Make Money Online

The Best Way To Level Up In Your 20s💰💰💰

girl i'm gonna need you to do that right after watching this video call up your bank and tell them that you want some of your money to go straight from your checking account to while it's important to understand personal finance basics like saving and budgeting more of us women need to start engaging in conversations about earning more and building wealth this channel is full of videos like side hustle ideas for women how to make money online and how to invest because like the amazing rachel rogers said in her book we should all be millionaires and though realistically we all have different financial goals my aim with this video is to give you the knowledge and tools to plan and make better money decisions in 2022. so if this is the kind of content that you enjoy then please go ahead and hit the like button it helps this video go out to more women like you hi and welcome or welcome back to the channel if you're new here hello i'm vanessa a certified financial educator and on this channel we talk all things earning more and building wealth and today honey we have a good one in today's video i'm gonna share eight key things to do to set yourself up for a year of financial abundance and if you miss everything i say today make sure you don't miss number six because though they're all important number six is really what ties everything together so without further ado let's get into the meat and the potatoes of this video before we begin my question to you is what is your biggest money goal for 2022 and what kind of support do you need let me know in the comment section below number one is to create a financial vision board and i'm sure you're like sis a vision board yes girl a vision board i have always used vision boards and they really work for me with the vision board it keeps the main thing the main thing when you put it in your office or in your bedroom you wake up every day to look at exactly what you're striving for and one key thing about my vision boards is that they're always very simple i only put the main things that i want to achieve that year on my vision board for example last year's vision board had only two things i wanted this channel to hit a hundred thousand subscribers which it did thank you very much for being here and two i wanted to hire a team of amazing women to help run the membership which is set to launch this year number two is to learn to negotiate everybody wants to do what's best for them that includes the organization that you work for if you work a nine-to-five job and it includes brands that want you to partner with them if you're a creator so you have to make sure you're looking out for your own interest as well within reason and why do i say within reason because you don't want to walk into your boss's office and ask for a 50 000 raise without showing why you're qualified and why you're the best person to get the raise number three is to diversify your income you know that i'm all about the multiple income streams life because one income stream is too close to no income stream but you have to make sure that that one income stream is secure before you start diversifying number four is to start investing it's one thing to earn more money and it's another thing to build wealth now investing is how you build wealth and the good thing is that there are different ways to get started there's real estate investing there are stocks bonds mutual funds etfs cryptocurrencies nfts i mean no matter what your risk tolerance is there's something for you and because this is a very important topic that i want more of us to understand the team and i have brought on two investing experts that will be teaching you all that they know and answering all your questions in the membership so if you haven't signed up yet the link will be down in the description box number five is to develop persuasion skills you're gonna need this because if you want to earn more money you have to be able to get people to see your value and pay you for it it will come in handy in an interview and it would also come in handy in a sales pitch in fact even if you're a creator like i am you would need to be able to convince people to hit the subscribe button and be a part of your community the key to persuasion is value number six is to automate your finances girl i'm gonna need you to do that right after watching this video call up your bank and tell them that you want some of your money to go straight from your checking account to your savings account automatically every single month because most of us don't have the time to remember to stay on top of our financial goals so it's always good to automate them so that even when you fall your systems would hold you up number seven is to improve your network this year we're not making any room for people who laugh at our big goals people who gossip about us on our way to the top we are not listening to people who tell us we cannot do things we don't have time for that if you need new friends girl this community has got you get in the comment section and make new friends girl and number eight is to build an audience somewhere anywhere it doesn't even matter but having a group of people who know like and trust you is so important in today's world if you're a professional build an audience on linkedin if you're someone who likes to take pictures and you have good captions build an audience on instagram if you have a lot of knowledge to share build an audience on youtube and if you're struggling to build an audience the team and i have also booked a social media manager to lead some coaching sessions in the membership so if you haven't joined yet the link will be down in the description box i hope you found this video helpful remember that i'm rooting for you so please don't stop rooting for yourself and until next time please take care

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