How to Start Dropshipping With $0 WITHOUT RUNNING ADS! | STEP BY STEP (FREE COURSE) 2024

hey future Millionaires and welcome to today's free course all about how to start Drop Shipping with 0 you guys already know if you watch my YouTube channel that drop shipping was one of the first ever side hustles I had started when I was 16 years old and when I first started I did not have money for Shopify and I also didn't have money to buy ads so I found alternative methods that worked for me and now I'm going to be sharing these methods and today's free course people do charge thousands of dollars for courses just like this one and all I ask him for the free education is hit that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to create free courses just like this remember if you have any questions at all throughout the video I'm here for you I do try to respond to all of my comments so don't be shy if you're watching this and you have a question feel free to comment down below so here's what you're going to learn in today's free course we are going to be going over the foundations of Drop Shipping and is Drop Shipping right for you I will be showing you how to find a winning product how to build a professional looking free website $0 monthly I will be showing you how to advertise with $0 meaning that you're not going to buy ads I'm going to be sharing with you the organic marketing strategy that got me to two six figure earning online businesses and I'm also going to be going over a little bit about the legal side of Drop Shipping that a lot of people don't really talk about and also how I deal with taxes as a drop shipper I'm also going to be showing you in this video how I deal with returns and exchanges and refunds as a drop shipper now remember nothing in this video is actual advice I'm just sharing what I personally did and what worked for me so what is Drop Shipping and is Drop Shipping right for you drop shipping is an extremely beginner friendly side hustle that you can start if you're new to e-commerce I love Drop Shipping especially for beginners because you're not going to actually have to deal with inventory or shipping products yourself it's great if you were looking for a side hustle to start because when I started I was still working a full-time job and I was going to school this is a great side hustle that you can start with 0 and I love it because you can be anywhere in the world and run this business so let's go over the Drop Shipping business model I want you to think of yourself as a middleman between a supplier and a buyer when a customer places an order on your website you are going to ship that product straight from the supplier to the buyer and keep the profits so all you're really doing is focusing on marketing that product building that brand and the supplier it takes care of everything else now I'm going to first show you how to find product to sell and I'm going to show you the manual way that you can go about doing it then I'm going to show you a different way that you can also go about doing it because I want you guys to really keep your opportunities open so I'm going to actually show you both ways in today's video so when you're starting Drop Shipping with no money one way that I love to research products is just by looking through Tik Tok so what I do is I just jump on Tik Tok and I will actually just search for different topics so for today's free course let's go ahead and search gift ideas products and let's see see what comes up just by looking through Tik Tok seeing what's trending this really just helps me to get an idea of different things you can sell or you can also jump on the Tik Tok website and do it this way as well you just have to log in search whatever you want and you will see what comes up now keep in mind that this is just Tik Tok in general this is not just Tik Tok ads or products that stores are running this is just generic Tik Tok so really I love to get ideas this way in a method that I call productive scrolling when you're on social media instead of just looking at what your friends are doing you need to get off of that space and start looking at what's trending what's going viral what do people like you have to start looking at social media in a psychology form of way you would be shocked as to how many ideas you will get when you start productive scrolling another very important thing to do when you are looking for products to sell and you're trying to figure out what Niche what theme your business is going to be is you really need to focus on niching down I want you to start looking for products that appeal to a specific target audience this can help you stand out in a crowded Market here's a list of the top Niche types that you can reference and hopefully this list can give you some ideas you can sell multiple products in one store but you need to have one specific Niche and that Niche needs to be something that you know you can Market meaning like I've said in my other videos I am not going to sell a product that is about sports because I'm just I've know nothing about sports I'm going to sell products that I know I have an idea of who that target audience is and who and why these people would buy my products so this is the psychology that I have as I'm scrolling looking for products to sell now one of the classic ways that I searched for products and found products to sell was really by going through AliExpress and I'm sure you guys have heard of AliExpress before especially if you've watched my older videos you can search through suppliers on AliExpress just by searching through top selling products sale items just the store home searching for different products one way that I would find products is literally just searching Drop Shipping in the AliExpress search but you will start to notice that this method of just searching through AliExpress can definitely be tough sometimes that's because most of the suppliers on AliExpress have extremely long shipping times there's definitely a lot of barriers that can come along with finding products on AliExpress now that we are on the topic of finding wining products and finding good suppliers I just want to go over a new method that I did present to you guys on my YouTube channel of what I feel like is the most professional and best way to find winning products so let me just show you this website really quick while we are on this topic there are actually so many helpful tools out there that can help you to find winning Drop Shipping products these tools can provide you with data regarding product demand competition and profitability my favorite tool that does this is called called autod DS autod DS is ideal not only for finding products to sell in fast shipment times but also helps you to automate your entire Drop Shipping Journey this platform really does help to save you time and money long term the winning products Hub here gives you access to an entire collection of proven best-selling products just by going t

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