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Earn Up To Us$60 An Hour Testing Websites & Apps Worldwide: No Experience No Qualification Needed

[Music] have you ever wondered how your favorite websites and apps become so userfriendly or maybe you have thought while using a website or an app hey I have some feedback that I could give this company to make their app or website better well you know what if that were the case you are in the right place that rhymes I'm getting better at this anyway welcome back to the Rockstar Academy and if you are new here make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button today we're about to dive into a method that you can use to make money where you are giving your input to some of the biggest websites and apps out there and in giving your input you have the potential to make as much as $60 per hour for testing these websites and apps and merely sharing your thoughts and you know what the best part is you don't need any previous experience and it's available across the [Music] globe rock stars it's great to have you back thank you so much for the loyalty and to our patreon subscribers our club members and our YouTube members Big up on herself class is now in session now I would expect you to be wondering what exactly you will be doing testing these websites and apps so let me give you some perspective and an idea of what this role will entail let's start with website testing as a website tester you'll navigate through a website while verbalizing your thoughts and answering questions with relations to the website design the website's functionality and your actual user experience while using this website this could involve exploring the site's features and functionality making purchases with dummy accounts so you can test that aspect of the website or the app and also exploring and commenting on the website navigation and the design now as it pertains to app testing you may explore mobile app applications and in doing so you're going to focus on user interface and experience functionality of various features for that particular app bugs or glitches that you encounter during use and in this capacity you're going to report on them another way that you may be testing website and apps is to do what is referred to as prototype testing and this is where you're going to engage with early versions of websites or apps and in doing so you're going to help designers to identify issues before the app or the website is fully launched but it doesn't stop their rockstars because you can also be providing video feedback to make this $60 per hour and this is where you're going to watch video content and provide feedback about the general impressions of the content the effectiveness of the messaging and also feedback on the VIS ual and audio component of the website and app you can also earn the $60 per hour testing websites and apps with live conversations and you will engage in realtime conversations with clients and you will provide direct verbal feedback in this capacity you can discuss your impressions and the experiences that you have while testing you can answer questions regarding usability and design and and of course you can engage in dialogue about potential improvements for this website in those live conversations making your $60 per month there's also what's referred to as competitor comparisons and this is where you'll be asked to compare two or more websites or two or more apps or applications and you're going to help them to determine between the two the ease of use Aesthetics and Design and functionality and intuitiveness sometimes you'll be expected to test specific tasks and other times you'll be expected to perform what's referred to as longitudinal studies and it's the first time I'm hearing that word so let me help you to understand what I have learned in some cases you might engage in ongoing testing over weeks or months they couldn't just say ongoing testing longitudinal anyway that's what it really means and you'll be expected to provide repeated consistent feedback over time and also insights into user experience over a longer period of time you can also be expected to earn your $60 with content and add feedback where you view and provide thoughts on Advertising materials for these websites and apps written content on the websites or apps and marketing messages and the effectiveness of these marketing messages based on the website and app that you are testing what I was trying to get at is that you will never be bored using this platform I'm about to tell you about to test website and apps because there's so many ways and so many different things that you can do to potentially earn but in that same breath none of what I just explained is rocket science which is why there's not any specific qualification that's needed and absolutely no experience is required for you to earn up to $60 us per hour now that you have an idea of what you'll be required to do when you're testing these websites and apps let me introduce you to drum roll user testing and right now you are saying but adeta I've heard you mention that before but you know what you have never heard me explain exactly how to capitalize on it and I'm doing this specifically with a dedicated video not because I stand to benefit but because I coaching several persons who have done this successfully if you are a patreon subscriber in our last live session I actually had members of the club or subscribers of patreon come forward well in one case specifically we had a member who talked about how she's using user testing to make good money and several others have since validated that this is the case for them so I thought it required me to do a dedicated video because there's so many success stories and as such you'll be able to capitalize on this lucrative opportunity to make up to $60 per hour so that said stick around because we're about to reveal all the secrets of how you can get started maximize your earnings and make the most using user testing now if you wanted a definition of what user testing is let me just give you one for formality sake it's a platform utilized by companies across various Industries to gain insights into into their user experiences interfaces products and more and as you heard earlier all the different ways that these companies leverage user testing to optimize their websites their apps and other digital products to ensure that they're providing the best possible user experience now to talk about notable companies listen user testing has some of the best and most popular and most successful clients out there Facebook as an example and user testing helps Facebook to gather feedback on various features and understand user experiences on the platform Google they employ user testing to enhance the user experience and interface for various Google products Microsoft they utilize the platform for insight into user interactions with their software and Hardware products and the list goes on dropb box Evernote dominoes Airbnb and Airbnb uses them for feedback regarding their website and app usability as

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