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Pinterest Ads Full Tutorial (2024) For Shopify Dropshipping & Ecommerce

hi everyone Anastasia is here in this video I'll be guiding you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to run Pinterest ads for your e-commerce business and how to do it profitably first we need to make sure that the Pinterest tag is properly installed on your website this tag allows Pinterest to monitor the various activities on your store like page visits purchases and added items in shopping carts this helps Pinterest gain insights into your user behavior and make your ad campaigns more efficient now I won't show you how to set up a tag Click by click simply because there are too many different platforms that people might be using like WordPress Shopify and more but the process is pretty straightforward for instance if you're on Shopify the setup becomes a breeze simply install the free app made in a partnership between Pinterest and Shopify and thanks to the automatic integration is just a matter of one click if you're logged into your Pinterest account make sure that the tag is capturing all necessary data and then you're all set to kick off your ad campaign let's dive into creating a Pinterest campaign I'll guide you on setting up your first Pinterest campaign and the step number one is to click create campaign and this leads you to the campaign Details page where you set your objective and the budget the objectives are categorized into three types build awareness Drive consideration and get conversions you need to select from these based on your specific goals let's break it down for big Brands they typically need a full final strategy so they will start with building awareness then layer it with consideration and conversion campaigns this approach guides customers through every stage of their Journey the second type of campaign works perfectly for bloggers and if your goal is more website traffic then opt for consideration campaigns the focus would be driving traffic to your pins and in turn to your website and the last one is perfect for e-commerce this is probably you because I'm focusing in this video on ads for Shopify and dropshipping businesses if you are on a tight budget and need quick sales then consideration campaigns are ideal so you're probably on a tight budget and you need quick sales so conversion campaigns are ideal as an e-commerce business you will probably use this convers campaigns in most cases but you cannot do this right away on a new Pinterest ads account it will first require that you collect a certain number of events using consideration campaigns first the general guideline is to start a conversion campaign when you have recorded more than 50 events within a week for instance if in a week I've got 67 checkouts and 105 leads I'm eligible to create a conversion campaign now you should name your campaign and you can name it in the way that helps you quickly understand the most important details about this campaign but I can suggest that you use this method for example product name plus campaign type plus lunch date now when it comes to your business strategy if you're doing Drop Shipping and you want to find the best products to promote on Pinterest you could scroll through the home feed and search for ads and find popular pins and product that way but let's face it that will take you a ton of time instead of spending ages hunting for the best ideas of how to promote your products I recommend you to check out this Tik Tok spy tool from autods who kindly sponsored this section of the video you can easily browse Tik Tok content use filters for likes views and interactions and this will help you discover those super hot trending products and most most popular videos take notes because you will need to create videos that have as much potential for your Pinterest ads and if you're not sure which products are worth your ad budget you can also use autods winning product feature it will show you handpicked and preved products that are guaranteed to make you money the best part is that they add three to five new items daily so you'll never run out of options you will also get their in-depth and complete analysis of how sellers run their campaigns target audience potential profit and a lot more detailed information it will save you a lot of time on product research so sign up with autods using my link below to use it for 30 days for free getting back to setting your Pinterest campaign status in most scenarios set it to active if you're planning for future campaigns you might choose a different status or even schedule them I often set up campaigns in the mornings letting them run continuously your budget settings will vary based on your specific goals personally I prefer to set a daily budget so that I know that the maximum that will be spent per day is this and this is the maximum that will spent per month now let's talk about setting the budget on Pinterest ads when it comes to daily budgeting I usually opt for a modest approach especially in comparison to other social media channels typically I start with testing budgets of $1 $3 or $5 per ad if you're representing a one product store or a larger brand it might make sense to allocate a more substantial budget to one campaign especially if your goal is to get a significant traffic volume but it's essential to note that Pinterest traffic is a lot more affordable than on other platforms it's about 3 to five times cheaper so if you're starting out or testing the waters a lower budget works wonders without draining your pockets once the budget set usually at around $5 daily should be fine for beginners it's time to move to the add group details section here you can define demographics specific targeting and craft your actual ads before jumping into naming the ad group I head straight to the targeting details you will have options like reconnect with users which is for custom audiences or find new customers for cold audiences however I recommend to choose your own which offers flexibility in audience selection don't be put off because it suggests that it's for experienced um Advanced advertisers it's quite straightforward anyway demographics is the next priority this initial setting helps you set the potential audience size which is very important for Campa performance as a standard I set the target region to the United States also make sure that you selected the appropriate gender and age bracket that aligns with the product's audience you typically want to Target women on Pinterest that's the biggest demographic on this platform language settings are typically English and for devices I prefer to Target across all with this parameters you're essentially casting a wide net targeting a broad audience say almost everyone in the United States and as shown in this example that's a massive 80 million potential viewers so we need to narrow down our targeting we need to guide the Pinterest system by choosing specific interests or keywords this helps to focus on those who are genuinely interested in your pro

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