Completely Honest Systeme.IO Review – Is It Really All Free?

over the last decade or so I've used dozens of different online business softwares website softwares funnel building softwares things like that and I've seen some really really poorly done things so when I heard that there was a software out there that offered pretty much all these things for free I'm going to be dead honest and say that I was very very skeptical coming into this but I had a few people tell me that I should try this out a few people that I really trusted tell me that I should try out and I spent the last few days diving in and kind of learning more about this product and so in this video I want to go over everything that I've learned everything that you need to know if you're thinking about signing up for we're going to look really specifically at the freed plan and see exactly how it all works what all you get on that free plan whether the UI looks good works good whether everything works well and you can actually run a business for free on the very very beginning on this product then we'll kind of talk about the different pricing plans they do have what it is that you can potentially pay more for and we'll give an honest opinion at the very end of my thoughts on so first thing here is they really do offer everything that you you do need for free in the beginning you can see right here I've got funnels I've got email Mark marketing I can create my blog I can create a website inside of my funnels I've got all kinds of automations that I can use that connect my funnels and my emails and all that stuff I can add products digital products and regular products I can create courses inside of here I can create communities inside of here I can run my own affiliate program invoices so so far it seems like I've got options for pretty much everything inside of this so we're gonna look specifically a few different things and see what they look like see how the UI works and if everything actually functions as it's supposed to right here we're looking at the funnels when I go into build a funnel you can see I can easily build a funnel it shows the funnel on the left essentially what's happening the steps of the funnel on the left right here and then you can do all kinds of things with automation a b testing see stats see sales leads that came through here I'd really love that you could set deadline settings where you can say hey I'm this is a sale right this is going to be over in a few days and so I want this funnel to end and then send them somewhere else at the end or something like that so I'm here inside of the actual editor and it's very similar to a lot of different drag and drop editors that I've come across which is good because if you've been in the business or the drag and drop editor business for a while you can easily pick up on how it all works you can see it's got columns it's got sections you create a section and then inside of that correction you create a row and then inside of those rows you add all these different elements right here you can see different things like forms and text and images and things like that now a couple things that I really like about this you can see there's a back button I love having a back button where I can mess up and easily fix exactly what I did it also has a mobile and a desktop version that I can easily swap between and when I go inside of each element I can easily check or uncheck desktop or mobile all right now when I go into my emails the main email section doesn't have so I use activecampaign for my main email and you can see right here I can I can create email sequences I can create delays where the emails will go out one after the other and it can be sent at specific times you can have it not send on specific days I Really Love Actually that it's all just sitting here on the right so I can create my email create all the rules really quickly that go along with that email it also has all kinds of personalization options that you can add right here so you can tag contact with different things and then I can personalize my email you can see in in this kind of stuff right here now at least inside of the email section it's nothing like activecampaign where there's just massive amounts of Automation and rules and really you can make this thing as complicated as you could possibly want but for a vast majority of businesses where we want to capture an email we want to send out a sequence and then move them maybe into another sequence and then put them in list real stuff like that like normally my marketing it can do all that really easily and and these are honestly the really important things that you can do right here on the right now you can also create a blog directly inside it you can see right here I made this in about five minutes I had chat GPT write the actual article for me and then it just has a template a bunch of different templates that you can run with and create blogs now I'll be honest I typically build blogs inside of WordPress because of plugins and things like that but if if your blog isn't going to be your main stream of income you just want to have a Blog as part of your business very very easy to use and create blog posts I should pause an ad that I will leave an affiliate link down below that you can click and sign up for at any time as you're watching this video yes it's an affiliate link yes that's how this channel gets paid yes it's still my honest opinion I'll be honest I got really excited when I saw they had an entire automations Tab and they have workflow so you can log in and you can create workflows this is a simple one I'm showing you on here but essentially what a workflow is is you can create triggers and you can create actions so you say hey when this happens for example when someone buys a course or registers for a webinar or signs up for my free lead magnet right all these things are actions that people can do and when they do that you can have it send them through these workflows you can say hey enroll them in this course and then subscribe them to this email campaign so I can offer a free course give them the course give them the email campaign that I start dripping out to maybe upsell them to some of my higher ticket products and then I can do a split as well so I can say hey did the contact do this did they click a link in the email did they you know do they live here have they purchased anything from me before you can split based on all those things and you can actually send them in different directions and have different things happen to different contacts depending on where they're at in your sales process honestly these automations are very cool very exciting I think they're very powerful and I was watching them all and they all seem to work in all my tests I looked at some reviews and things like that they all seem to be working well really a big fan of the automations and I think the reason they're so powerful is because you can

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