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Investing Explained For Complete Beginners (How To Invest)

one thousand dollars a day for 1 000 people which is a million dollars in a single day believe it or not you cannot hustle your way to wealth in today's video we are going to talk about something we should have talked about a long time ago because this is literally the only way to get to the biggest bag remember about 10 videos ago i asked you if you wanted me to make a video about investing in the stock market over a thousand of you literally said yes more often on this channel i talk about side hustle ideas how to make money online because that's what most of you seem to want but as an accountant and a certified financial education instructor honestly i have way more to give to you than side hustle ideas in today's video we're gonna talk about investing in stocks because this is one of the ways that the girls can become rich girls and before you click out because you think this is complicated stuff it's not i'm gonna break it down in a way that's popping first we're going to talk about what a stock is then i'm going to tell you how stocks actually make money and at the end of the video i'm going to tell you the easiest way and the way that i invest in the stock market are you ready she ready okay let's get into it number one what is a stock i'm not gonna bore you with a textbook definition let me break it down to you like this imagine that you own a bomb lip gloss business that costs ten thousand dollars to run however you have just one thousand dollars so you've been able to make a few lip gloss samples you've set up your tick tock page you're ready to hit the market but things are not growing as fast as you want them to grow because you don't have the ten thousand dollars you need to run the business like to pay for marketing to hire staff to pay for operations so you go to nine family members to ask for one thousand dollars each now that everyone has brought a thousand dollars each you have the ten thousand dollars you need to run your business now here's the catch though there are always strings attached right you no longer own a hundred percent of your business each person owns 10 equity that's the word in your business but you don't mind because you know with that ten thousand dollars you can turn the business into a six-figure business large companies like apple tesla microsoft coca-cola mcdonald's they also need money but they don't just need one thousand dollars they need millions sometimes even billions of dollars to run their businesses so they make the shares available to the public through something called an initial public offering or ipo so they go out to the public and say hey guys hey everyone in the world including you including me they tell us yo come buy a little tiny piece of my company and you can own that little percentage of the company so when you buy a stock you're basically giving a company money for a little piece of that company some companies stocks sell for as low as twenty dollars some sell for over three thousand dollars but why would you want to spend your money buying a piece of a company is there even a way to make a lot of money from this yes there is and that brings us to point number two point number two how stocks make money there are two ways that stocks can make you a rich girl one is through capital gains the second is through dividends now let's talk about capital gains capital gains is literally what it sounds like gains on your capital so when you put money into a stock if you're able to buy the stock at a low price and sell it at a high price the gain that you get is called a capital gain if capital gain is the way you want to make money by investing in stocks then you want to make sure that you're buying low and you're selling high a lot of amateur investors don't know how to time the market and i love that more and more people of color women of color are beginning to talk about this my favorite person who does this is a woman called terry she literally was a teacher but as soon as she learned how to make a thousand dollars a day in the stock market she started teaching people how to make a thousand dollars a day as well with the goal of getting 1 000 people to a thousand dollars a day because if we have a thousand students make a thousand dollars in a day that's one million dollars generated in a day and if we are able to make a million dollars in a day what kind of impact could we have on the world did you hear that the second way is through dividends and this is my all-time favorite because this is one of the ways i make passive income remember that when you buy a stock you own a little bit of the company and as a proud owner when the company does well and it makes profits you have to collect some of that profit just the same way your family members will come and ask for your money if they give you 1 000 each you also as an investor can sit back and receive checks in your bank account each time dividends are paid if you invest in dividend-paying stocks because not all stocks pay dividends if you want to see a full video about dividend investing because you want to get started investing then let me know in the comment section i'll be more than happy to make that video if you watch it so let me know in the comment section while dividends are really nice to receive not all stocks paid dividends and that brings us to point number three types of stocks technically there are different kinds of stocks but broadly speaking we have blue chip stocks and we have growth stocks and the type of stocks you decide to invest in would depend on how you want to make money in the stock market whether or not you're a short-term investor or a long-term investor what your risk tolerance is and what your goal for investing is these are things that you have to factor in to decide which one you like but a blue chip stock is a stock of a very established company that's been around for a while and because it's been profitable for a long time it can afford to pay its investors dividends and that's why i love me some blue chip stocks now you also have growth stocks growth stocks are stocks of companies that are still in the growth phase they haven't been around that long yet and the prices go up and drop and up and down and there are people who get excited about stocks like this today it's one thousand dollars in two days it's three thousand dollars they're usually very volatile they're the ones that make a lot of people say buy the dip buy the dip and sometimes the dip even goes deeper but if you're a new investor you don't want to get carried away with this because a lot of people have lost money by trying to chase capital gains when they're just starting out which brings me to number four the easiest way to get started investing if you are a new investor you might have completely stayed away from the stock market because you think it is risky and you're not wrong there is a degree of risk with investing in general however that risk can be min

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