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How To Start Dropshipping With $0 In 2024 (Free Course) Step By Step | No Shopify

my name is isabella i am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today i'm so excited to present this course how to build a successful drop shipping business with zero dollars i am so excited to share these drop shipping methods with you that no one else is sharing across youtube my youtube channel has 100 free education and people charge thousands of dollars for the information that's included in this free course all i ask in return is that you hit that subscribe button and like this youtube video for the youtube algorithm when i first started my journey of selling online i was a full-time student and i originally started this as a side hustle i used to spend time on youtube searching and trying to find different methods across different videos but all i saw was people promoting shopify and telling people to buy facebook ads this was not in my budget at the time so i realized that i had to find different methods that fit my life at the time since then i have been able to grow two six figure earning online businesses quit my nine to five and become financially free and that's why i'm here to give back and share this free course with you guys as well one more thing before we dive right into this free course is i did post a horse video similar to this about four months ago and since then it has been brought to my attention that there are people across youtube that are copying my video word for word using my video to sell their own program or course not everybody on youtube is trustworthy so i just wanted to quickly bring this to your attention and that the videos and content that i produce are not just some recycled content that are continuing to be recycled across youtube so what are you going to learn in this free course today first you're going to learn the foundations of drop shipping and we're going to talk about and see if drop shipping is the right business model for you number two is we're going to find a winning product and find your niche i'm going to help you guys do that and show you step by step how to do that the third thing that we're going to do is build a professional looking website and the website that i'm going to share with you is going to be zero dollars monthly and 100 free to get started with and finally i'm gonna show you how to advertise your online store with zero dollars and share all of my secrets because i have never bought an ad for my online businesses and i will show you examples as well towards the end of this video i'm also going to be talking a little bit about what i personally did to get my online store going and what i do for taxes so i will talk about that and what i personally did at the end of this video obviously nothing in this video is advice but that will be extremely helpful for you guys and that's one thing that no one really talks about so i'm excited to share that with you so what is drop shipping and is it right for you i think drop shipping is great for those that are just starting out selling online those that don't want to invest any money up front those that are wanting to start a side hustle and just see if this can work for them and lastly for those that want to work from anywhere and don't want to run the risk of ordering inventory or having the responsibility to ship products to the customers themselves so let's go over the drop shipping business model there's three components in drop shipping we have the customer the drop shipping store and the supplier i want you to think of you being the middle man between the supplier and the customer so you are going to create a site that has these products on the site for a certain price your customer is going to buy that product at that price suppliers are very aware of drop shipping especially the ones that i'll show you today and they know when you're drop shipping so they're not going to put a receipt in the package or anything like that there's no indication usually of where it's from you are just the middleman between these two components now i'm gonna walk you through how to find a real winning product and how to pick your niche after we do that then we will pick their business name and create a logo i'm going to show you guys this simple way of doing this i know some of you guys had trouble in my last course with the product research on tech talk so this is the easy way that works just as good so i just went to and i'm logged into my creator account yes my business account is a creator account on tick tock i'm going to go to this search here and if you don't have a tick tock account just create one it's free and you can just um sign in or sign up to get access to all of the tiktok database now we're going to go to search and we're going to type in dog products let's just see what comes up for dog products just because i want to show you guys some different examples so you guys can see here what kind of products are trending and what people are talking about on tick tock like for example they have this slobber stopper bowl here this has five million views so what people do is they find products on tick tock and they make their own branded store with them so nothing really caught my eye too much here so the next topic that we're gonna search is home products so you guys can see on this page there's a lot more products that i feel will be way easier to find on chinese wholesaler sites for example you guys see this aesthetic video got over 2 million views and it's basically just someone showing different products thought they bought for their room and why they like them so tic toc is a great tool to see what people like and what videos go viral but aliexpress is personally my favorite place to research products and to see what's trending with drop shipping suppliers so what i like to do is i like to click on this top rankings bar and i like to just see all the products that are trending because they'll actually show you what's trending and what is commonly being drop shipped with fast shipping times so after scrolling through this page and just looking through a bunch of different products i found this product now this product stood out to me because not only do i feel like we could get really cool videos with this product and we could create really good marketing content but i also noticed that it has a seven day delivery that only costs a dollar fifty three today is september 13th and it says it would reach our customer at september 22nd which is literally perfect even if i were to ship this myself from my home right now it would have reached it about the same time so this is a product that i would consider to be a winning product i also wanted to look this up on alibaba to see if it's available if down the line i want to wholesale this product if it does really well and ship it myself in the future and do some branding so i saw it on alibaba as well for ten dollars a piece not including shipping so a lot of people always ask me how do yo

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