Make Money Online

Best Black Friday Deals For Entrepreneurs Wanting To Make Money In 2023

if you're looking to start an online business in the year of 2023 or you've got it on my business that you want to take to the next level with masterminds courses things like that this video is going to go over all the opportunities that I think are the best deals going on this Black Friday that can hopefully take you to one of those two places we're just gonna Dive Right In but just so you know some of the stuff in here is a great deal on pricing it's just really good prices some of this stuff is really cool bundles where people are combining different things together to make really awesome bundles at the same price that you could normally only get one product and some of the stuff is free and some of this stuff is just crazy deals but fairly expensive like thirty thousand dollars expensive but I think you'll understand exactly why when we get there so let's just Dive Right In and start with number one and number one is I think the best deal for people that are just looking to hit the ground running they want to start making money fast they want it to be able to scale fast they're willing to hustle they just want things to start fast okay and that's this deal right here you see on the screen from McCall Jones Lauren golden and Catherine Jones now I've personally met all three of these guys we've interviewed Catherine Jones and Mccalla Jones in my Facebook group we've done a lot with these guys because they're Powerhouse women they are so awesome and I want to explain this deal because they've combined to make just such a cool deal where they take all the things that they're good at and they've created something that can just take somebody from nothing to incredible so quickly using all three of these things so there's a couple different packages but essentially what these these three are known for is McCall is known for being able to help you take a person or a group of people and make them raving happy with you right so they want to buy your stuff so you kind of build that rapport with people and Catherine is super good at CF design school which is essentially where you learn to design sites and stuff like that she's also really good at getting clients and then Lauren golden is another one she's that she teaches tons of people to create a freelance business and get clients quickly so what they've done I'm going to show you the screenshot that really stuck out to me that was maybe like this so excited about what it is they've done you can see here really good page they're really taking this seriously with their combo which is crazy because Catherine just had a baby um you can see right here they're going to give you CF design school and the free mama that's from Lauren and Catherine and what these are is their skills so Lauren teaches you all these different skills that you would need to be a virtual assistant or really do anything as a freelancer to get clients and to um succeed in the freelancing world and then see if design school is very similar to teaches you how to design incredibly High converting funnels and websites which is a really hot commodity right now then she teaches you in there a little bit how to get clients as well um so you can see that's where they teach you the skills so you need skills um to be successful in in the internet today right that's where they teach you the skills next uh this one is from McCall and that's where she teaches you how to make these little videos and those little videos turn into clients okay so you make a couple like a 30 second video every day and it takes you like I guess just 20 minutes on there it takes you less than 20 minutes to do and it steadily gives you clients and the system works I know she's talking about in here I've talked about it on my channel a few times as well but that's what she teaches you to do so you start you take this skill set you start getting clients and then Catherine has a course she calls Scala that she sells and each of these courses I verified does sell for the price that it says right here so this one sells for thirteen hundred dollars this one sells for fifteen hundred dollars this one sells for a thousand dollars and this one sells for a thousand dollars but anyway the last course is closing Five figure deals meaning she's going to teach you how to take these clients that you're getting right in their 500 a thousand dollars a month or something like that and how to basically take them to the next level and take these clients to five ten thousand dollar package deals uh so that you don't have to be managing 10 15 20 clients to making the amount of money that you want to be making so you look at this and it just it just excites me right they're going to teach you to learn a bunch of different skills they're going to teach you how to take those skills go find people and charge them for your skills then they're going to teach you how to take those people that are paying for your skills and get them to the next level and make more off of each of those customers and these these ladies absolutely know what they're doing they've all three done exactly what they're doing they've got tons of results for them as well as for clients it's just an all-around good deal for someone that wants to get some money quickly right they they maybe see what 2023 might have coming economically they want things to start moving fast and I honestly think this is the best way to do it and that these three uh have a track record of getting people to do that number two is another one I'm super excited about if you've been paying attention to this channel we showed you about three weeks ago a video where I was trying out this new side hustle and I was able to take that side hustle in just a month or two up to fifty dollars a day in passive income and I was blown away it was super cool essentially all this hustle is doing with obviously some more parts to it than I'm putting on the screen right here is when we go to an Amazon page and look to buy something there's three videos right there and you can see right here these videos are uploaded by Regular People me you a bunch of other people like that that's who makes these videos right here and if someone watches those videos and you can see they're not even showing their face they're just showing the product or their hands but if someone watches those videos and decides to purchase the product you get paid so I've been able to do this I've seen dozens since I put out that video I've seen people start to slowly grow and succeed with this it's an incredibly easy side hustle and I would call this one the best for people looking to make a passive income okay people looking to build up something but they don't have a ton of time maybe kids a job things like that and so they want to build up a passive income they don't need 10 20 30 000 a month but they would like to quickly build up some kind of extra boosted passive income and that's what this is and this is actually a fr

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