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How To Use Pinterest Trends Tool In 2024 To Go Viral

most of Pinterest users are great at planning things in advance this is why they save pins to boards in the first place right people on Pinterest start saving pins about Christmas in September you don't have to trust me just look at the Pinterest Trends tool and check it for yourself we're looking at the number of searches on Pinterest with the word Christmas see this first spike in September and then the peak of interest is in the start of November we're still almost two months away from the actual holiday so you should post seasonal and holiday related content on Pinterest at least four to six weeks in advance because Pinterest is a visual search engine it needs time to index your pins and start servicing them for the right people and for the right keywords but if you do Post in advance you can expect viral spikes of traffic like I get see in my Google analytics I have a viral post about Christmas that's getting mostly Pinterest traffic this year and when I compare traffic to this post for the previous year it shows me I also had a big spike with this specific post on Pinterest so year over year you can leverage Pinterest traffic with the same content if you post pins linked to your popular content a couple of months in advance the Pinterest Trends tool can help you take the most out of all trending topics and keywords on the platform and in this video I will show you how to use this tool alright so when we have a look at the Pinterest Trends tool the first thing you'll notice that you can filter the countries the first one that shows up from is the United States but you have information for Canada Italy Spain southern Europe together you'll see here Germany Italy what else is there I can't see it doesn't show but anyways you can you can filter for several countries as you see and probably for different languages so the keywords yeah so if you choose let's say Argentina it will show you keywords in Spanish so no matter where you live and which geography you're targeting you can use the strands to understand what kind of topics will take off when on Pinterest if your account is more or less established and has some information for Pinterest to track for the last 90 days then you will see here this trends that your audience loves now we're at the end of the year so it makes sense that most of the topics are about Autumn Fall Winter fall now if you scroll a little bit lower you will see the trends for the United States in general for Pinterest audience and the first filter you can see here is either by growing Trends or by seasonal trends and in case of seasonal Trends we'll see here again I said we're at the end of the year so we'll see here a lot of Christmas stuff winter Nails things like that the growing Trends it will be something that's been growing for the last 90 days than top yearly Trends these are things that are more generic and have been growing in General on the platform for the last year monthly Trends it's something that has been growing in the last 30 days remember I mentioned that Christmas stuff is getting popular early and you'll see here that around September there's clearly has been a growth pattern and then it's skyrocketed from around the middle of October and in November it's been the highest for Christmas decor ideas and for every keyword it will show you some related Trends which makes your keyword research process much more you know interesting in the detail because you can go and really dig into different topics that are related to the first main keyword you wanted to Target so you can can click through and go through all of this related keywords and see how they've been growing then you can also see the demographics and obviously for most of the topics popular on Pinterest female audience will be the biggest because that's the biggest demographic on this platform so here we have for this keyword 86 percent women and the age you can see see the age it's between 25 to 34 is the biggest group you can even go and see some of the most popular pins for this keyword Pinterest will show you that as well so I also recommend you to go through and see which pins are trending for this keyword and it will show you the results like this and some of these pins could give you an idea what type of topics you could cover on your website for the next year for the next time the season comes because if the season is already here or the holiday is already here it's too late to start creating the content for it right now on Pinterest since you're watching this video about Trends on Pinterest I think you might want to get my Pinterest Trends planner it's a PDF that has all the biggest holidays and trending topics for each month so you know when and what you should post on Pinterest ahead of time and you don't need to guess about the trending topics I have listed the biggest of them for you in my Pinterest Trends planner I'll give you link to it in the description below now instead of looking at the more generic topics based on the whole entire Pinterest audience you could go into the interest and filter the results here and you can select say you only wanted to look at the keywords related to finance topics if that's your Niche now Pinterest will show you keywords that are much more relevant to to your topic and and you can also see that there are quite dramatic spikes even in this Finance Niche spikes of interest to particular topics or keywords for example like budget planners they they will be most most popular at the end of the year beginning of of the year January right so you need to make sure that you understand the Dynamics or savings challenge obviously it's also super popular in January at the beginning of the year so you could do this for every Niche that is here categorized on Pinterest and see which keywords are popular in that Niche and at which time of the year they become even more popular so for this budget planners you could start creating pins for them around October I guess October November so that they can Skyrocket for you around January if you find this video helpful so far give me a like subscribe and hit the Bell button to learn more from me by the way it teach how to grow with Pinterest SEO in my free Pinterest masterclass get the link in the description below and watch it let's say your narrow Niche and maybe you're even targeting male audience on Pinterest in that case you could just filter the results by keywords that people men are looking for on Pinterest and you'll see this type of keywords like tools tool hacks and other keywords could be like two hacks what else a cartoon art you know just go and check it for yourself comic art girls stylish men things like that see for example I search for a keyword side hustles for women I found that there is a small Spike around January as well and what I like here that you can see many related keywords and you can find here some ideas for your future content and you can definitely have a look

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