This ONE Side Hustle Makes Me $600/day (HOW TO START NOW)

hey buddy and business family my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today I'm gonna be sharing the income stream that made me over two hundred thousand dollars just this year not only will I be sharing how I did it but I'm going to be sharing how you can make money from this opportunity as well just the fact that I used to make twenty to thirty thousand dollars in one full year working full time this number is insanely crazy to me especially when I start thinking about the fact that I would have had to work for seven years just to make this amount of money that I have made in one year from one income stream that is why I'm so grateful for this YouTube channel because my intention with these videos is not to brag but to share how I'm making money online in order to not only inspire you but to show you how you can do the same you guys already know I do not sell courses or mentorship programs and I am committed to 100 free education all I ask in return for these informative videos is that you hit that like like button for the YouTube algorithm so we can get this video across YouTube And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to make videos just like this and with this stream of income you do not have to share your face and it's also something that you can get started doing with zero dollars if you want to see all of my income streams broken down I do have a video about how I make eighty thousand dollars in one month so I definitely recommend you go and check out that video if you want to know all of the things that I do to make money online but this specific income stream is still so crazy to me that I knew I had to make a video specifically about this and in all reality this income stream is easier than even an online e-commerce business because this two hundred and eighteen thousand dollars that you guys are seeing right now on this screen is a hundred percent profit there's not really any overhead with this specific income stream and if you've watched my other videos you could probably guess what that income stream is and that is the Facebook reels bonus program I didn't even know you could make money from Facebook and if you are unsure what this is all about and what is reals and this is kind of language that you've never heard before let me quickly explain it so with the rise of tick tock other social media platforms have been losing their monthly users because of this Instagram Facebook and even YouTube has been paying extra in order for people to post Vertical short form video content very similar to what Tick Tock is today so instead of them just spending advertising money to try to promote their platform they are paying creators directly we saw this first with the tick tock Creator fund that seemed to change the game forever and The Tick Tock Creator fund is not the only way you can make money online from Tick Tock you can also make money from Tick Tock live streams and that is something that you can monetize and do worldwide so I first got invited to this program on one of my pages back in October of 2021 at the time they gave me an approximate bonus of 530 dollars and I made sure that I posted tons of reels in that time to meet that maximum bonus so December of 2021 they gave us a maximum bonus of 35 000 and we tried our best to meet that and we made Thirty one thousand dollars in the first month of that maximum bonus of 35k they ended up paying this in January which is why this amount is included in my 2022 income since then you can see repeatedly they have given us a 35 000 maximum bonus every single month since then and they even give me the bonus on my personal account but quite honestly I didn't really care to try to make any money from that just because I'm so focused on my pages account I wanted to add everything up and see how much I actually made so far from Facebook and after adding this up my number came to 218 361 dollars I also just want to state that I started this Facebook page with zero followers so how did I grow this Facebook page and how am I now making money from this Facebook page the number one thing that I did was I chose a niche this is my dog's account and I love my dog her name is Mika and she's something in my life that makes me happy and I wanted to share her with the world that is why I chose her and the pet niche as my Niche and I love this Niche type because I don't have to show my face she's basically the star of these videos and I love how I'm able to share her as a part of my life in order to make others happy as well so when you're thinking of a niche type think about the things in your life that makes you happy whether it's cooking gardening you name it anything that you do in your life that you love to do think about what you could do videos on and while you're thinking about this you also have to be thinking about if you want to show your face or not so like if you don't want to show your face you obviously wouldn't pick makeup as your Niche so once you have your Niche then you can start creating content what I did for my dog's account was I made her a tick tock page and then I made her an Instagram and then I made her a Facebook I had no idea you could even make as much money as you could make from these social media accounts but because of like I said earlier on the rise of tick tock so many other social media accounts have been paying out so the opportunities are only increasing from here I feel like it's never been a better time to start that type of account or Niche account that you've always wanted to start even if you don't know your Niche you might just have to do some soul searching to see what you enjoy in Life or what's in your life that maybe it's not unique to you but it could be unique to others such as farming I've seen a lot of farming accounts across Tick Tock and social media that get tons of views because to somebody that doesn't grow up around Farms something very interesting so even the most thing that maybe you think is boring it could actually be so exciting and fun to someone else and not to get too personal but I genuinely believe that God has given us everything we need to succeed so I know there's somebody in your life that you could share with others there are so many Facebook groups that you can add yourself into so for example I've added my Facebook page and my personal page into these husky groups because my dog is a husky so there's a lot of husky groups on Facebook so what I did to grow her Facebook account is I just shared the posts from her account to the groups so for example if you decided to do makeup as your Niche you could find makeup groups on Facebook share your makeup posts and funny videos or whatever reels or regular videos to those groups and that will help you to gain a following and to grow your Facebook page now let's take a look at the Facebook reels play bonus eligibility to see exactly what they're looking for in ord

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