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How I Gained Confidence To Start A Youtube Channel & How You Can Too (Thought I Was Too Ugly & Shy)

probably the most important thing is to know your purpose of why you are starting a YouTube channel there's a reason why you have this desire inside of you to start a YouTube channel maybe it is you want to share something valuable with the world maybe you have advice or knowledge on some kind of topic or you just want to share your experiences and lessons like I'm doing with everybody and you think people can really benefit from that by you not starting your YouTube channel today who is not going to see your content just because you're scared there might be a hundred a thousand or ten thousand a hundred thousand people in this world who need to hear what you're saying when they hear what you're saying their lives are going to improve okay if you're like really really scared to start YouTube something you can do first is actually start on Instagram and Tick Tock and make short form content I think Instagram stories is the easiest because the stuff disappears after 24 hours so you could like use your phone say something into the video and you can start practicing being on video that way it's super casual it's not gonna last for ever and you can see how the engagement is probably a lot of people will reply to your Instagram story and be like oh my gosh this is like so valuable or this is so interesting or something like that next tip I have for you and this is a tip for people who feel like they don't look good enough or they're not presentable enough I used to think I was ugly and shy and I didn't look like a YouTuber honestly it was mainly like I just was not confident in my looks okay this is gonna sound really mean but I would just browse YouTube for people who are uglier than me beauty is totally subjective but when I saw people who looked uglier than me I was like wow if they can do that and have a successful YouTube channel then why can't I something I really struggled with at the beginning is I would get so dressed up for YouTube like I would curl my hair and wear like a super nice shirt because I thought that it would make me more presentable but I just like didn't feel like it was me like usually I don't curl my hair sometimes I do it just for fun or if I want to feel glam but usually on the daily basis I do not curl my hair I don't wear a lot of makeup I never wear eyeshadow but when I started YouTube I would like experiment with eyeshadow and like sometimes wear lipstick and I would just feel super weird actually okay usually I don't wear makeup but like this is what you would see if you are my friend and we are meeting up to have dinner or lunch or something I would look like this straight hair maybe like a tiny bit of makeup but what I'm trying to say is when you do YouTube don't try to be somebody you're not just be who you are people will love you for who you are you don't want to wear so much makeup or like do something so different to how you look these days something that I always tell myself is people will subscribe to me they will follow me they'll watch my videos because they like the true me they like the real me and I don't have to do anything to make myself prettier or more presentable or more confident or like just better for YouTube people will follow me because they like just the way I am just because I am me and for you if you are starting YouTube I know this is really hard but really be yourself and with the energy that I had I was totally trying to be like an extroverted YouTuber who is super energetic and that is not how I'm usually like I have energy but it's more like subdued energy if you're trying to film your first couple of videos try to find a time where there is nobody in your house like not even like your mom is in the kitchen or your dad is in his room and you are in your room filming for me when I started I just felt so awkward knowing that somebody could be listening outside of my room and I just felt weird like I just couldn't be myself and so I think when you're just starting out it's just better to be all alone ask the people who live with you to like go to the grocery store go for a walk or something while you are filming the first video and when you're filming yourself talk as if you are just talking to a good friend or if you have like a specific target audience just pretend that there is somebody in front of you and you're just talking to that one person who is in your target audience if you're feeling nervous about like what to say and maybe saying the wrong things or maybe rambling too much what I found is really helpful is I always make a video script look this is my video script for this video I always make a video script I did try with writing the full script having no script but what I found is a good balance for me is actually writing out the entire introduction like the first two or three sentences because the introduction is kind of like your hook for the video right you really want to make sure that what you're seeing in the introduction is really concise and straight to the point so people will stick to the end of the video before the rest of my videos for each point that I have I just put it in point form I have my main idea and then I have a couple of notes and then I just talk through it I like it when YouTubers talk naturally and and even if they're a little bit rambly that's I think that's totally fine it's kind of nice to just see I don't like the super robotic and you can see you can tell when somebody's like reading from a teleprompter you can just tell so when I was traveling around for the last four months I actually met a lot of subscribers who told me they wanted to start a YouTube channel and so I was sharing tips here and there about how do you write a video script how do you plan it how to edit and basically just things that I use and how I do things so I made a new resource for all of you I'm so excited to share it with you this is a start your YouTube checklist and a video planner template that you can use if you are trying to start a YouTube channel right now you can download it below I want you to know that honestly when you start a YouTube channel for you to feel more confident and natural it takes time and it takes practice and know that the first couple of videos will be awkward and that's okay everybody's First videos are really really cringy you can go back and watch mine like they're all there like they're actually really cringy here are some really practical tips for looking better on camera I'm gonna go through this as fast as I can first thing is to smile right before you start the video so you have that glow in your face and you're not just starting the video like this and then you smile no smile first and then start talking because you already have the muscles the smile muscles like on for hair flyaways you can use hairspray and a toothbrush to put them down or you can use this thing my friend actually gifted this to me because I complained to her that my hair always looked at in

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