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Pinterest Seo In 2024: Dominate With These Simple Strategies!

hey everyone Anastasia here and today we'll be diving into the world of Pinterest SEO to help you grow your Pinterest account I'm getting about 70 to 80 000 outbound clicks from my Pinterest account that has 10 plus million monthly viewers I've been talking about Pinterest on this channel for about five years now and I want to pass some valuable tips to you I'll be sharing practical tips and insights that you can use right away to drive more traffic to your website this video can end up a bit longer than usual so feel free to use timestamps to watch the parts of the video that are most interesting for you if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe and hit the like button on this video let's begin by discussing what Pinterest SEO is for those who may be not familiar Pinterest SEO is similar to Google seo seo stands for search engine optimization it's about optimizing your pins so that when users search for specific keywords or topics Pinterest shows your pins to them for example I could search here for best vegetarian spring recipes and you will see that Pinterest is doing a pretty good job showing me mostly the pins that are about this exact topic the more Impressions your pins get the more comments and engagements Europeans will receive and the more organic free traffic you can get from Pinterest now let's move on to practical tips that you can use right now to improve your Pinterest SEO with Pinterest SEO you need to focus on three aspects your Pinterest profile your Pinterest boards and your pins it's important to optimize all three starting with the top level which is your Pinterest account because when someone makes a search for a specific keyword they can also find your profile using this filter that shows only profiles of course your profile can only be found if you actually optimized it for this keyword to start optimizing your Pinterest profile first you you need to make sure that you have the most important keywords in your profile name and description okay so here is how your profile will look like for other users you'll see here that your title is pretty short and even your description is not going to be shown in full it will have this three dots and then the link to read more information and in my case I have here a call to action link but you could make your description even shorter and then that in that case your call to action link could be visible for any users at least on desktop now to edit your description and title of your profile you'll click here on this little arrow pointing down then you'll click on the settings and here you go you have the name and the about field and you need to make sure that the most important keywords and probably the the brand name in my case is Anastasia blogger you want to keep it closer to the beginning of both the title and the description of your profile because in many cases only the beginning part will be visible to users so you will notice that in my case I'm adding also additional keywords online business tips and blogging for beginners and I also have some keywords in the description like make money online and affiliate marketing and of course Pinterest traffic then you need to claim your website URL or you also have a second option to verify a Shopify store with a free app to verify any other platforms and types of websites except Shopify you just need to click on claim your website link to do this you just go to your Pinterest settings click on claim and follow the steps to claim your website for those using WordPress you can choose the option to add this HTML code in the head section of your website and to do this you could use the WB code free plugin formally called insert headers and Footers and add the required code to your site's header don't worry it's a simple copy and paste process that will help you easily add the code in the head section on almost any WordPress theme or you could use your SEO plugin like yoast SEO or rank map and they both allow you to add the Pinterest code for website verification for example in rank math to find this you will go to general settings then click on webmaster tools and here you will find among other tools the field for Pinterest verification code claiming your website on Pinterest boosts your account's Authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of Pinterest so it's an essential step to optimize your account so go ahead and claim your website to Kickstart your Pinterest SEO from the beginning now let's move to the next level it's your Pinterest board how do optimize them one of the first things that you want to do is make sure that you have a good board title and description that includes some keywords related to your Niche for example if you have a DIY website make sure to mention that in your description and list out some of the projects maybe that you have done this will help your profile show up in searches related to those keywords to those projects when you have a new account you will have no boards but if you want to find a place where to create them you just need to click on this saved Tab and that will be the place that hosts all of your boards and if you want to create a new board you'll just have to look for this plus icon it will be on the right side if you're on a desktop you will click on it and see here create a board and here you'll need to add first just the name of the board so it could be pretty short so their examples are places to go or recipes to make I would say since you're a Creator and in particular Niche you want to make sure sure that you're covering with your boards everything that you're going to be covering on your website you could start looking at the categories on your website and maybe first create the boards for every category on the website now once you created just a board with a board title the next thing you need to do is open the board and click on these three dots because you want to get to the place where you can add a board description as well I need to mention that board descriptions are much longer than titles and you can add here many related keywords but again just make sure that they are included in nicely written sentences that people can actually read not just the search robots the next step is to follow other accounts in your Niche and engage with their content by liking and saving their pins this will help make your account look active and contribute to the Pinterest Community you don't want to do anything crazy like following hundreds of profiles a day but you could follow about 10 profiles a day for the first month or so that's a healthy Pace the don't expect many of them to follow you back you're just doing this to get some engagement and natural activity on your account and also doing a little bit of research on the accounts of your competitors will help you understand what others are doing in your Niche and how they're managing to succeed on Pinterest when it comes to keyword research on Pinterest I wi

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