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Opening A New Stage In My Life

[Music] we from the north baby the cold maybe i know you can't get enough good morning everyone i hope you guys are doing good i'm acting like it's super early but it's actually 11 a.m because i woke up today around actually at like 9 30 ish but yesterday i hit the gym after very long break and i just couldn't wake up and and then i went to sleep once again i would come 10 30 and i was just like you know trying to understand the reason of my existence in the world for the last 30 minutes and now i understand that there is no meaning to it so i'm awake let's do my skincare we have a lot of things to do because you know i'm a i'm a busy girl so today i'll take you guys along and show you whatever i'm doing in italy because a lot of you guys seemed really curious about it so let's go [Music] down inside my old honda you all right it won't leave my ass alone but i can't [Music] okay so i'm trying an app called routinery where basically you can create your routines and i created like my morning routine and i'm gonna do it this video is not sponsored by routine area by the way i'm just like trying a bunch of productivity type of apps but artillery are you listening me if you want to sponsor me i'm down anyway so as you can see here my supposedly morning routine is listed oh so it's like you press start drink water i have a minute wait wait this is actually a bit stressing [Music] ah [Music] make a bed i have a minute let's make the bed [Music] amazing amazing what's next and then if you exceed the time it also shows that okay interesting now weight check let me check my weight i gained so much weight but anyway now meditation time let's do a bit of meditation though it's been a while since i did i am using an app called miditopia you can meditate in like different languages we collaborated before and i really like the app so i bought like a premium membership okay now we gotta prepare a meal so basically my breakfast let's prepare i realized that i don't have a plate right now so let me wash the dishes so that i can have a plate but it's too boring to be this quiet so let me add some music i have like a spotify playlist if you guys are curious whatever and listening you guys can check it out but clear the loon [Music] let me stop acting like a sophisticated person i'm just gonna listen to my own spotify playlist you can follow me on spotify yes i got my racks huh i didn't wanna tax so i gotta keep on my reese's lucky with a red dye evil [ __ ] red i ever [ __ ] wanna take something from me but who won't come and heal my pain if everything depends on me i ain't have no back up gonna get this cash up [Music] is [Music] so we have this [Music] okay so after breakfast the thing says that check your schedule okay work as long as it takes because i won't borrow my lasting made me a mess and let me [Music] [Applause] i found them bubba [Music] bye [Music] at me every day [Music] [Music] [Music] every time [Music] oh in order to open my italian bank i got help from eduscala ediscola is an agency where basically they help students who are studying in italy about italian procedures and they send one of their staff members and she helped with me through the application and while we were waiting in the line we became friends and we decided to grab something and drink and have just a bit of lunch and it was really fun [Music] it's not overnight i take my advice [Music] i really do not want to go to the gym right now and just like want to sleep late and nap but [Music] i've been like trying to make excuses for myself like let's take this day as a rest day i'm going there tomorrow it should be fine but i know i need to go today because i might not be able to go tomorrow and since i follow two days roll for gym so basically today's rule is that you don't skip any of your desired habits two days in a row if you skip today you need to do it tomorrow and since i probably won't be able to go to the gym tomorrow i need to go today but i really do not want to i truly do not want to go to the gym i have the energy i have time i have every single opportunity currently but but will i yes do i want to absolutely not but i'm gonna still hit the gym because i know it makes me feel good afterwards and i quite enjoy my workouts but you know going there is a struggle even though it's like really close to me ah so i decided to put some energizing music before going to gym so at least i feel a bit better where is my spotify playlist [Music] look at me guys i look so freaking good like when i see myself in the mirror i never ever say oh my god i look so ugly today oh my god i'm so ugly or i never ever say negative things to myself i always say normally i'm 20 out of 10 but today i'm looking eight out of ten and that's still pretty good that is the wipes you guys i gained quite a lot of weight i think i gained like five now four kilos or something i actually gained like six kilos but then lost two kilos and i'm currently like with four extra kills but that's okay like when i was younger when i was like 17 18 that time that era i was telling myself that oh my god i look so fat i gained weight i lose like all of the respect to myself and those unnecessary stuff now i'm like oh yeah i gained weight that was freaking yummy you know i don't regret it that was a really good food i appreciate that and the game makes the energy to hit the gym and now i'm hitting the gym you know if you gain a weight and if you want to lose weight then work out why are you saying negative things to yourself it was a yummy yummy good food you know i appreciate that some people don't have accessibility so let's go [Music] guys i came back from gym or at least i'm pretending that i came back from gym i actually came back like about 30 minutes ago whatever i feel so much better i'm so glad that i won the gym if you're currently procrastinating going on gym or doing whatever physical activities you want to do just do it because the end reference kicking you know apple watch celebrating and stuff you hit three goals already you're doing amazing anyway so endorphins kicking in and you know serotonin feeling and just like oh i generally feel so good i want to like snack on something because i'm kind of hungry and so i'm gonna eat a bit from my sakurako and from my tokyo treat box which is today's sponsor they are japanese monthly subscription boxes tokyo treat is a full of boxes of japanese snacks and the sakuraco is like the more traditional one so in sakuraku we have more traditional authentic japanese snacks and let me show you guys one of the things that i really like about these boxes is that they bring me back to japan you know to my home since i'm far away from my home just eating things that i grow up eating is so calming and so what is that word what is that word so so call me what's that word i forgot the word and the great thing about these boxes is that they give you like these booklets where they explain about the japanese cultu

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