Make Money Online

5 Ultimate Ai Side Hustles For Beginners In 2024 (Make Money Online)

in this video I'm going to show you five ultimate AI side hustles for beginners these are different platforms where you can find jobs that you can do working from the comfort of your home helping to grow AI if this is something that would interest you do stick with me until the end of this video as I'll be taking you through these different platforms and let you in on more details if you new here welcome to the channel thank you so much for joining us my name is Queen magani I share information on how to make money online and that's what you can expect to learn more of in this channel without wasting any more time let's get on with the video all right guys so the first platform that we're going to take a look at is called one former it's available worldwide and anyone can sign up to take part in different AI side hustles in their platform you work from anywhere with one former an online platform that connects you with part-time full-time remote jobs that help business unlock the potential of AI to find work opportunities on one former you first need to join the platform you can join by selecting the join button on their homepage you'll then fill in your profile information such as your name your last name username your country of residence and just by selecting country of residence over here you'll see that they are available in pretty much all countries of the world you then browse for different jobs on a daily basis just to show you guys example jobs that you can do on one fmer I'm on the jobs tab over here and as I scroll down you will see here they have translation correction type of job data collection jobs and as I scroll down you'll get to see more and more available jobs another thing you'll notice is they put a strip on the left side here to show you whether it is a freelance or remote type of job and for some of these jobs they show you how much you potentially earn for completing the job successfully so you'll see here they have jobs such as annotation internet judging data collection as well annotation they have translation and of course they have remote as well as onsite types of jobs a lot of their jobs are ongoing and for some jobs that directly match your profile they will send the information to your email you can simply click a link to go into the one former platform to start participating but this is an awesome platform where you can find beginner friendly side hustles that will help train AI the next platform is called a and it's one of the biggest platforms where you can find different AI training jobs you'll see here they say you ear and learn remotely with the world's largest AI Community appen also has an app that you can download to work on your phone on the go whenever you choose some of the tasks that you can expect to do here are tasks such as evaluations of online adverts recording conversations recording action videos to name just a few but this is an awesome platform with diverse a I training side hustles that anyone can apply to worldwide signing up to happen is easy on the homepage of their website you'll select join our crowd you'll then scroll down to where you can see apply to a project directly select check our openings here you can register with them by creating an account you will Lear on this form where you will fill in your profile information such as your email address create a password your first name your middle and last name as well as has agreed to the attemps of service and privacy policy after this process they will send you an account confirmation to the email that you've used to sign up over here confirm your account and you can start working immediately the next platform that we're going to take a look at is an awesome one that also pays people worldwide what's interesting about the platform is they also offer you training so that you get to understand the platform and how to do different task within the platform it's called remot task and as you you see they say you and while doing online tasks they have a big community of over 200,000 plus taskers and currently they are accepting people to sign up into the platform when doing research about this platform I discovered that there are people who are earning even up to $6,000 per month by doing different task in the platform next one on the list is my absolute favorite and if you are a part of this family you probably already know about this platform because I have mentioned it several times there currently looking for people to do different kinds of AI training jobs and you can sign up from any part of the world the name of a platform is cck worker and as you can see here they say you make money from anywhere anytime people are happier if they are more financially independent and I couldn't agree more you can sign up to click worker by selecting the N money as a click worker tab on the home page of their website you'll then land on this page over here where you have to select the sign up up button you start the sign up process by filling in your profile information such as your title your last name your first name username email create a password and select continue to go to the next step all right guys so I'm currently logged into my le worker account just to show you guys some of the available jobs that you can do to help train AI you'll see here they have an app testing job where you can ask your parents who are 70 years plus to help train an Authentication application and for that they will pay $250 after validation for this job they have 945 jobs available and in most cases with this platform you can do a job more than once they have another job for video creation where they request you upload three short videos to help train an authentication application and this is a desktop based type of job where you'll earn $1.50 after customer validation and they have4 78 jobs to see app jobs or jobs that you can do on the click worker application scroll down to where you can see app jobs select the drop- down aror and you'll see different kinds of jobs that you can do on your phone so here they have photo capturing type of jobs video creation app testing video creation and for all these jobs they show you how much and the number of available jobs that you can do on your phone but that's not all guys they have partner such as the uhrs platform where they have different kinds of jobs on demand they have service as well with Partners such as CPX research as well as tab research you can check those as well next platform on this list is called tellas International this is another exciting platform where you can help train AI but it's even more exciting because you can score yourself full-time jobs in the platform as you'll see they say you join our remote AI community of a million million plus members worldwide to get started in finding AI jobs on the tellers International platform you go to the AI Community page over here you will then land on this page over here where you'll s

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