Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online For Beginners 2024 (Free Course)

what one lead one lead that's ridiculous [Music] Jason Jason how did you how did you like one of the things that I'm always like curious about whenever I like see people you know build blogs and do affiliate marketing and all these kind of things it's just like how did they stumble upon it because it seems like when you go ahead and get started everyone is just kind of competing against the same thing right and when I think about like the financial space I always think of nerd wallet and fundera and these like huge you know sites that make like hundreds and millions of dollars a year in affiliate marketing and I'm like ah maybe like the finance basement be too technical so even like me personally I found like my Unique Edge of just maybe doing webinars to affiliate products and then scaling that way with like search engine SEO but when I heard what you're doing with gold I'm just like okay like how come no one else is talking about this like how did you figure it out yeah it was it was a progression for sure so um I basically a couple years After High School uh in my 20s I started looking at affiliate marketing I'd hear people talk about it on blogs uh YouTube really wasn't a thing back then uh but I started kind of putting the pieces together that people would share publicly and then uh yeah you stumble across a framework which is really important which is product traffic conversion uh and then if you can plug those things together uh then you start understanding hey I can I can build like an affiliate site so I started working on WordPress sites um just people that would help me I mean there was a guy named West that would just answer my questions as he was coming up uh and I started building you know I'd go to an affiliate network uh like Max Bounty or uh different affiliate networks at the time um and I would pick out an offer and just figure out how to get traffic to it I went through like a lot of failures though because I mean I didn't know how didn't know that framework initially so what was your biggest failure what was your biggest failure yeah then besides I'd get really excited about an affiliate product and then I'd be like set up a whole site and then it wouldn't convert and I wouldn't know why like traffic would come to it and then I'd just be like oh um maybe I was wrong uh so that I'd go back to like my notebook and I'd write out like what what did I think happened and it was through a series of that that I'd say hey wait like the words on the page don't even make sense if I was a buyer so I'd rewrite the site and so I figured out you know how to plug those three elements together and start getting conversions it was a big breakthrough too because it's like if yeah it's interesting it's like you see these big figures now that we share because it's we really found out how to like tilt it and leverage like a big offer in that product traffic conversion formula uh but when I was just getting started out I was like if I could just make 30 bucks a day that would be amazing uh so yeah that was kind of like when I was watching your videos that belief check it was super important for me because it yeah I went when I started out I was I was I was working at DirecTV as like a customer service rep when I first got the affiliate bug and I'd sit there between calls and just write ideas about affiliate stuff I'd go home and do and uh I was trading time for money so it was like 11 bucks an hour uh was my Paradigm so thirty dollars a day it's like this total brain braingasm for me to even realize I could do that yeah I remember when I was like first getting started and I was like man if I could just make 30 a day worst case scenario I could live in Asia and just like live in those hostels and just like live in a bunk bed and just cheap Pad Thai in Thailand or something like that but I'm really curious for you why why was thirty dollars your uh why was that the initial goal for you to really like strive for uh well I I got hurt at work uh at one point and Ashley was kind of holding down the fort and I was just like if I can just kind of make up the difference thousand bucks if I can just bring another thousand dollars in then I could kind of you know keep you know earn my keep that's how I looked at it so uh that that's really what it was it was kind of like backs to a wall and I really uh we have four kids now but um at the time we had two so it was really important for me I had just gotten pregnant with our second is when it really yeah kicked in so you guys were both having jobs and there was like no supplemental income in initially your goal when you guys first got started making money online wasn't even to make millions it was just to make an extra 30 a day right yeah I was just pay the pay the rent basically so um and then how did you like what was going on before you stumbled upon I guess you know the gold opportunity right were you already making money before uh I mean you've been in it for a while so when was like the first time that you had your your your big year the Year where okay you hit the 30 a day but then it like kind of broke a six minute mile in your brain where you're like whoa actually this is possible like kind of taking back to that moment in your guys's life so I was uh I was it was a constant process of like what was happening what I was building online and then what I'd like write about in a notebook kind of like uh I use these like yellow legal Pages a lot but it was this kind of notebook trying to understand like why did this thing not work as well as I thought it would uh just going back and forth between those two things and I I write out like product traffic conversion uh you know because the the product like your offer your product uh times whatever traffic Source times your your ability to convert like your percentage of people that buy so I was writing out that equation I was like What if I just instead of thirty dollars for the offer what if it was like 500 or a thousand dollars I don't even need to convert any better I converted three percent or whatever I had um but I could tilt that equation and so I was I was I had this radar for something like gold uh and I found it and I just added it into that that equation so instead of thirty dollars times you know 100 visitors and you get three people to buy um it was a thousand dollars yeah so that that immediately shifted and then by into 2011 I had sold over two million dollars in gold uh just through little websites little free WordPress websites and then how much take home was that uh at the time was like three percent so whatever that is it's like over a hundred thousand dollars or something maybe 150. and that was like your that was like uh so it went from like thirty dollars a thirty dollars a day Thirty and then like bam like six figures just like that yep yeah I was first is figuring out the the formula and how because it's like if you convert with thirty dollars then all I saw w

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