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Etsy Seo 2024 Simplified 🎯 | Etsy 2023 Seo | Etsy Seo Tutorial | How To Sell On Etsy 2024

today i'm answering that million dollar question how do i get discovered on etsy that's right we're talking all things scseo seo or search engine optimization is how the etsy algorithm knows and chooses which listings to actually show to shoppers you need to know how etsy seo works to position your listings for visibility and discoverability so friend we're about to make that algorithm work for you coming up [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back friends so glad you're here as always if you're new here i'm kate i'm a wife a mama to three awesome kiddos an etsy seller and a business coach and i have this channel to help you start and scale your etsy business to the point of success so that you can spend more time on what's important i've been on etsy for seven years and made it to the top one percent of sellers and i know from experience what a blessing it's been to be able to stay home with my kids working and helping provide for my family so that's what i want to help you do i want to give you all the tips and strategies that i've learned along the way to help you get there faster so today my goal is to simplify and explain etsy seo for you so that you can understand it understand the terms that go along with it and know what you can do and what strategies you can put in place to boost your listings so without further ado let's jump in so the etsy algorithm works in two phases first is query matching and second is ranking now how well your listings perform in both of these phases all boils down to two things keywords and conversion rate so today we're going to be focusing mainly on keywords because that's the very first thing you need to really hone in on to get your listings found so the first phrase query matching is when a shopper actually goes on and types in the search bar certain phrase or keywords they're looking for and then etsy's algorithm will scan through all of the available listings to see if there's any that are a match for that query then the second phase comes in which is ranking so out of all of those listings that came up as a match as eligible to be shown etsy then ranks them and determines what order they should be shown to that shopper based on relevance so let's say a potential buyer goes on and types in the phrase engraved wooden spoon the two phases would look like this etsy would scan all the listings that are available in all of the shops to look for titles and tags and keywords that match that same phrase engraved wooden spoon then any listing that actually has that keyword phrase somewhere in it will be eligible to be shown to that shopper in the search results but there may be thousands of listings that actually have that keyword phrase and are eligible so then etsy has to rank them and decide which of these are the most relevant for this shopper and which of these listings has the most potential to convert into a sale those are the listings that etsy will rank higher and show first to the buyer so before we go any further i want to define some of these terms for you so you know exactly what we're talking about when you hear certain words so the first one is keywords keywords are words or phrases that you choose to represent your product these will be found in your title your tags your categories and your attributes now you may hear people refer to them as long tail keywords or short tail keywords short tail keywords are just one individual word that's more broad so it could be mug or it could be painting long tail keywords are a couple of words that make up a phrase and are more specific like mug for mother's day or printable painting the next term you need to understand is title your title is the copy that the buyer sees before they ever click on your photo and your title needs to be simple easy to understand and highlight the most important features about your product next is the term tags your tags are keyword phrases that are decided by you and entered by you when you create a listing that describe your product you have 13 available tags and i highly recommend you use them all this is different from your title but they work together and we'll get more into that in just a bit all right next let's define the term categories so when you create a listing you'll choose from a drop down menu what category and subcategories apply to your product the category and subcategories act as additional tags beyond your just 13 tags that you already entered that etsy uses to query match so the category could be something like jewelry or home decor and then the sub category would be something like leather jewelry or wreaths that fit into that larger broader category now your attributes are different from your category but they're also available when you're setting up your listing to input extra details like color or material like the categories these also act as additional tags which can help you appear in a wider array of search results so your title your tags your categories and your attributes are the four areas that etsy takes into consideration when looking for keyword phrases titles and tags are manual which means they could be decided creatively by you and you actually enter them yourself whereas categories and attributes you choose from a pre-selected drop-down menu now it's up to you if you want to actually fill these in thoroughly or skip them when you're creating your listing but i recommend that you fill them in if at all possible if it's relevant so that you have more opportunities to be seen categories are especially important because some buyers actually shop by navigating categories and using filters as opposed to just typing in the etsy search bar so you want to make sure that you have the opportunity to show up in those search results if a buyer goes and navigates to home decor or jewelry or spa products or whatever the category may be now quick note about attributes is that you don't need to repeat the same exact keyword phrases or words in your tags if they're already selected in your attributes for instance if you already chose green in your attributes you wouldn't want to put green as one of your tags since the tags are manual this is a great opportunity for you to get a little more specific so you might put something like forest green to really narrow it down that way you'll be shown in query matching and ranking for both the terms green and forest green now i would recommend to never just use a color itself as its own tag because that's going to be way too broad even if you just use forest green as a tag you need to include something about the product with it so if it was a scarf you might put forest green scarf instead of just force green okay so now i'm going to give you five tips of things i would recommend you do when determining your keyword phrases the first tip is to be creative and think like your shopper the first thing you need to think about is what would my target customer type in what are they actually searching

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