Make Money Online

I Tried Making +$43.80 Every 30 Minutes Using Google Translate

hey guys and welcome to video five of my I tried it series where I'm trying out side hustles on YouTube to see whether or not they actually work and whether you can make a little bit of extra money from them today I'm trying out one from Real Money strategies channel in this video he's discussing how you can make about 22 every 15 minutes from utilizing Google translate so I decided why not try it out and see whether or not this is actually going to work and whether you guys can actually make a little bit of money too so I'm gonna be following along his video step by step so let's go ahead and get started in today's video I'll be showing you how you can make upwards of 22 every 15 minutes simply by using Google Translate for the first step you want to head over to a website called okay guys here I am on just like he stated I'm on the home page let's keep going so what you want to do is Click onto register over here fill in some simple details and click on to register now okay I clicked on register here I'm gonna go ahead and blur and fill out all my details really quick and then I'm going to go ahead and hit submit now I'm on their home dashboard let's keep going just lined up and logged into CPA grip the first thing that you'll notice you'll be taken to this dashboard and what you can see is this public chat board over here first thing that you want to do is Click onto offer tools and then my offers so that you're able to get an offer that you can promote and start earning some really good commissions with okay so I'm on my home dashboard I'm going to go ahead over here and click offer tools and then my offers just like he stated what it's bringing me here to is this page where it says country United States that's where I'm at let's keep going I click onto my offers what you're able to see here is a bunch of these different offers that we're able to promote and I'm currently based in Australia so it's currently showing my country as Australia what I want you to do guys is Click onto the drop down box over here under country and I want you to type in France right here and the reason why we're selecting France for this video is because I've been having a lot of success with these French offers particularly the exact offer that I'm going to be showing you right now okay so I'm going to go ahead and just click on France and I'm going to go ahead and get that to be brought up so I'm up to date with the video what you want to do guys is you first of all want to sort by the highest payout over here and immediately what you can see is a lot of these French offers are paying some really good commissions every single time that somebody clicks onto the link for the offer that we'll be promoting and performs a simple action so what you want to do guys you want to select this offer right here so we're gonna get paid 21.90 every single time that somebody clicks onto this link that we'll be sharing and anytime that they perform a very simple action in order to win an iPhone 14 we're gonna get paid 21.90 but what you want to do guys is you simply want to copy over some of this text over here you then want to click onto copy head back over to Google Translate make sure that you've got French selected here in English selected over here and you want to paste in this text just like that and here you can see it says enter your mobile number okay I'm going to do exactly what he said I'm gonna go down here now they don't have the iPhone select this one here it does look like a good one ten dollars here and then I'm gonna go ahead and copy this up here at the top I'm gonna go ahead and just copy it I'm gonna go ahead and go over here to Google translate I'm gonna paste it in here it's detected friend you want to go back over to your offer and you literally want to copy this link but before you do that you want to select this tracking domain drop down over here and you just want to click onto once you've clicked on this hundred file you want to copy this link over here right now I'm going to show you a website where we can promote this link via an ad for free that guarantees us over 1 000 people to click onto our link every three days and the name of that website guys is okay so I'm on I went ahead and went over here and I clicked onto the website is exactly what his channel looks like so let's go ahead and sign up I know we're gonna have to have an account I'm gonna go ahead and put in my info right here really quick quickly as you guys can see they did send me a verified email here on the left hand side you can see right here it delivers up to 1022 visitors to your website or to the link that we'll be sharing on this website every three days the sign up button over here and just some simple details your first name your email address then click on to join taken to a page like this it's going to say finish setting up so you literally just want to click onto OK don't worry about this first step for now just click any one of these times I'm going to click 20 o'clock for example you then want to click on to save and here is where we're going to add our affiliate link or the link that we generated from CPA grip okay so I'm gonna just go ahead and select three o'clock in the morning the time has been sent and now I'm just at the same spot of pasting my affiliate link so let's keep going so you want to go back to your CPA link that you would have saved earlier I've got mine in the sticky note and you want to copy it and rather than pasting it directly into traffic ad bar to post your ad right now you first want to shorten in your link to make it more appealing to increase the amount of people that are going to click on your link you want to make sure that your link is shortened and the way that you do that is to go to a link shortening website such as that's all that you need to do is Click onto create new link just like that you want to paste your link in just like that and you want to give it a title you can give it any title that you want okay I'm gonna go ahead and just click on the one I had chosen I'm going to go over here to bitly and I've pasted that in there my title I'm just going to put 500 pound gift card and then let's go ahead and get our shortened bitly link right here I'm going to copy it you'll see we have our unique shortened link and then you want to click on the copy over here so that we've copied this link you then want to head back over to traffic add bar and you want to paste your link into here and then simply click on to add a website and this guys is where Google Translate is going to come into play because here we're going to be promoting our link on traffic at bar okay if you guys are looking closely here it says warning there might be that's a little fishy to me go back over to CPA grip and we take a quick look at the offer that we're promoting via that link that we shortened we know it'

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