I TRIED earning $500/Day Taking Pictures of Groceries

hi everyone and welcome to my I tried it series where I'm trying out side hustles that were found on YouTube to tell you guys whether or not they actually work and whether or not you can actually make some money from them now today I'm trying one from Joshua Mayo may have heard me talk about this app in another video but I couldn't help but not include it in this video because it is a side hustle that you can do with just your phone the old agent is an app that's used by some of the largest companies in the world to have agents perform various tasks for their business for example using the app you'll gather information for Brands and retailers by taking photos sharing opinions and completing other tasks many people have reported earning anywhere from 100 to as much as 300 per day doing this as a side hustle okay so I've already downloaded field agent and the app asks you basic information like your name phone number gender birth date Etc after you've answered that then they will send you congratulations you're now a field agent once that's completed under search you'll see the list of jobs that are available to complete so let's take a look at what those entail under the the audit you're going to see things like buying a certain Shake spending a certain amount of money and then leaving a review at very specific stores now the ones that were on my app from my location were all within 35 minutes from me and I'm not driving 35 minutes for five dollars so now under the I spy there's smaller task where you can go into specific stores listed and search for a specific product with a very specific skew or barcode so what they're looking for is an extremely specific barcode so if you're able to find the very specific SKU that's on the app you will take six photos of that item you're gonna submit those photos to the app if they're approved they'll pay you the amount listed so most of them are five dollars there's currently on the app around 39 to 41 around me available technically speaking if I were to find all 41 of them in one day I could make 205 dollars so that's from my area technically speaking now we're going to find out whether or not that can actually be done so I'm gonna go and search for these because I want to see how real this side hustle actually is that I came to a tree which is just one to two miles from where I'm at I came to look for two things that were on the app I've accepted the job so let's see if they've got it okay the first item was this zebra spring green pen as you guys can see the UPC code does not match exactly it's really close but it doesn't match exactly so that was a no-go the next item was for something that was very unclear but they did note it's in the food and storage container aisle and they did give the exact UPC I did go and check and the ones that they had were really close I found items that were closed but none of them were exactly the next one that I'm at is a Thorntons 7-Eleven it specifically states in the app that you can go to a different type of place as long as they have the item and look for the same UPS code now I know like with the Dollar Tree one they didn't have it exactly so you're welcome to look at other places I just had to stop at Thorntons near me to get my son a slash so I'm gonna check in here they have the two items I selected which was the little Donuts pack we're just gonna take a look maybe we'll get lucky okay item number one was the host's donuts chocolate pack this was not a match and the second one was the Hostess Donuts powder also not a match okay they didn't have it as you guys saw in the picture this is the first day that I'm doing this I had other stuff I had to do I just thought I'd start it that finishes day one it's a no-go so far I've made zero dollar okay guys it's day number two it's a beautiful day here only 78 degrees so they do have a couple skis to look for there and then the second spot I'm going to is Walmart they've got a few skus there at Walmart to look for and I do have some stuff to pick up so fingers crossed I'm gonna make some money today [Music] the item I'm looking for is an aquarium plant one count this item barcode was very close it didn't match the second one that I looked at was very close also didn't match I did check them all and then this next one was for this exercise saucer no match on that one no match on the other one that I found that was very similar so no go did have either things that I was supposed to be finding they had similar items but not the exact same skewed so we're gonna head over to our next location I have to admit that Walmart was probably the most annoying store yet because every single item I checked didn't even come close to the skew and the item description was so unclear that I just absolutely couldn't find it alright so after trying six different items in three different store locations I wasn't able to find a single skew that was in the app I made absolutely no money zero dollars and in fact if I had just done this without actually needing to purchase anything I would have lost money because due to gas and things like that gas time so I would definitely never recommend field agent I would think that the only way it would actually work at all was to just check it if you're in the store and if you have a little bit of extra time to go over and check the skew on certain items so I would give this app a zero because you have a very low chance of actually making any money from it you guys so you heard it here on this channel if you're interested in learning about future side hustles and whether or not they actually work hit that subscribe button leave a comment down below I look forward to seeing you guys in my next video bye-bye

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