STOP Using AliExpress for Dropshipping (Use THIS Instead) 1-2 DAY SHIPPING!

Drop Shipping is a great method for beginners to get into e-commerce with a low investment without an inventory commitment and can make you a lot of money with the right strategies although for you to become successful with Drop Shipping one of the most important aspects of Drop Shipping is to find the right supplier and today I'm going to be showing you a new method in order to find suppliers and products as many of you guys have had issues with AliExpress I knew it was time to introduce something new to my YouTube channel even when I first started off Drop Shipping I ran into a bunch of issues with AliExpress and I now see you guys as my subscribers running into those same types of issues so I'm excited to introduce this platform for you guys today if you are new here or new to drop shipping remember that I have a step-by-step free Drop Shipping course on my YouTube channel that you can refer to I even have a free course showing you how to start with no money if you're new here hi my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and I am your number number one source for 100% free e-commerce education as I am dedicated to 100% free education people do charge thousands of dollars for the education that I provide for you free on my YouTube channel all I ask in return for the free education is just hit that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to make videos and free courses just like this and remember that I have tons of free courses on my YouTube channel for whenever you're ready to learn so as you know AliExpress is a platform that shows you thousands of suppliers of products although because a lot of these suppliers have launch shipment times this can cause issues chargebacks complaints and unhappy customers can be the result of this although it's possible to find suppliers on AliExpress it can be difficult to filter through and actually find the winning products and find suppliers with fast shipment times I don't want any of you guys to lose profits time or your money so I want to make sure with what I present on my YouTube channel I'm really trying to set you guys up for long-term success some of these suppliers on AliExpress have shipment times of 30 to 50 days and that's a huge red flag and something that could even destroy your business if you are solely depending on these suppliers in this video today I'm going to be showing you a solution that combats these issues and makes developing your Drop Shipping Store and the process of finding products to sell so much easier especially as a beginner so first let's talk about what to actually look for in a Drop Shipping supplier so number one is a supplier that ships fast there are actually suppliers out here that their sole focus is Drop Shipping stores so they know as a drop shipper what you need from them by working with these suppliers you're able to feel more confident with your store and business which will lead to more success long term the second thing that you want to look for in a Drop Shipping supplier is efficient communication you do not want a supplier that is taking 5 days to respond to you that way if there's an issue let's just pretend a customer arrives a broken product and it is the supplier's fault that maybe they shipped it without padding or just whatever the issue is you are able to get in contact quickly with your supplier let them know what's going on and that supplier usually will send out a new product for free to your buyer and it will all be resolved through there whenever this happened to me and my buyer emailed me and let me know like hey this happened it came stained if it was closed or it came broken I immediately apologized for the inconvenience I asked for photos of the issue and then I was able to send those photos to that supplier to get the situation fixed a lot more quickly the third thing to look for when you're looking for a Drop Shipping supplier is to see if their warehouse is a worldwide Warehouse or not so some suppliers only ship to one country other suppliers ship to many countries so it's important to assess this and just figure this out so if you ever want to expand to more countries than what you're thinking of that will be available to you so now that we've gone through all the qualities of a good Drop Shipping supplier now let me show you how you can find these suppliers and also find products to sell you guys already know I went through so many different Drop Shipping platforms to find the best one in order to recommend it to you guys and out of all of these platforms my favorite one so far has been autod DS so this is the autod DS marketplace with this feature you're able to save time and money by accessing proven Best Sellers from the supported suppliers including including even autods itself the autods marketplace allows you to easily find trendy and bestselling products by simply choosing a category and searching through the popular products and you can search through the popular products page to actually find these products you're able to narrow down your search by using these built-in filters to navigate you can filter your product results by Price supplier shipping currency and so many other things so autods in itself is actually a supplier they actually offer a whole wide range of products with low shipping times between 2 to 14 days so definitely don't sleep on this especially once you actually picked out your product criteria you're going to find some good product options here then you're able to actually add them into your store with this import system here this eliminates additional costs on other Drop Shipping tools which they might charge you to use these you're able to actually enjoy the ultimate all-in-one solution to actually scaling your business and then eventually to grow even more drop shipping stores so they have this whole winning products page it shows you in-depth and a complete analysis of how the sellers run their campaigns their target audience potential profit and so many other detailed information here you can import items that have undergone winning products is a feature that you can find as an addition to the marketplace feature that I just showed you this way you're able to actually start Drop Shipping with the best sellers handpicked items and they actually give you and show you what is is selling currently then you don't have to waste so much time on AliExpress always searching for new products and suppliers which then will obviously give you more time to focus on the important things like scaling your business another really cool feature that I love about this website is their Tik Tok spy feature so they have this feature called Tik Tok spy and you're able to scroll through the Tik Tok spy and it filters Tik Tok content so to use this efficiently I recommend you typing in Tik Tok made me buy it in order to pull up the best Tik Tok with that hasht

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