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Full Instagram Reels Tutorial | Everything You Need To Know To Make And Use Instagram Reels!

it's about to get real Instagram reals stupid okay let's talk about Instagram reals What are reals how do you make a reel how do you add sound to a real music add text voiceover how can you use reals to grow your Instagram I am answering all of those questions in this video right now and I'll even do you the common courtesy of leaving timestamps in the comments below so you could quickly jump to whatever you are looking for in this video yeah that's right I'm awesome what's up everyone it's Modern Millie welcome back to my channel where I post videos every Wednesday teaching you the latest strategies and Trends on social media to help you grow your brand what was that what was that so make sure you give a little love tap on that subscribe button if you're ready to make a change in your business today you already know why you're here so let's get into it Instagram reals on August 5th Instagram officially released their reals feature to their platform now this feature was tested in other parts of the world before they've fully rolled it out but now it has graced us all with its presence what are reals reals are are a new way to create and discover short entertaining videos on Instagram basically Tik toks but on Instagram when it comes to creators you can now record and edit 15-second videos with audio effects text and other creative tools or as a user you can lay in the comfort of your very own cozy bed and accidentally spend 2 hours mindlessly scrolling and watching these videos as you all know during quarantine Tik Tok blew up when this happened a lot of Instagram users were spending less time on the insta and more time on the Tik Tok and uh Instagram wasn't having it so they created similar capabilities within their app to hopefully retain and win back Their audience here's the thing we've seen Instagram do this before I don't mean the same feature but I'm talking similar strategy not too long ago it wasn't too long ago when a lot of Instagram users started going to Snapchat more to use their filters Instagram was like I don't think so boom they up leveled their filter game and now everybody came back to the Instagram platform for those filters why should you be posting reals anytime Instagram brings out a new feature they push it hard just go to your explore page right now the first thing that you see is probably a real go search through some hashtags go on go on and I'm sure one of the first things you'll see there reals basically Instagram is counting on this feature to succeed they want their audience back so they're going to push it in our faces until it does succeed so by hopping on this trend right now at the very beginning and keeping up with it inag is going to recognize your efforts and push your content on reals faster than it would pushing your everyday posts even Instagram said so themselves Reals in their explore page offers anyone the chance to become a Creator on Instagram and reach new audiences on a global stage so by posting reals you have a higher chance of your content being seen and getting in front of eyes that you probably wouldn't be able to get in front of had you just done a everyday post now if you're not 100% on posting to reals yet and you're still just trying to figure F out the Instagram strategy do not fret my dear Darlings make sure you go check out my video how to actually grow on Instagram in 2020 or I teach you the actual strategies for growing your Instagram without the reals feature okay moving on what should you post on reals something you need to understand about reals is that Instagram has a different audience demographic than Tik Tok so some videos that popped off on Tik Tok might not be as successful as they would on reals an example of this is do you remember that Tik Tok Trend dancers were doing where they would get their leg up to the Daft Punk song like work it make it do it makes sense and they get their leg all the way up those were going crazy on Tik Tok I saw a girl post her version of that on reals and that video didn't do too well and what I mean when I say didn't do too well I meant a lot of people were hating on it so from what I've observed so far reals that provide value entertainment or inspiration seem to be more successful than Trends skits or lipsyncing sounds that float around on Tik Tok whether that means the videos you creating are five ways to wear a jean jacket or a beautiful view from The Mountaintop uh how to edit your Instagram photos and so on no matter what you're creating on reals always keep this in mind Instagram has always been about aesthetic so when you are making those reals make sure you're thinking Pinterest worthy visual meets Tik Tock quick content does that make sense now this feature hasn't been live for very long so only time will tell what truly works and what doesn't before we jump into Instagram I want to know what your predictions are when it comes to Instagram reals do you think this is just going to be a temporary hype kind of like igtv or do you think reals is going to replace Tik Tok what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on this new feature I want to know let me know in the comments below okay let's open up Instagram take a look at reals I'll show you the basics of it we'll even edit two videos together when you open up your Instagram feed you will not see reals right away unless somebody posted a reel that you're following and then it shows up in your feet but usually you will not see a reel right away to see some reals right now go to search and the top thing will likely be a reel when you open up that reel you can scroll and it'll give you different reel suggestions these real videos that you are seeing are likely based off of people you're currently following so the algorithm is probably going to be pulling up reals based off of the people that you follow and the content you're currently engaging with if you want to create a reel all you would have to do is go in the top right corner and press the camera button or when you go to Hello or when you go to create a story you can swipe over to the real side and you could create a real directly from your stories another place that reals are showing up are searching through hashtags so if I search up outfit of the day one of the biggest things that they are pushing out on the left side is a reel with the hasht outfit of the day as I continue to scroll I will see more videos with that hashtag when engaging with reals functionalities are very similar to Tik Tok you can like comment and even share when you go to the three dots you can save copy a link and share again now let's get into actually the creation of reals here's my reflector I have reals opened up right now and you can see on the left hand side I have music speed filter and timer so if you wanted to add music to your reel you could you wanted to adjust the speed slow-mo quick record with your favorite filter and even a timer something to keep in mind is

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