Make Money Online

Start Making Money Today! By Chatting With English Learners

English Learners from all over the world are looking for people to practice their English with you can help them by chatting with them about their interest answering their questions and giving them feedback in their pronunciation and grammar so in this video I'm going to share with you different platforms where you can make good money online by chatting to English Learners worldwide best of all these opportunities are widely available so you can apply from pretty much wherever you come from without wasting any more time let's have a look at these different websites all right guys so the first platform is one where you can work remotely you can actually work on the phone with this platform as they have an application that can be downloaded by students to practice and be fluent in English it's called fluent you as you can see here they say fluent you brings language learning to life with real world videos to find Opportunities or to get started in finding opportunities here you'll scroll down to the bottom of the website where you can see work with us over here and this is where you can start applying but this is also where you'll find more information about working in this platform you'll see here they say remote jobs at fluent you join our team so make sure that you go through all these details here to find out whether you can be a good match for this platform but just to let you know of some of the details here they say we're 100% remote team with members distributed all over the world yourday is flexible and most of our communication is text based so guys fluent you is one of the platforms where you can find Opportunities to teach English remotely working your own schedule the next platform is interesting you can teach here via video It's called English Central and it's the platform that I'm looking at here on my screen you'll see here they say teach with the world's best videos so this is the platform here but to get started as a teacher you need to be on their teachers resource site which is through this link that you can find over here you will learn on this platform and this is how it looks like English Central is a subscription based platform where students pay a subscription fee for learning English on the platform and that's how you can get paid you'll see here they say the vision behind English Central is that learning English be as engaging as watching videos on YouTube so you need to be engaging in creating the videos as well people love YouTube because they watch a 2-minute Le and 30 minutes later they still engaged so guys this is how this platform works you record videos to teach English to different students worldwide the next one is prep Le probably one of the most popular platforms and effective platforms for teaching English online and I'm on their Twitter page where you can find more information and get started as a teacher so you'll see here to get started and money on your schedule is you'll fill in your email address create your password sign up with your email alternatively you can sign up with your Facebook account or your Gmail account but this is how this platform works you set your own rates so you choose an hourly rate and change it anytime on average English tutors charge anywhere from $15 to $20 us on prep Le you attend professional development webinars and get tips to upgrade your skills as well so this platform does not only give you opportunities it empowers you to grow in the field of teaching English or other languages online the next one offers you an opportunity to grow an audience online and as you guys might know with a bigger audience you get more opportunities to monetize or to make a bit more money this platform offers you an opportunity to teach any language your native language or any language that you are fluent in including the English language which I think is very popular so it's called verbling and it is this website that I'm looking at here on my screen I'm on their teacher page where you can start the application process or find out more information about being a teacher here you'll see they say you earn money teaching your language online anytime anywhere to get started you simply select the apply Now button but I want to show you guys what's really possible here you set your own hourly rates and cash out your earnings anytime you work from anywhere you teach anytime they offer you flexibility International Community and of course you gain followers here they say you build up a community of followers while building your brand and I think this is very interesting about this platform and if you've use web ling you're building an audience and you're ining from this platform do let us know your experience in the comment section down below it'll be interesting to hear from you as well but based on the reviews this is an excellent platform for teaching others different languages including the English Language online all right guys so the next one is another platform where you can teach people the English language or any native language or language that you understand as well and it's called I talki you'll see here they say become fluent in any language to become a teacher on italki you simply need to select become a teacher over there to start the signing up process you then have to fill in your checklist over here is your language open you check over there what type of teacher are you you can learn more there prepare a video introduction of yourself very important because it can mean the difference between you getting opportunities to teach te others or not so work on your introduction video so it requires only professional teachers to upload their teaching certificates their diploma and certificates are not published online so you don't have to worry about getting your information out there and having them seen but they will be reviewed by the company and once you're ready you can select here to allow them to perform an ID verification check in order for you to start teaching on this platform it's a very professional platform it's available worldwide one of the the biggest and one of the highly reviewed and recommended English tutoring platform all right guys so the next platform is where you can teach young children from 3 years old up to 12 years old worldwide in private classes or private lessons you need to be a native and speak the English language and it is a very professional platform it's called IAL fish glass it's the platform that I'm looking at here on my screen you'll see here they say best choice for 2 million families worldwide on online English private tutoring with the best native teachers and of course you need to be 100% professional um you need to interact the good thing about this platform is you don't need to have a laptop or desktop computer to get started with your mobile phone you can have private lessons with your students the last platform is cem now this one is for 100% native English speakers

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