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Money & Life Advice For Teens To Get Rich

so here's what I have learned in the past 10 years that I especially thank young adults and teens should listen to even if you're not a teen or a young adult watching this this is life advice that you can honestly apply to at any age but as a teenager as a young adult realize that you have so much of an advantage because Within These next five years of your life if you apply yourself and you apply the mindset tips that I'm teaching in this video and you will indeed see success in different areas of your life hey batting business family my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses I'm 26 years old I'm a millionaire and I have been doing online side hustles since I was 16 years old if you are a young and ambitious and you feel a calling on your life you know you see your friends maybe you know messing around going out to parties and doing these things and you're noticing that you're not really interested in those things you're more interested in your future this is so so important and if you are feeling that way keep on letting that guide you don't try to like just go off and do what everybody else is doing because that is personally one of the best things that I ever did which leads me to my first point of today which is pick your friends wisely show me your friends and I'll show you your future show me your friends and I show you your future if you cannot find friends that are also not really thinking about their future or very careless about their future and they go out and they're doing bad things or maybe they're just not really taking life seriously they're not talking about goals they're more talking about drinking then these are the kinds of people you got to just stay away from I personally rather sit at a table by myself than sit with people that are just talking about stupid topics that have nothing to do with any sort of substance that can help to make you a better person alone doesn't always mean lonely and it's important to spend time alone as you're a teenager don't always think that you have to be around a bunch of other people or that you have to fit in with a certain crowd in order to feel fulfilled or to feel happy I want to fit in one of the best things that I ever did was separate myself from the rest of the people that were kind of just off doing crazy things going to parties doing all these things that I just didn't find interest in but these people are spending so much money on alcohol and going out and doing all these things for what what are you celebrating being broke it's important that you realize from a young age that things that society makes seem normal usually are not that normal personally watching my parents work paycheck to paycheck my whole life growing up has made me kind of think the way that I think about money the way that I think about setting up your life setting up your future because one thing about me is I never wanted to be worried about money as over half of Americans earning a six-figure salary report that they're actually living paycheck to paycheck if you live in the United States there is really no excuse as to why you cannot be successful there's people that are coming from all different countries and would like sell a kidney just to live in the United States just to live here and have the same opportunities that you have you know we live in a very consumer-based country so I definitely think like you're either the consumer or you're the one behind the scenes focused on how you can take advantage of this consumer Market bring something to the table that no one else has seen before and actually make a difference in people's lives while also building up your future building up your bank account and just being successful long term college is not for everybody business is not for everybody you have to really just kind of feel out and figure out what do you think is meant for you in your life nothing in life that's worth it is easy but if you think about it think of all the other things in life that's also heard being rich can be hard to achieve but being broke is harder living paycheck to paycheck is hard so in life we have to choose what our heart is going to be your teen years from the time that you are 16 to 21 can either make or break the person that you are going to be now if I have people that are watching this that are older than that it really truly doesn't matter what age you are one year can change your life so much one month can change your life so much and like I always say as long as God is waking you up every single day he has a plan for your life don't ever feel like you're too old to start something but at the same time you have to be realistic and understand that life is short too and if you make a bunch of stupid decisions in your early 20s and you start to have like a bad mindset to where you think you know you can go in like blow all this money and like do all these things those habits will continue if you do not nip them in the butt in the beginning this is the cardinal sin this is what poor people do they get a check and they just start spending one of the best things that I feel like I did I never lost the value of money even right now to a coffee shop if I see a coffee that's twenty dollars there I'm not gonna spend that if I see a product and it's just not worth it to me I will not buy it you have to start looking at this with everything that you choose to buy in your life that leads me to my next point for young adults and teenagers which is fill your mind with knowledge you don't have to bike somebody's course the knowledge you will learn at my seminar will make you financially independent for the rest of your life you don't have to go pay for a college course use YouTube as a resource what I did when I was super young I was sitting on YouTube and just straight learning we have access to so much knowledge just from our phones Generations before us never had that opportunity that is why at this time in your life if you're choosing that you don't want to take out loans to go to college if you rather just work on online side hustles and making money online your parents are probably not gonna understand that do not let school grades Define you I personally literally failed High School I failed out of high school my freshman year I was like horrible in math in school the real world you are not doing that math if you really look at history the school system has not changed in over 100 years the schools cannot keep up with the proper education of today's Times my grandparents could go to college get a degree get a really good job and be successful and buy a house and do all these things we live in a time now where that's just not as possible so these are the things you have to start thinking about I feel like I I'm an example a living example of somebody that went from broken not knowing what to do with their life not feeling like their life has no meaning 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