after putting out that video getting a total of about 600 vi

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