Etsy Digital Downloads: How to Make Money in Your First Month

hey guys in the past 30 days I tried making a thousand dollars on Etsy selling digital downloads and that's because I've been seeing quite a lot of videos from different people on YouTube saying they are making ten thousand dollars fifteen thousand dollars and so I had to try it for myself and in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you my results I'm going to also explain to you the entire process that I undertook to set up my store so if you're interested in that ensure to stick with me until the end of this video as we'll be going through this process together before we have a look at more details let's first go over what Etsy is and what you can expect within the platform Etsy is simply a marketplace where you can buy or sell different handmade items or at least it's a platform that was created for that however in these days a lot of people do sell manufactured items as well as digital products millions of people shop on the Etsy platform every single month and that's why it's a big deal and that's why you should care when you're looking for a side Hustle that will make you real money I want to take you guys through the process of setting or starting your Etsy store it is how I started my Etsy store in the last 30 days think about ideas of digital products that you want to sell in your Etsy store and don't worry you don't have to think all about it on your own all thanks to artificial intelligence I'm going to show you a simple process that's going to help you come up with a different digital download ideas that you can solve you probably have heard about child DPT but in case you haven't heard about it is an artificial intelligent tool that helps people with different ideas and information in general so you simply type in a question which is called a prompt and it gives you answers what you need to do is to come to on your activity you just need to type your prompt in my case I said 20 digital download ideas that I can create and sell this tool is going to suggest to you ideas of digital downloads that you you can sell so as you can see it's busy typing out so fast the different ideas that I can choose from and start selling in my Etsy stores another way to get ideas is to actually go into the platform itself and search Digital downloads you'll be able to see the different digital downloads that are already there in the platform what people are selling what's selling and what's not you'll see that the results here are 5 million or over 5 Million results and what this says to you as a new store is this is over saturated for you to actually beat five million stars will take a lot of knowledge a lot of learning and so on so I would suggest that you find a niche within a niche be more specific about which digital download is going to be what purpose is going to serve so if I was to type here digital downloads print I'm actually expanding my search you will see that the search results has reduced to just over 2 million and so on once you've found your product you obviously need a store name you can simply come back to charge DBT and ask it to suggest 10 digital downloads store names and just like that it's going to come up with different suggestions if you find something that you like you can choose from it just make sure to check and refer online to find out if there aren't any store with the same name or brand the next step is very important and that is the entire setup of your store you'll need to do a lot of research in finding out the right SEO keywords to use for your store you also need to do one important thing and that is branding your store making sure that you have a professional look a competitive look within the platform to get started in branding your store come to canva on the slash tab here search Etsy benna there are so many templates that you can use to customize and brand your store with you simply select the one that you like and select customize this template and this will allow you to be able to change the colors around to change the phones the images and all of that this is how you can get started in branding your store make sure that you research other stores in similar niches or in your Niche to see how they're branding their stores especially the ones that are selling highly because that could be a contributor before anyone sees what you're selling or more product from your store they will look at the banner they will look at the overall image of your store so that's why it's important that in the beginning you build a strong brand right now I want us to talk about how to create your digital products I have chosen to sell Samsung frame TV ad a lot of people are buying these kinds of TVs and they want screen savers that are going to look like at once they are mounted on the walls it is an accessory in the house and I think it's still a young Market however it's also important to not only go on the market because it's young but also combine it with the fact that there is demand for that product so the first way to create your designs in this case would be using resources that are already available there are pictures and images that are free for you to use even for commercial reasons there are websites where you can find images in the public domain so the website that I'm going to show you guys where you can find resources or images and paintings that you can use is called raw pixel it is this one that I'm looking at here you'll find it on you want to select the public domain because this is where you can find a lot of awesome paintings a lot of awesome art that you can use in your Etsy store for your digital downloads you'll see as I scroll down that there's quite a lot of artists that are featured over here so if you like a style of art you can simply select that artist and you will see all the different kinds of Arts that they have you can download this and upload in your online store but the process is very much involved so I'm going to show you guys an example of how I would do it I like this pattern over here and I want to sell it on my digital product I would go in and see all the other patterns that these artists have selected and downloaded for free as you can see here I'll go to canva and because already I know the dimensions for my digital download which is something very important for you to research before you design a digital download so that you know how to export them another good way of coming up with designs for your Etsy store is using artificial intelligence in this case we're going to have a look at Mid Jenny which is a text to image tool in order for you to get access to me Jenny you have to sign up in their platform download Discord because you can access their creation bot in their Discord platform you'll need to come to this Edge box or two here press the slash button on your keyboard look for a prompt that's called imagine type your imagination whatever you're imagining you tell this A

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