Make Money Online

I Tried Earning $500/day With Google Ad Sense And Blogging

hey guys and welcome back to my I tried it series where I'm trying out side hustles on YouTube to see whether or not they actually work and whether you guys can make a little bit of extra money from them now today I am trying out one that was recommended to me from my comment and I want to say a quick thank you to the viewer for this recommendation now this specific side hustle was not one that I had heard of before this comment and so I had to go in search for a video for this specific side hustle and I did find a couple of videos the two that I watched was one from Adam onfroy and then the other one was from Mike Vestal and this specific side hustle includes starting a blog and then being able to monetize it through Google AdSense now I followed these videos step by step and so without further Ado let's get into it okay so specifically for this video since we're utilizing Google AdSense I am going to go ahead and start a blog through blogger so in order to start I just selected create your blog it allowed me to sign up with my Google account which you guys can see or you can create a new Gmail account account and then I was prompted to name my blog and then once I did that I was here on the homepage of blogger that's what you guys are looking at so as you all can see here you can find your blog name here at the top on the left of the menu and then in order to select a theme for my blog I had to go down to the left and then select theme now this did give me some themes to choose from and then I just had to select the customized tab to customize that theme but I did just want to go ahead and show you guys all the different themes you don't have a ton to choose from with blogger but they do have a few that are really nice here and then under layout on the left I went in and I wanted to personalize this blog because that was something that was very important that I saw that Google looks for whenever they're monetizing the blog so I went ahead and just selected view blog I went into update profile photo that way which I did through my files on my laptop and then I just proceeded as you guys can see here to go through all those tabs and add info and things that would actually personalize my blog to me so I added my about Tab and my favorite things you know what my degree is in and then I also ensured that my YouTube channel had the URL added to my blog so under homepage URL I went ahead and connected my YouTube channel and then I just scrolled all the way down to select save profile now at this point it was time to start uploading those blog post onto my blog for me I decided to just go with psychology as my theme because that is what my master's degree is in that's what I enjoyed and then I also had a lot of research papers that I had written while in school so I wanted to utilize that content on my blog however I understand a lot of people don't have that and so I am going to quickly go over here what I was recommended in the videos that I watched another way that you could do this this will be by utilizing chat GPT and what you will do do is go into chat. okay so what was recommended in the videos that I watched was on chat GPT going onto a new chat simply asking chat GPT for a blog post around your topic so they said you this can be done for anything a travel blog whatever it is you'd like to write about and as you guys can see here I just did for an example of this video wrote an entire blog post okay so from there I'm just going to show you you would need to just place it back in your blogger as a new blog post so for example just copy and paste the title and contents back into blogger so you can first do the title paste it and then go back copy the post and go back and paste it into blogger as your new post so from there it was also recommended to add photos into your blogger post because this does make it more interactive and they do like and look for that whenever they're monetizing your blog so if you don't have photos obviously not everybody does I utilized canva for my photos but you can also utilize a website called or pixels it has free copyright free images that you can download and upload into your blog post so this will give that visual context behind the blog post and if you go to my blog you can see that I also did that and then once loaded you can move the photo around to be in the place you'd like it to be so now you can go up to the right and select preview check out how it looks switch things around now while doing this I did learn a lot of very important vital things as far as the blog and what it is that they are specifically looking for one of the most important things that I want to note and point out here that they are looking for is that your blog has a navigation bar or menu on your blog if it doesn't they're not likely to monetize it I'm going to go ahead and show you guys how I did that right now so under the layout tab here on on the left go to the right here where it says page list top click the little pencil here area and then you can add navigation to your blog it does automatically add that Home tab with the link to your homepage add your about tab you can also add links to specific categories on your blog so if you have category let's say you're doing a travel blog you have a category about the south north east and west you can do that as well also in sure you do add a title to it okay and then just click save go down on the bottom left and select view blog and that's what I did and there is your navigation bar at the top of the blog okay so another factor that I learned that is vital in getting monetized the Google AdSense for a Blog is that you have at least 15 blog posts up on your blog so if you don't have 15 they're not even going to consider it so you need to make sure that you have 15 now for me I had a a lot of content from my masters and it took about two to three complete steady hours of me working on this to get 15 blog post uploaded properly so that was from me utilizing my own content and then I also did a couple from chat GPT to help you guys understand how to do it so 2 to 3 hours was the time frame for that and then the next step was me applying for the ads to be on my blog so here on the left menu again I just selected earning it does bring you here create an AdSense account if you do not already have one and then what I did was I simply just selected whether I wanted to receive updates after this I just requested review and had to wait on that response so the first time it took them not even 24 hours and they sent me an email back stating they could not approve me for only one reason and that was because I already have a Google AdSense account now that is because I have one through my YouTube channel so there were were just stating that they can't open me up another one and I need to go ahead and go through my already Google AdSense account through YouTube then what I did was simply just connected

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