Make Money Online

How To Make Passive Income With No Money (In 2024)

hey guys Mike fasil and this is a way to make passive income with no money I mean check this out 346 000 in net commissions for a product I did not create and literally how complete beginners are copying and pasting this method to make 100 to 700 a day with no experience more than after the intro [Music] hey guys how's it going Mike posill here welcome to this video before we actually begin to remind you that several spots have opened up for this week's free Workshop where it's the fastest and easiest way to make money online sign up for it in the link below we literally have a 62 year old woman go from zero to 160 Grand profit in 90 days so sign up for it now so I knew earlier on that I didn't want to work a nine-to-five job like I saw exactly how stressful my mom and dad were just working a job that was kind of taking away from them every single day and they would look at their bank account no matter how hard they work they just never even have enough savings so go ahead and for example survive and I knew earlier on that I was like okay I need to find a way to not trade my time for money I need to find a way to create passive income I need to make money in my sleep because Bill Gates said it the best or Warren Buffett if you don't find a way to make money in your sleep then you will work until you die and I didn't want to go ahead and wind up at the end of my life living life in regret looking back and seeing Oh my God I wasted all those years working a job that I did not like looking in my bank account and realizing I never really even had any money to begin with because of of all these bills were society and the system is designed to keep you poor and broke again the only way to escape that is to create passive income and breakthrough velocity wherein your passive income you are making more than your living expenses does that make sense so for me personally even though I had no money whatsoever I had no time in no experience whatsoever my goal was to get to a hundred dollars a day in passive income because I thought if I could make a hundred dollars a day in passive income then I do not need to go ahead and for example work a job I can take that passive income get all that time Freedom get all that money freedom and actually start making money that way does that make sense so what are the ways that I essentially went and did it well the first way that I created passive income is not the most like complicated way because I didn't have that much experience and this was one of the first ways that I made a hundred dollars a day right so I knew in order to make passive income if I did not have a lot of money to go in for example you know buy a piece of real estate or invest in stocks I knew that I needed to sell a product but I also knew that I had no money to sell a product so I needed to find a way where instead of buying low and selling High I just sell High first and then Buy Low does that make sense so the first passive income idea that I did starting with no money that got me to 100 a day was literally this look at this this product exists on eBay for 650 right and five had been sold look at this this exact same product exists on Walmart for a hundred and fifty dollars less right so in my spare time all I did was I just copied and pasted images from Walmart onto eBay Walmarts into eBay until I would have a bunch of listings on eBay for free right and then essentially what would happen is when I when someone would type in you know outdoor gazebo patio furniture on eBay and they see this and they add to cart and buy right it would literally show my app congratulations Mike you just got 650 please ship it to this address so if I have the address and the money all I'd have to do is go to Walmart buy it with the 650 but wait oh it's only 4.99 so I essentially have 150 left over I ship it directly to the customer just like that after eBay fees I probably get 75 in profit just like that so that was literally the first method so literally in my spare time I was just copy and paste pictures from Walmart to eBay Walmart eBay Walmart eBay I updated my stores and I was able to go ahead and sell more listings when I took the profit and just updated my store to like allow myself to have more listings because there was a certain you know uh like for example limit but when you first get started it's free to post your first thing on eBay does that make sense and when I started making sales I knew that I couldn't be the one that adds to cart and and ships it every single time because then it's no more passive income I'm trading my time for money so at about like five or ten sales a day I was like oh I'm kind of getting tired by just clicking add to cart putting my credit card in buying it and doing all those things and then making money so it's like there has to be a way to automate this with software or media right or code and that's when I found priceac now price X really interesting because they connect with sources like Amazon Walmart AliExpress Costco I'm able to push those products onto eBay as eBay products when I make a sale from eBay it automatically buys it from these sources ships are directly into my eBay customer and then a couple days later when the tracking information is updated it updates the tracking information on my eBay account does that make sense and because of this software and because of having like several hundreds of products that I was selling on my eBay store I was literally making a hundred dollars a day in pure passive income and again it won back my time does that make sense so what did I do with that Newfound time I mean think about this when you have a hundred dollars a day coming in and you have more time than you know what you do with what I started doing was I started traveling I was like okay let's see how passive this was I started backpacking all around the US I went to Europe I even started documenting it on my YouTube channel right like literally before I was interviewing all these successful people here in Bali where I'm based at like this 11 year old girl that turned on 30 million dollars or this guy that makes a million dollars on profit if you look at my old videos you see because of the passive income ideas that I was testing I was already starting to just document things and doing things while I was like traveling and staying in all these like hostels was like five dollars to ten dollars a night to just stay it was like literally like I was reliving freshman College over and over again All Around the World in all these like hostels and again traveling right and doing all these things now this is what happened accidentally with my second passive income idea that essentially I started with no money so when I started documenting things it started growing and growing and growing I started accidentally building an audience now all these audiences were just following me around my journey now the thing about an audience is very important be

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