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How To Pay Less Taxes And Turn Your Business Profits Into Cashflowing Assets.

okay we are live how's it going ryan what is up my man so excited to be on with you today uh man this is gonna be a lot of fun oh i'm seriously so excited i told you a little bit before um we posted about this two days ago and um obviously a lot of people hadn't heard of you said man i want to hear more about this um but every single person 100 of the people that have heard of you uh only positive things to say ranging from you know i've heard what they taught it's amazing too i've done what they talk and i'm rich anywhere between them well that's a good that's a good spectrum i like it here is good you do it it's even better um so we're most people don't realize this we're actually neighbors we just found we're moving ryan is moving about five ten minutes away from my house uh in fact he just moved a couple days ago so yes sir and spencer just committed even though he didn't commit he just committed he's gonna go mountain bike riding with me because we live in the mountain bike riding mecca of the entire united states right here in our backyard spencer you know that i heard that and i have a semi-decent mountain bike i have a bike that can ride in the mountains all right dude we're gonna hit the trails man it is most exhilarating rush it is so fun welcome to welcome to utah i do see a lot of the bikers riding around utah and usually it's like in my car and they're like you know right next to the road and i'm like i'm gonna kill that bike or an accident but we're not riding on the road we're gonna get up in the mountains and hills all around us man that's where the action's at awesome um okay we just sent out an email a lot of people start popping on now or well yeah email just probably is going out right now and uh people start hopping on and ryan um you've got like a presentation stuff we're gonna hear your story we're here you guys came up with this um i just want to say before we start um how much i want to vouch for this having had multiple discussions with what they teach doing things that they teach uh this is like the real deal valuable stuff um so with that being said ryan let's see what you gotta say man spencer i'm i'm so honored you know i was talking to you about that before we went live in your community but look guys whoever's on with me right now um your most valuable resource my most valuable resource is my time it's your time it's our attention on what we focus our attention on that will lead to the quality or lack thereof of our life so if you're paying attention today i want to honor your time i want to honor your attention i want to deliver the maximum amount of value that i can so i'm gonna dive right into it and spencer this is your community you know them better than anyone so as we go through this this is truly meant to be an open discussion um i know i can't specifically talk to you but i'm going to invite you to comment a hashtag to be an engaged participant in what i share with you today because my hope more than anything is to give you a different perspective around money what it is what it represents and ultimately what is possible with it with the right framework for an entrepreneur so with that in mind let's dive into the the conversation today it's it's really and hopefully spencer everyone can see this all right um but look the conversation today is about how you if you're an entrepreneur can create what we call untouchable wealth and the way to do this the pathway for doing this is twofold right number one it's permanently cutting and reducing your tax bill by at least five to six figures or more and then number two it's about creating a stream of cash flow independent of your business so that's really what we're going to be talking about today some of you spencer i appreciate might know me you might know me through a company called cashflow tactics this message is curated and customized specifically for entrepreneurs and inside of altitude where we work with entrepreneurs our focus is to empower you with that tool of money because that's really all it is spencer it's just it's a piece of paper it's a number in a bank account it doesn't really exist it's an agreement and so it's to really help people understand and empower them with money to be able to thrive in their businesses and create untouchable wealth outside of their businesses i believe man spencer we live in i don't know if we ever could have predicted the time that we live we live in a crazy time right now and man it's you turn on the news and it's like oh my gosh everything is falling apart no matter what your political beliefs are i think we can all agree that the world has some problems right now and here's my belief and truly my mission the and the answer and the solution to the problems that we all face as a society and as a community ends in a global economy like those problems will never be solved by politicians period they just won't the answer and the solution to problems is through you it's through entrepreneurs entrepreneurs have always been the innovators the drivers of positive change and my mission as an entrepreneur is to empower and inspire you as an entrepreneur to to play the game to be successful in the game and ultimately to thrive as an entrepreneur both personally and financially and so that's really what the mission that we're on we want to work with and empower 10 000 entrepreneurs in this game of money so let me qualify who you might be if you're on this conversation with me today okay you know we talked to entrepreneurs in all different walks of life and you might be a starter you might just be getting going and the hope for what i'm going to share with you today if you're a starter is to give you the number one thing that you need inside of where you're at when it comes to money it's the focus right as soon as you get in the game of i've got a little bit of money i promise you everyone's going to come chasing you down with what you should be doing with your money so my objective today is to help you focus on the most profitable investment that you can make as an entrepreneur and then number two if you're already in the game if you've been following what spencer's been talking about for years and years and years and ultimately what he's done then i want to show you a pathway how you can use your business profits to accelerate your personal profits and become untouchable i love this word i'm going to talk more about that as we go through this but look the reality of it is um i'm the founder of casual tactics uh many of you know me in castro tactics um i'm i'm also a founder in a company called altitude strategy and the the birth of altitude strategy was to serve entrepreneurs more fully we realized inside of cashflow tactics the primary audience over there were nine to five you know w-2 employees and i love that but we wanted to serve entrepreneurs we got in this game originally to serve entrepreneurs so we launched altitude strategy to do just tha

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