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How I Applied & Received A South Africa Visa As A Nigerian With A Baby In 2 Weeks

hey guys what's up and welcome back to another video I'm currently filming this life from South Africa y'all know your call is in South Africa South Africa baby holding this microphone is red if trust me I didn't come with my microphone stand so I have to hold this like this I'm still here to get a stand for it in fact I've not looked for a one yeah but anyways in this video I'm gonna be sharing with you how to apply for your own South African um Visa I've gotten a couple of questions from you guys asking me you I went through an agent or if I did your visiting myself and the first thing is I did everything myself I didn't pay any agent one thing could die die but I'm going to be sharing with you the tea later on in this video so stick around with me because you don't want to miss this all right so without wasting much of your time I'm going to be reading out the visa requirements for you but if you want to like apply for the Visa you would find this on their website right I'm going to be leaving the link to their website in the description box as well so you can always go through it at your own time and read everything it is very very important that you read if not grad schools right so let's start from the very first one it says application form you would find out on your website but the one I downloaded from their website by time I got to the um to VFS in lekki they told me that was not the form so I had to reprint another one and it was for about 700 naira you know photocopies and I needed to because I was going to come with my babies who I applied for mine separately and my baby separately so it was two Visas entirely it was not that I have my own visa and then my baby is joining me no he has his passport I have my own passport so he got his visa and I got my Visa so if you you can just find a room you can just download it directly from the website I think maybe I downloaded the wrong one I don't know it was actually my husband that downloaded it so I don't know what went wrong then you know the thing about these passport issue is that it is the typical size of passports but they want your your face to be Fuller like they want to see more of your face and not how they would typically tend to pick take passports so your face has to be like they don't even want to see more of your shooter just like here and here if you get what I'm saying so that is it if you if you're unable to get it from your house when you get to the VFS office you're going to pay 1 500 naira for I think four copies or eight copies I can't remember yeah so you also need a valid passport then to the main Goku you need a self introduction letter with physical address and phone number so I stay in ibadan but I use my parents address in Lagos because I'm I kind of like Shuffle between Lagos and ibadan do you get so I used my mom's address because in fact I stayed there a lot more often than ibadan kind of so you want to make sure you use a physical address an address that you even if you're not currently staying there it has to be an address that you have access to like your parents place or your don't use your reality just use an address that you have access to that's it for the address um so you just have to introduce yourself my name is adishola I'm going to SC for blah blah blah blah blah blah blah like that then this sixth one introduction work slash recommendation letter from an employer where applicable signed blah blah blah blah blah for me I'm a self-employed I'm a content creator even though I have like a business I didn't use my business address because it's not up to date and it's not I can't say it's 100 active right so I just didn't feel any for that then verifiable hotel reservation booking which must be done directly with hotels and not through third parties stuff so for this because I'm coming to my husband's place I used his address directly I didn't do any hotel booking so it gave me um you know when they get an apartment here they have like I don't know what they call it but they have this thing that shows this is I don't know I don't know what they call cause it I think I think anyway Shasha gave me something that that shows that okay this is where it stays and it pays light bills it pays the water bills and everything so he gave me that and if you want to do your own since they said they don't want you to go through third parties you have to do it directly with the hotel so the hotels can send you confirmation right then it's copy of international traveling certificate that's your yellow fever like if you want to travel to anywhere I don't know I've not traveled much but I think you always need your yellow fever card because when I was traveling to cotonou in 2021 I needed that yellow silver card three months recent bank statements or financial supports letter anyway sure they just need to know that you have money in your account but because I was coming to see my husband again I didn't need to do a lot of proof of phones I think I just left about I take less than a millionaire in my account maybe it's 600 or 700 000 era in my account meanwhile when I was pregnant I applied for this Visa three or four times I applied three times in Lagos and I applied once in Abuja if you guys remember that trip I had posted it on YouTube when I went to Abuja I was to apply so the thing that happened was that the first time I applied which was 2021 I think about September October when I applied that was my first time even though I had money with me I didn't keep it in my account the minute I printed my statement of accounts I just withdrew my money and kept it in another account so they declined my Visa and the reason was insufficient fund the second time money was in my account but I don't know what happened they declined again and they said my yellow card could not be verified or something I can't even remember what happened the third time but the fourth time they didn't even get back to me but that first time I was even pregnant already so they didn't get back to me they didn't see anything and I just had to request to my passport back but apparently we heard that they were not issuing um visas to people not just Nigerians because I remember a lot of people also applied for Visa that time and they didn't get back to them so I guess it was just the thing of agent it was just a general thing and they were not issuing visa to anybody to for the first fourth time that was why in fact I didn't get a response from them or anything I just looked up so fast forward to this year I just decided to try my luck okay I went to do something in lingos I was like okay let's just try my love try our luck and then I applied just like I would normally apply just like I've always applied nothing different I didn't pay anybody I didn't see anybody I didn't do anything different and trust me when I tell you that um they asked me to and okay when I before when you apply for the Visa they'l

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