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These 6 Etsy Digital Products Will Sell Now And Make Huge Profit 🔥

you guys know I am all about selling digital products on Etsy but I also know it can be pretty hard to make a decent profit with low ticket digital products like stickers or checklist templates things that are typically in that one to five dollar range at that price point you're gonna need a pretty large amount of traffic and number of sales for the profit to build up enough to make a sizable income from it it's doable but you're gonna have to constantly be driving a ton of traffic to get to that huge quantity of conversions so instead if you're looking at selling digital products on Etsy I encourage you to consider some higher ticket items that you could charge more for there are certain types of digital products that you can price more in the 25 50 or even a hundred dollars or more range and trust me you're going to be making a lot more profit at that price point than you will on the one or two dollar items even if you get less total sales so today I'm sharing with you my top six picks for higher ticket digital products to sell on Etsy that'll earn you a larger profit coming up foreign [Applause] friends so glad you're here if we haven't met yet I'm Kate I'm a wife Mama Etsy seller and business coach and I'm here to help you start and scale your online business so you can make a full-time income doing what you love now if you've made less than a thousand dollars in your Etsy shop or maybe you just started and need some smart strategy for getting to those consistent daily sales on Etsy and I have something that you definitely need to check out it's my free 60-minute Etsy success formula Master Class where I walk you through step by step what worked for me to take my Etsy shop to a six figure business and the Five Pillars that I used in my own shop to grow it to the top one percent of etsy shops and their strategies that will work for you and that you can start implementing in your shop to see that growth that you've been wanting so I'll link that master class in the description box below so you can click over and watch that after this video okay let's go ahead and talk about digital product type number one which would be custom branding assets when we say branding assets we're talking about anything that a business owner could use in their branding like a logo design a thank you card design business card so the most common type of branding asset we see is a custom logo design so you could offer several different things you could offer a custom logo you could also offer bundles where you're offering a custom logo and a sub logo or a logo a sub logo and a business card design so you can really make this whatever you want but the point is that you're actually customizing this and working with the Shopper the business owner that's purchasing this from you you're gonna be going back and forth to customize this and personalize this to what they want for their business if you're wanting to go with a larger bundle to offer them you could also throw in things like a Facebook cover design a thank you card design an Etsy reserved listing graphic a website header there are just so many different graphic assets that business owners need especially online business owners so you can definitely make this bundle as large as you want by throwing in those additional extras so whether you offer just a customized logo or a whole bundle of different assets the basic process for this would be the same you would have what I ever you're offering in the drop down menu options on your Etsy listing so they can choose a logo or a logo and sub logo bundle or the huge bundle with everything in it but they choose from that drop down menu what they would like to order from you and then once that order comes through you reach out to them through email with a questionnaire so you're providing a questionnaire for them to fill out with their preferences so things like their brand colors the fonts they like the certain aesthetic or Vibe they want for their design and you ask them to go ahead and fill out that questionnaire and email it back to you and then once you receive their filled out questionnaire you have all the information on what their vision is for their branding the next step is to provide three to five different concept designs for them so let's say you're creating a custom logo for them you would come up with three to five designs of course you can change that it can be whatever you want but the typical thing we see on Etsy for this type of listing is like three to five Concepts that they can then choose from and let you know hey I like this one design the best out of all of these five and we're gonna go along with this vision for this specific design then once the buyer has chosen the concept they like the best they work back and forth with you on revision so they might say hey I like this part of the design but let's change the font here or let's make this color different here and so they're requesting revisions and you're working back and forth through email or whatever form of communication you want to have with them to make those revisions give them different drafts of the logo design until they're happy with it and you've come up with a final product then once you have that final product ready you're going to deliver that file or the files if they've ordered a bundle of different things you're going to deliver that to them in whatever file types that you have stated are included in the listings so common file types might be PDF AI EPS jpeg PNG which would have a transparent background and even sometimes an SVG file it's up to you what file types you want to include but just make sure in your listing description that you clearly State what the final files will be delivered as you can charge anywhere from 75 dollars to a hundred dollars for a customized logo on Etsy and if you have one of those larger branding packages that you're offering including things like your Facebook cover the thank you card design the business card design if it's a larger bundle you can even get close to the 500 range or a large customized bundle like that okay digital product type number two is a slide deck template there are a lot of online business owners out there giving presentations for things like webinars master classes online courses and I'm going to let you in on a little secret here most of them don't want to start from scratch for their slide deck they're wanting to work from a template to make things easier on themselves so if you can provide an editable template for their webinar slides or their online course slides this is something you can charge a higher price for and it's something that is really in demand now there are a lot of different programs you could use for this but the most common that I see on Etsy is an editable canva template so you're gonna actually go into canva and create a slide deck or the presentation template in canva and make it editable for the Shopper that purchases it fr

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