Make Money Online

Best Online Business For Beginners (2024)

what if there is a business where you don't need clients you don't need to sell products you don't need to do awkward phone calls and you don't need to waste your life savings to make anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 a month from anywhere in the world well in this video I will share with you what took me 7 years to realize and when I finally got it right I started making first $2,000 then $122,000 and now $70,000 a month everything I will share with you in this tutorial is coming from my personal experience because honestly as a young guy I fell for many traps that were out there I wasted over $660,000 in crypto I wasted months setting up drop shipping stores and I got scammed for thousands of dollars with Forex I tried it all and none of it worked quite as well as what I'm about to share with you in this step-by-step tutorial but to understand why this business actually works so well we will be looking at how most people approach starting their own online business and why 99% of them always fail and never end up making any money and when they fail they don't just waste time but they usually also waste massive sums of money time and energy and they also just end up being embarrassed so if you want to avoid that make sure to not do the following most people due to their lack of experience start with the mainstream business ideas that they hear like smma Drop Shipping Amazon FBA or Airbnb but they never take the time to actually look at these businesses for what they really are it's always too late before people realize that these businesses are either too expensive to start or extremely hard and take a lot of time and I'm not trying to say that these businesses are bad don't get me wrong some people are making millions of dollars doing these businesses but they are extremely hard and require a lot of money a lot of experience a lot of time but on the flip side there are businesses that will allow you to get to six or even seven figures in a much shorter period of time and without wasting your life savings so making this mistake is like trying to play a video game but from the start instead of selecting the easy mode you select the hard mode you can still play the game but chances of winning will be much smaller and because of this mistake people end up wasting a ton of time and energy which then makes them absolutely exhausted which then most of the time leads them to losing all of their life savings that's why it's unbelievably important to first evaluate the business before you dive straight into it and there are only five metrics it will help you evaluate whether the business is good for you or not number one how much it cost to start number two how much earning potential you have number three demand number four profit margins and number five skillability and after trying almost all of the business models out there I only found one that suits all of this criteria it's fully remote so I can do it wherever I am so I can keep traveling the world nonstop $8,000 to $40,000 a month potential earnings reoccurring month after month even when I'm not actively working extremely low startup Capital so I didn't have to risk my life savings to get here very high profit margin no products to sell no clients no customers and unlimited scalability meaning there is no limit to how much I can make so what is the business and how does it actually work you see when we were all forced in lockdown in 2020 most of the people were spending their time scrolling on their phone and consuming content on social media mostly content in form of YouTube videos they would either watch entertainment educational stuff to learn a new skill while in lockdown or even just latest news to see what's going on in the outside world and the ones who are profiting like crazy during this time we content creators but there is one massive problem with this creating content in the age of Tik Tok and ever shortening attention spans is extremely hard influencers have to constantly keep people engaged Just Dance in front of the camera and do crazy things and spend a fortune to produce videos just look at Mr Beast and even then they usually get harassed in public since their face is forever engraved on the internet and once on the internet always on the internet and lastly by being the face of the show it all depends on you and you can't really scale since you are the star of the show so I was just thinking what if there is a way to take advantage of the crazy amount of money that's available in the Creator economy but just without having to show my face without having to record any videos and without having to get millions of views on my videos to actually build a profitable business well that's where High ticket YouTube automation comes in you see it's not a secret that YouTubers make a lot of money according to the article published by the New York Times YouTube p creators $36 million a day if you get just 0.01% of that you'd be making $110,000 a month and you might have seen creators like Mr Beast who make millions of dollars a month and do crazy things thanks to YouTube well what many people don't know is that even though Mr Beast got 30 billion views let's say his RPM was $3 and RPM stands for Revenue per Mill or how much YouTube pays per 1,000 views so with 30 billion views so far he made over 90 million and even though that's impressive he said in the latest podcast that he's literally being harassed everywhere he goes because the entire world knows who he is and on the flip side we have a faceless Channel like this where no one even knows who the Creator is but they got 160 billion views which is almost six times more than Mr Beast so this guy gets to live a private life stay Anonymous but still make over $400 million just for mod Revenue with that being said YouTube automation essentially means you're taking advantage of the crazy amount of money on YouTube without showing your face or recording any videos you either use free AI tools or you hire inexpensive Freelancers to create videos for you and if done correctly you can take the channel from zero subscribers to cash flowing within 6 to 8 months while being 90 to 95% passive and this is why I'm doubling down on making as many different channels myself while continuing to grow the existing ones now I mentioned High ticket YouTube automation so let me explain what that means and how it differs from traditional YouTube automation you see the traditional way of doing YouTube automation would be to spend a lot of money on creating faceless content and then help your videos get millions of views so you can make a profit but with high tiet YouTube automation you can get one high quality video per week which may cost you up to $40 but can potentially make thousands even if it only gets a few hundred views and that's why this is the perfect beginner friendly business as it requires no previous experience no inventory or shipping you don't need millions of views an

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