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How To Make $100 Per Day In Passive Income In 2024

for in this video reviewing how to make 100 a day in passive income and the best passive income ideas of this year more that after the angel [Music] so Bill Gates once said this if you do not find a way to make money in your sleep then you will literally work until you die and this is what I knew earlier on when I got into passive income these are the things that I didn't want I didn't want to work a nine-to-five job I didn't want a boss telling me what to do I didn't want to be stuck in a cubicle and then I wanted to go over here I just wanted freedom in my life and past weekend was able to go ahead and do that so what are the ways that I created pasta income streams that allowed me to kind of like level up to be able to go ahead and travel around the world and meet some of the coolest people possible well the first past week of idea I started probably back in like 2012 is so I've been at this for a while right and my passive income idea was very very simple it was an Arbitrage play but it was Arbitrage mixed with automation so this past weekend play was really good because I didn't have to do any sales I didn't have to do any marketing I didn't need a million dollars and I didn't need any experience and I needed very little time okay so the only thing when it comes to for example creating passive income it's either you invest a lot of money or a little bit of time until it gets up and running and then you can kind of set it and forget it right we're gonna go kind of go through these streams but for this one it kind of took some time maybe 30 minutes a day for like a month or two to go really start getting like some results and some sales so so it was very simple it's I would grab pictures from Amazon Walmart and uh Wayfair and I would copy and paste them onto eBay now the reason why I was passive is because there's already millions of people on for example eBay there's millions of people already buying and if you could find a place where you could buy low and sell high but flip it sell High First Take the Money and then Buy Low you have the ability to go ahead and make money that on top of that I leverage things like Amazon and Walmart shipping an entire ecosystem to do all of the hard work so essentially my time invested up front was literally just you know copy and pasting pictures over now when I got a sale this is what was very important I got a sale on eBay say I sold like you know this this chair right here for like say 500 right say I got 500 in my bank account and the shipping details on eBay I would then go ahead and buy it say on for 400 and then I would ship it directly to the customer and then I would pocket the difference so just like that if I would make a sale a day or so that'd be an extra 100 in my pocket right now you're probably wondering well how did I make it all passive there's softwares out there that connects the two so that whenever somebody automatically bought on my eBay account it automatically purchased it from Walmart and shipped to track the customer so this method alone got me to my first 100 a day in passive income and again it was so cool because I literally started traveling uh because of that first thing now what was my second passive medical idea that I ended up moving into after that so as I started you know like for example building up more and more just savings because I I didn't have any expenses other than like the software where I was paying it out of the profits I was making from the system because remember I started off with like no money this next thing that I did was going further down the supply chain and seeing what else could I go ahead and do because I realized if I'm already buying these products from Amazon and and people are buying them from eBay I'm like wondering well how are the people that are selling these products on Amazon making money and I realized that how they created passive income was they would essentially go ahead and find a product that wasn't really there yet but that had demand to go get it in Booking China and then they would ship it to Amazon and Amazon did the shipping the handling the customer service they did all of that stuff and the cool thing about that is they paid you like every two weeks so that was kind of like the next opportunity in passive income idea for me right I literally took the money for my first way of making passive income and then I bought my first inventory in China put my own little label on it shipped them over to Amazon just waited and got some sales now that idea alone got me to the point where we're making about 700 a day in Revenue right and the coolest thing about it is literally the hardest part was picking the product it was literally going ahead and doing the research it was literally going out there and you know getting it from China and dealing with the Chinese suppliers but once I spent most of my time with the product selection and then I sent it over to Amazon Amazon literally did all the hard work right the thing about most online businesses it's hard because there's a lot of moving Parts say you have to do like advertising and shipping and handling and customer service and all those things these first two methods right like on eBay the only thing that you really have to do was customer service right because everything was automated but with Amazon you don't even have to do any of that and the biggest high investment is literally going and doing product research which if you literally type in microseal product research Amazon we have an infinite amount of videos on my YouTube channel exactly teaching how people are going ahead and doing that as well so the third past think of idea that I got into was literally when I started doing well with these we want to go out and sell more of our inventory and not being dependent on Amazon so I started learning how to do advertising now advertising is really good because you can do it for your own products so I was selling my own products on Amazon now mind you when when I connected it to for example my Shopify store and I started running ads to my Shopify store it was connected to my Amazon FBA business so Amazon was automatically shipping it out to the customers on you know like my website's behalf right so literally what I did is I got really good at advertising because I understood that the best way to make passive income is literally to just have a good group of people that want to buy say for example specific thing and having a bunch of widgets to go ahead and sell them right so literally it was about like 2015 uh that I literally got into that from 2012 to 2015 we were literally doing just like the Amazon and eBay passive income methods 2015 we got into advertising and this is what like literally blew my mind because in 2015 I went from zero to 1.5 million in 12 months in Revenue with about several six figures in profit and my entire life changed because now that was the first time t

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