How I Make Money While Traveling | Passive Income Ideas To Start TODAY!

it's true that money cannot buy you happiness but what it can buy you is freedom freedom to live your life however you choose to live it your financial freedom can be one crazy business idea and one viral video away and i am here to teach you how you can do the same got to santorini look at this view you guys hey buddy family so my husband and i are currently in santorini greece it is such a beautiful island here and we are so lucky we get to stay here for almost an entire month in greece today i'm going to be telling you guys how we continue to create passive income while we're on vacation by practically doing nothing and how essentially this trip is entirely free yes i said it this trip is free so if you want some inspiration or want to learn a couple different ways of how we make money and how you can make money as well then keep watching this video and let's get right into this we want to share with you guys just not only this for inspiration purposes but we want to share this with you guys so if you're thinking about starting a business but you're someone that likes to travel or if you think that having a business means that you are restricted from doing anything or that you're going to be stuck 24 7 working that is simply just not the case so if you guys know us you guys know that we do have a couple different streams of income the first one that we do is we have our ecommerce store baddie pool this ecommerce store is promoted through tick tock and i have videos about this business step-by-step tutorials if you guys want to start one like this on yourself on my youtube channel so that is the first business that we have we do ship our own packages we are not dropshippers we like to ship out our own packages so right now we have a family member handling it for us we were able to kind of train them to do the packages so they're able to do that um but if i didn't have family then i would pay a trusted friend or find someone that is able to do them it only really takes two hours out of their day to go over to our office and to gather the packages and get them out each day shipping orders really isn't as complicated as people may think and my family member learned it super quick when i showed her how to do it i have a whole video about how we ship our products as well my youtube channel if you're interested in checking that video out and right now they're really going every two to three days and we found our website that their orders will be shipped every two to three days or four days instead of the quicker shipping times that we typically have when we're home even if you do have to pay somebody to do work for you you're still making profit from that and you're keeping the business going which is what's very important we didn't want to close it down completely because we didn't want to lose any customers since we are staying in greece for almost a full month so our other stream of income that we have is from our dogs youtube channel if you guys don't already know we make youtube videos with their dog she is at home with her grandparents right now and she's living her best life while we're on vacation but we pre-filmed a bunch of content for her youtube channel and tick tock that we're able to post throughout this month so we can continue running her youtube channel and generating revenue stream from that but nonetheless as long as these youtube videos are being watched every day we're still generating income so we have that source of income that's coming in from her youtube channel really without us doing anything even if we didn't have time to create or edit content or to create new content before we left it would honestly be fine because she has so many other videos that are still accumulating views that are monetized so we're still getting paid for old videos as well this is why youtube is definitely one of my favorite passive streams of income because not only is it fun not only can it be rewarding but it's something that no matter where you are in the world as long as your videos are being watched you're going to generate revenue streams i will be posting a video about how we grew our dog's youtube channel in less than a year to almost six hundred thousand followers and how we grew with tick tock as well i'm gonna be posting an entire video about that on this channel very soon for all my dog owners out there or pet owners or basically any niche that just wants to get into doing this as well they also get paid for tick tock views as well which because we do have a very large account for my dog we have almost 4 million followers so our tick tock views also are a stream of passive income for us as well as now instagram has released for certain users that they can earn money by using and posting instagram tvs so we've been posting instagram tv videos on my dog's instagram channel as well and that has also been a smaller source of revenue for us but nonetheless it is passive income so this whole time i have been filming and posting tick tocks on her business account to also keep the sales going honestly it's been really fun for me it's not something that i'm stressing out to do and to get done we're enjoying ourselves but i it is something that i really enjoy doing and i make the videos really fun so it's cool to get them in different settings and to have fun with our audience and of course our business badifools tiktok also produces revenue stream because we get paid for our views via the creator fund if you want to learn how that happens i have a whole video about that as well and if you want to learn how to grow your tic tacs account for your business i also have a video about that and i'll leave that one right up here so one big thing that i want to talk about today is taxes so the biggest thing that i love about having our own business is the fact that we are able to do write-offs you are not always able to do write-offs when you work a nine-to-five they pretty much take the taxes out of your check for you therefore there's nothing you can do to per se write anything off or to reduce the taxes that you have to pay as this trip is used for business i'm taking videos of our products and we're creating content that we are generating revenue from this would be considered a business trip being able to write this entire trip off of our taxes that means that everything we do during this trip is essentially free it's free because instead of paying the irs at the end of the year we're using this strip as a write-off then this trip is almost like a credit towards the taxes you have to pay as a business owner so in a way you're basically getting free travel if you're a business owner if you think of it like this as long as you're using the trip for business in some way this is a thousand percent legal and many business owners use this as well obviously a quick disclaimer i'm not a tax certified person i'm not a cpa so if you want to talk to them i do recommend always on 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